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Oregon Department of Agriculture Search Site

Oregon Meat Initiative

The Oregon Meat Initiative is focused on creating opportunities for producers and processors to grow and meet local demand for meat sales and donations. This initiative brings options throughout the supply chain from the regulatory changes to resources to expand capacity for meat processing and infrastructure in Oregon.

State Meat Inspection Program in Oregon

The Oregon State Meat Inspection Program ended in 1971 due to budget constraints. However, in 2020 the Oregon Legislature authorized the Oregon Department of Agriculture to adopt rules to establish an Oregon State Meat Inspection Program.

Effective July 2022, the Oregon Department of Agriculture entered into a cooperative agreement with the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service for a State Meat Inspection Program. The state inspection program may inspect meat processed and meat products produced for shipment within the state. Visit our Meat Inspection Program webpage for more information.

Growing the market demand for local meat products

The ODA Agricultural Development and Marketing Program works to support producers and processors understand the market demand for meat products in retail channels including direct to consumer marketing channels. It also supports local, domestic, and international promotions and works to help support and expand meat processing capacity in Oregon.

Additionally, staff identify resources to assist meat producers and processors in Oregon. These small businesses face many constraints that several state and local programs are working to address. Resources for grants, loans and informational materials will be valuable for current meat processing companies or those interested in getting started.

Meat industry partners group

The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) facilitates a meat industry partner group to share updates and gather feedback. The group includes livestock producers, USDA inspected meat processors, custom processors, food bank staff, retail buyers, associations, university representatives and federal, state, county government officials.

The group meets to provide updates on the State Meat Inspection Program as well as discuss the broader State Meat Initiative.

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