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About Us
Mission Statement“The mission of the Oregon Board of Medical Imaging is to promote, preserve and protect the public health, safety and welfare of Oregonians who are undergoing medical imaging studies performed by agency license and permit holders for the purpose of medical diagnosis and therapy."Disclaimer - Site Liability Statement
Consumer Complaints
The BEST way to submit a complaint is through our PORTAL.
If you prefer, EMAIL or MAIL to our office the fillable version below:
Consumer Complaint Form
Continuing Education Classes
Board Approved CE Activities
2024 Approved Courses
Continuing Education Sponsors
Attention: All CE Sponsor's
Our CE Committee requires all of the following documents when you ask for CE approval: 1.) Submit One (1) "Continuing Education Approval Form" for "Each" separate C.E. Request you are offering. Only Electronic Files will be accepted. 2.) Submit a "Curriculum Vitae" For "Each" speaker. 3.) Submit a Copy of the "Printed CE Program" being offer. 4.) Submit a Sample Copy of the "Certificate of Attendance" that you will be issuing. Also.....Within 30-days after a CE Offering is given you "must" submit a copy of your "Course Attendance" along with a "Course Evaluation Summary". *Failure to submit these documents could be reason for the C.E. Committee to not approval future C.E. Offerings for your business or facility.
Our CE Committee requires all of the following documents when you ask for CE approval:
1.) Submit One (1) "Continuing Education Approval Form" for "Each" separate C.E. Request you are offering. Only Electronic Files will be accepted. 2.) Submit a "Curriculum Vitae" For "Each" speaker. 3.) Submit a Copy of the "Printed CE Program" being offer. 4.) Submit a Sample Copy of the "Certificate of Attendance" that you will be issuing. Also.....Within 30-days after a CE Offering is given you "must" submit a copy of your "Course Attendance" along with a "Course Evaluation Summary". *Failure to submit these documents could be reason for the C.E. Committee to not approval future C.E. Offerings for your business or facility.
Sponsor - Forms Continuing Education Approval Request Form Sponsors please take note....The C.E. Request Form was revised on June 17th, 2015.Previous versions of this form are obsolete and will no longer be accepted. CE Sponsor Approval Form Instructions***PLEASE NOTE: CE SPONSOR APPROVAL FORM INSTRUCTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE***If you need assistance creating a "Certificate of Attendance" please refer to the ASRT website links listed below for sample templates. (ASRT also offers instructions on how they want CE submitted to them.) ASRT - Sample Certificate For Attendance to a Conference ASRT - Sample Certificate For Attendance to a Single Activity ASRT - Sample Attendance Roster
Sponsor - Forms
Continuing Education Approval Request Form Sponsors please take note....The C.E. Request Form was revised on June 17th, 2015.Previous versions of this form are obsolete and will no longer be accepted. CE Sponsor Approval Form Instructions***PLEASE NOTE: CE SPONSOR APPROVAL FORM INSTRUCTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE***If you need assistance creating a "Certificate of Attendance" please refer to the ASRT website links listed below for sample templates. (ASRT also offers instructions on how they want CE submitted to them.) ASRT - Sample Certificate For Attendance to a Conference ASRT - Sample Certificate For Attendance to a Single Activity ASRT - Sample Attendance Roster
Continuing Education Approval Request Form Sponsors please take note....The C.E. Request Form was revised on June 17th, 2015.Previous versions of this form are obsolete and will no longer be accepted. CE Sponsor Approval Form Instructions***PLEASE NOTE: CE SPONSOR APPROVAL FORM INSTRUCTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE***If you need assistance creating a "Certificate of Attendance" please refer to the ASRT website links listed below for sample templates. (ASRT also offers instructions on how they want CE submitted to them.) ASRT - Sample Certificate For Attendance to a Conference
ASRT - Sample Certificate For Attendance to a Single Activity ASRT - Sample Attendance Roster
Fieldprint Fingerprint Instructions
CLICK HERE if you looking for Fieldprint instructions so you can set-up an appointment to have your fingerprints scanned. (These are only the instructions - Follow them closely.) Line No. 4 has the "Employer Code" you will need to print for the Oregon Board of Medical Imaging.
Medical Imaging Links
Board Recognized Medical Imaging Registries
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Registries
National Practitioners Data Bank Information
What The Oregon Board of Medical Imaging is Required By The Federal Government To Report To The National Practitioners Data Bank.
Radiation Protection Services
Schools In Oregon
Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy
Limited Permit Schools – Oregon
Pacific Healthcare Training 512 Manzanita Street Central Point, OR 97502 Program Representative: Brent Kell(R)(ARRT) Email:
AFC Urgent Care LXMO Program (Employee ONLY)
8060 SW Pfaffle St., Ste 106
Tigard, OR 97223
Program Director: Brent Kell (R)(ARRT)
Phone: 503-744-0399
Email: Brent Kell
BestMed (Nova Health) LXMO Program (Employee ONLY)
445 Harlow Rd. Ste 100
Springfield, OR 97477
Program Director: Vincent Williams (R)(ARRT)
Phone: 541-505-1983
Bone Densitometry Schools – Oregon
Pacific Healthcare Training 512 Manzanita Street Central Point, OR 97502 Program Representative: Brent Kell (R)(ARRT) Email:
Oregon Health Science University
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, OR 97230
Program Representative: Kerri Winters-Stone PhD, FACSM
Phone: 503-494-0813
Radiography Programs – Oregon
Oregon Institute of Technology Program Representative: LeAnn Maupin Phone: 541-885-1913 Email:
Portland Community College Program Representative: Patricia Winters Phone: 971-722-4907 Email:
Linn-Benton Community College Program Representative: Jennifer Clayton Phone: 541-917-4402 Email:
Radiation Therapy Program – Oregon
Oregon Health Sciences University - Portland Program Representative: Kristi Tonning Phone: 503-494-6708 Email:
Fluoroscopy Test Preparatory Course
American Academy of Physician's Assistants – AAPA CMETech
Click Here For A PDF Copy Of Schools In Oregon.
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