Housing Production Advisory Council

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The housing crisis is one of the largest emergencies we have ever faced in Oregon, and the human suffering it causes to individuals, families, and communities is unacceptable. We must act now to provide immediate relief to unsheltered Oregonians and prevent thousands of families from becoming homeless. One fundamental aspect to fixing this crisis is building more housing.

On her first full day in office, Governor Tina Kotek signed Executive Order 23-04which set an ambitious housing production goal of 36,000 homes per year and established the Housing Production Advisory Council, a council of experts charged with developing an action plan to meet the new construction targets.

The annual housing production goal of 36,000 additional housing units at all levels of affordability across the state represents an 80 percent increase over current construction trends. This ambitious target aims to address Oregon's current housing shortage and keep pace with projected population growth. It would set Oregon on the path to build 360,000 additional homes over the next decade.

The Housing Production Advisory Council brings experience in a broad set of disciplines and represents Oregon's diverse demographics and geography. The Council is responsible for proposing an action plan to meet the state's housing production goals. The Council is scheduled to provide a recommended framework for their action plan by April 1, 2023.

HPAC Plan Framework
Ratified Recommendations Summary
HPAC Final Report

Oregon State-Owned or Managed Lands Inventory

Council Membership

The Housing The Council is composed of 25 members including the Governor or her designee, bipartisan members of the Oregon House and Senate, relevant state agency directors, a Tribal member, housing developers with expertise in permanent supportive, affordable, and market rate housing, representatives of rural and coastal communities, communities of color, local government representatives, and experts in land use, fair housing, permitting, workforce development, and construction.

Council Members

Gubernatorial Appointments:

  • Co-chair J.D. Tovey - rural Oregon and an enrolled member of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation - land use, building codes and housing development
  • Co-chair Damien Hall - Metro- land use, and affordable and market housing development
  • Daniel Bunn- Southern Oregon - land use and financing market housing
  • Thomas Cody- Metro area - affordable and market housing development
  • Deborah Flagan - Central Oregon - market housing development and construction
  • Ernesto Fonseca- Metro area - affordable and market housing development and financing affordable housing
  • Elissa Gertler- Oregon Coast - land use and financing affordable housing
  • Riley Hill- rural Oregon - land use and market housing development
  • Natalie Janney- Willamette Valley area - land use, market housing development
  • Robert Justus - Metro area - affordable and market housing development
  • Joel Madsen- Columbia Gorge - affordable housing development and financing
  • Ivory Mathews - Metro area - affordable housing development and financing
  • Erica Mills- Southern Oregon - financing affordable and market housing
  • Eric Olsen- Willamette Valley area - construction, market housing development
  • Gauri Rajbaidya- Metro area - affordable and market housing development
  • Karen Rockwell - Oregon Coast - affordable and market housing development
  • Margaret Van Vliet - Metro area - financing market and affordable housing, and affordable housing development
  • Justin Wood - Metro - construction and market housing development
Legislative Appointments and Agency Members:
  • Senator Dick Anderson (R - Lincoln City)
  • Senator Kayse Jama (D - Portland)
  • Representative Vikki Breese Iverson (R - Prineville)
  • Representative Maxine Dexter (D - Portland)
  • Director Andrea Bell, Oregon Housing and Community Services
  • Director Brenda Bateman, Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development

Partner Agencies

  • Oregon Housing and Community Services
  • Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services
  • Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development
  • The Higher Education Coordinating Commission

Meeting Recordings

Meeting Materials

January 17, 2023 Agenda
December 27, 2023 Agenda 
December 8, 2023 Agenda and Recommendation Links
November 17, 2023 Draft Agenda and Recommendation Links
November 3, 2023 Draft Agenda and Recommendation Links
October 27, 2023 Agenda and Recommendation Links
October 13, 2023 Agenda and Recommendation Links
September 29, 2023 Draft Agenda and Recommendation Links
September 8, 2023 Agenda
  • Public Testimony
    Please refer to recommendations posted from the August 25 meeting.
August 25, 2023 Agenda

July 14, Agenda 
May 12, 2023 Agenda
March 31, 2023 Agenda
March 24, 2023 Agenda
March 17, 2023 Agenda
March 10, 2023 Agenda

For questions and comments, please email HPAC.Gov@oregon.gov