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Approved Bovine HPAI Sampler

Oregon approved bovine HPAI samplers are dairy owners or employees that have been approved by the Oregon Department of Agriculture to collect samples for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) testing at a National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) laboratory. Samplers must be individually approved to collect samples at the specific location where the animals are located.

Sampling/Approval Process

  1. Review training video - Ver video en Español
    The training video provides instructions on proper sample collection, packaging, and submission to test individual lactating dairy cattle for HPAI prior to interstate movement or exhibition.

  2. Complete approved sampler application  - English, Español
    Each person collecting and submitting samples must complete an application for each premises where samples will be collected.
  3. Submit application to the ODA Animal Health Program -
  4. Request sampling supplies from ODA  - English, Español
    The Oregon Department of Agriculture will provide sampling supplies, including a shipping container, prepaid laboratory submission form, and prepaid shipping to submit samples for HPAI testing.
  5. Collect samples and submit to Oregon Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory - English, Español
    Ensuring that samples are collected and submitted properly will ensure that results are received in a timely manner.


ODA Resources

  • Bovine HPAI Sampler Training Video - English, Español
    This video shows the methods of milk sampling, handling, and shipping for testing for Bovine HPAI
  • Bovine HPAI Sample Kit Request - English, Español
    Form to order sample collection kits for certified bovine HPAI samplers.
  • Dairy Cattle Testing Instructions - English, Español
    Instructions for collecting samples from dairy cattle for HPAI testing prior to exhibition
  • Oregon Bovine HPAI Milk Sampler Application - English, Español
    Complete this application to become approved to collect bovine milk samples for HPAI testing in Oregon. Approval is specific to an individual person and premises. If animals will be sampled on multiple premises, an application must be completed for each premises.