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Learn About Modernization

What is the Modernization Program?

The Employment Department’s Modernization Program is a multi-year initiative focused on transforming the agency’s business processes and core technology systems. Computer systems supporting receipt of Unemployment Insurance (UI) taxes and contributions for Paid Leave Oregon, payment of UI and Paid Leave benefits, and delivery of employment services will be replaced or established.

The program’s focus includes the agency’s business processes, infrastructure, and applications. This will include service delivery updates, business process re-engineering, and technical infrastructure solutions.

Our goals of the Modernization Program include:
  • Ensuring we can provide services that Oregonians and Oregon businesses need. As an increasing number of our staff retire, we need to look toward more flexible and adaptable systems.
  • Providing more modern and personalized services to businesses and job seekers; things like online self-service and mobile technology.
  • Providing more efficient and adaptable systems that allow us to quickly adapt to our customer's needs. We want to be able to update and improve our processes as requirements change. 
  • Sharing data in a secure way with our partners, using technologies that integrate security and access management using a streamlined threat response.
  • Providing technology that is flexible to expand and support new programs. We seek to deliver systems capable of supporting new programs and functionality needs.

The Modernization Program touches every aspect of our agency from processes to people. The program will be a series of projects; some will overlap business areas and some may be isolated to just one area. Either way, it will transform the way we do business with Oregonians and Oregon businesses. We are considering business needs and technology solutions from an agency-wide perspective and approaching the process carefully and iteratively — learning and adapting as we go to help the agency better serve our customers in the future.

The Employment Department's Modernization Program is a multi-year initiative, expected to be complete in 2026.

UI Modernization Project

​In May 2021, we received our Stage Gate 3 endorsement, allowing us to start the implementation of the project. We also signed a contract with Fast Enterprises, our solution vendor, in May 2021.

These crucial steps allowed us to officially kick off the project in July 2021 and begin the process of replacing the computer systems supporting UI tax and benefits and establishing the computer systems supporting Paid Leave Oregon contributions and benefits. 

As you can see in the graphic below, the project is separated into two phases, called “rollouts."In September 2022, we replaced our UI tax system and created the system to support Paid Leave Oregon contributions.

Two weeks after the tax and contributions rollout, we started working on the second rollout for Frances, which includes the functionality supporting Paid Leave Oregon benefits. The first part of that rollout, successfully went live on Aug. 14, 2023. The second part, supporting UI benefits successfully went live March 4, 2024.

​Workforce Modernization Project

​In January 2023, we finalized and signed the project's Business Case and Project Charter. We anticipate receiving our Stage Gate 2 endorsement in 2024 and then will continue the “Project Planning" phase by identifying business requirements.

Modernization Program Projected Timeline

The below figure illustrates the high-level projected timelines for the Modernization Program and anticipated projects. This projection is based on what we know today and may be updated as project timelines are finalized.

​Click the links below to see Modernization's legislative activity and endorsements.


UI Modernization Project Status Update - May 31, 2024​​ -
House Interim Committee On Labor and Workplace Standards

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department reported to the House Interim Committee On Labor and Workplace Standards on the progress of the Unemployment Insurance Modernization Project including background information and Modernization activities. ​

UI Modernization Project Status Update - May 29​, 2024​​​ - Senate Interim Committee On Labor and Business 

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department reported to the Senate Interim Committee On Labor and Business on the progress of the Unemployment Insurance Modernization Project including background information and Modernization activities. ​​​

Modernization Progr​am Status Update - Feb. 16, 2024​ - Joint Committee On Information Management and Technology

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department gave the Joint Committee on Information Management and Technology an update on the progress of the Modernization Program and UI Modernization Project accomplishments.​​

Modernization Program Update - Sept. 28, 2023​ - Senate Interim Committee on Labor and Business 

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department reported to the Senate Interim Committee on Labor and Business on the progress of the Modernization Program and Unemployment Insurance Modernization Project including background information and Modernization activities. 


Modernization Program Status Update - Sept. 22, 2023​ - Joint Committee On Information Management and Technology

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department gave the Joint Committee on Information Management and Technology an update on the progress of the Modernization Program and UI Modernization Project accomplishments.​​

2023-2025 Budget Overview - Feb. 20 - 23, 2023 - Joint Committee On Ways and Means Subcommittee On Transportation and Economic Development​​

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department provided an agency budget overview for the 2023-25 biennium.

UI Modernization Project Status Update - Sept. 21, 2022 - Joint Committee On Information Management and Technology

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department submitted a UI Modernization Project progress report to the Joint Committee On Information Management and Technology.

Modernization Program Update - June 3, 2022 - Joint Committee On Information Management and Technology

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department gave the Joint Committee on Information Management and Technology an update on the progress of the Modernization Program and UI Modernization Project accomplishments.

Modernization Program Implementation - June 1, 2022 - Senate Interim Committee on Labor and Business

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department gave the Senate Interim Committee on Labor and Business an update on the progress of the Modernization Program and UI Modernization Project accomplishments.

Modernization Program Implementation - June 1, 2022 - House Interim Committee on Business and Labor

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department gave the House Interim Committee on Business and Labor an update on the progress of the Modernization Program and UI Modernization Project accomplishments.

