Judicial Appointments

Circuit Court & Justice of the Peace applicants

Under Article V of the Oregon Constitution, the Governor appoints vacancies in Circuit Court Judges, Court of Appeals Judges, Supreme Court Justices, Justice of the Peace, and District Attorneys. To apply for the Circuit Court or Justice Court vacancy, download and submit the Circuit Court Judicial Interest Form (revised October 2024). The completed form and any supporting material must be received, via email, by 5:00 p.m. on the closing date to be considered received by the deadline.

Court of Appeals & Supreme Court applicants

To apply for the Court of Appeals or Supreme Court vacancy, download and submit the Appellate Courts Judicial Interest Form (revised October 2024) . The completed form and any supporting material must be received, via email, by 5:00 p.m. on the closing date to be considered received by the deadline.  

District Attorney Applicants

To apply for the District Attorney vacancy District Attorney Interest Form (revised October 2024). The completed form and any supporting material must be received, via email, by 5:00 p.m. on the closing date to be considered received by the deadline.