Ceremonial Bill Signing Request

After legislation is signed into law, bill sponsors and stakeholders often request that the Governor conduct staged, celebratory signings of bills at which photos may be taken for posterity. Due to the large number of such requests in the past, the Governor's Office has developed the following protocol:

For purposes of this policy, “ceremonial” means a brief (5 minutes) photo opportunity of the Governor signing a bill that has already passed both chambers and was previously signed by the Governor within the statutory time limit.

  1. All requests are subject to the Governor’s availability; approval cannot be guaranteed.
  2. Only legislators may request ceremonial bill signings.
  3. Legislators may request one ceremonial signing per session.   
  4. The President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House may submit up to two additional requests each.
  5. Caucus offices may submit up to two requests each.
  6. Those making the request must provide their own photographer.
  7. These are not media events -- no media may be present.
  8. Ceremonial signings are held in the Governor’s Ceremonial Office on the second floor of the State Library.
  9. Signed parchment copies are limited to 5 per ceremony.  Requests from members for additional parchment copies beyond 5 should be requested through either the Chief Clerk or Secretary of the Senate’s office.
  10. A completed request form is required for consideration (complete below).