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About Us

The annual Governor's State Employees Food Drive is the largest food drive benefiting the Oregon Food Bank Network.


We envision hunger-free, healthy communities. 

Mission statement

We’re working towards a hunger-free Oregon, where state employees are neighbors helping neighbors build healthy communities.

Organization History

In the spring of 1979, Governor Atiyeh initiated Oregon Food Share, the first statewide food distribution network in the nation and the predecessor of the Oregon Food Bank Network, This was in response to federal cutbacks in food stamp allotments, now referred to as SNAP.

Then in 1982, Governor Atiyeh started the Governor's State Employees Food Drive, calling on every state agency to sponsor a food drive "to reduce the suffering of those without adequate food resources" and "to show that true Oregonians believe that we can and do help our friends and neighbors in need."

Poster gallery of food drive posters since 2001