Modernization Program and UI Modernization Project Progress Update - May 26, 2021 - Joint Committee on Information Management and Technology

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department reported to the Joint Committee on Information Management and Technology on the progress of the Modernization Program and Unemployment Insurance Modernization Project including background information and Modernization activities.

OED UI Modernization Project - EIS SG3 Endorsement Memo - Stage Gate Endorsement

Summary: The Legislative Fiscal Office submitted a memo endorsing the Modernization Program - UI Modernization Project through Stage Gate 3.

2021-2023 Budget Overview - Feb. 1 & 3, 2021 - Joint Committee On Ways and Means Subcommittee On Transportation and Economic Development​

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department provided an agency budget overview for the 2021-2023 biennium.


Information Technology Risk Assessment Report - Dec. 11, 2020 - Joint Emergency Board

Summary: Modernization’s legislative fiscal analysts presented an IT risk assessment report to the Joint Emergency Board on behalf of Modernization.

Modernization Program and Project Update - Sept. 25, 2020 - Senate Interim Committee On Government Accountability and Information

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department provided an overview of the Modernization initiative including findings and responses from audits in 2012, 2015, and 2020; projected timeline from 2017-2025; and Modernization milestones beginning in 2015.

Subcommittee Recommendation - Feb. 13, 2020 - Joint Committee On Ways and Means Subcommittee On Transportation and Economic Development

Summary: The Transportation and Economic Development Subcommittee recommended acknowledging receipt of the report from the Employment Department on the risks associated with implementing major agency IT projects simultaneously.

OED IT Risk Assessment Report Update - Feb. 13, 2020 - Joint Subcommittee On Transportation and Economic Development. 

Summary: The Legislative Fiscal Office acknowledged receiving Modernization’s IT risks report regarding the agency’s ability to successfully plan, manage and implement simultaneous information technology solutions for Unemployment Insurance Modernization and the Paid Family Medical Leave Insurance program.

Modernization Program and UI Modernization Project Progress Update - Jan. 17, 2020 - Joint Committee on Information Management and Technology

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department reported to the Joint Committee on Information Management and Technology on the progress of the Modernization initiative and Unemployment Insurance Modernization project including background information and Modernization activities since April 2019.

HB 2005 Budget Note Update - Jan. 15, 2020 - Joint Interim Committee on Ways and Means 

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department reported to the Joint Interim Committee on Ways and Means of the passage the Oregon Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance program. It reported that the Modernization Program has initiated work with a vendor to conduct the risk assessment of managing and implementing the Unemployment Insurance Modernization Program and the PFMLI Program. 

Modernization Program LFO Analysis and Recommendations - May 7, 2019 - Joint Committee On Information Management and Technology

Summary: The Legislative Fiscal Office issued a memo to the Joint Legislative Committee on Information Management and Technology requesting $13,699,764 in Other Funds expenditure limitations and 37 permanent positions to continue support of the Modernization Program. The LFO included the request, analysis and recommendations in their memorandum.

Modernization Program Update - May 7, 2019 - Joint Committee On Information Management and Technology

​Summary: The Oregon Employment Department gave the Joint Committee on Information Management and Technology an overview of the Modernization Program accomplishments from 2017-2019 along with priorities for the remainder of 2019 through 2021.

OED UI Modernization Project - OSCIO SG2 Endorsement Memo - Stage Gate Endorsement

Summary: The Legislative Fiscal Office submitted a memo endorsing the Modernization Program through Stage Gate 2. The memo also recommended allowing the Employment Department Endorse to develop an RFP with Department of Administrative Services Procurement Services to acquire a comprehensive UI solution, with certain conditions.

2019-2021 Agency Overview - Feb. 11 & 12, 2019 - Joint Committee On Ways and Means Subcommittee On Transportation and Economic Development

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department gave the Ways and Means Joint Committee on Transportation and Economic Development an overview of each division of the agency.

OED Modernization Program - OSCIO SG1 Endorsement Memo - Stage Gate Endorsement

Summary: The Legislative Fiscal Office submitted a memo endorsing the Modernization Program through Stage Gate 1. The memo endorsed OED to continue development of the foundational project management for the Modernization Program, with certain conditions.


Subcommittee Recommendation - Feb. 16, 2018 - Joint Committee On Ways and Means Subcommittee On Transportation and Economic Development

Summary: The Transportation and Economic Development Subcommittee recommended acknowledging receipt of the report from the Employment Department on the status of its information technology modernization initiative. The Employment Department reported that it completed a project feasibility study and received Stage Gate 1 approval from the Office of the State CIO and the Legislative Fiscal Office. A funding request to continue future phases will be requested by the agency for 2019-21.

2018 Modernization Status Update - Feb. 13, 2018 - Joint Committee On Ways and Means Subcommittee On Transportation and Economic Development

Summary: The Oregon ​​Employment Department gave the Ways and Means Joint Committee on Transportation and Economic Development an overview of the Modernization initiative including Stage Gate 1 endorsement.

2017-2019 Budget Phase II: Modernization and Key Performance Measures - April 27, 2017 - Joint Committee On Ways and Means Subcommittee On Transportation and Economic Development

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department gave the Ways and Means Joint Committee on Transportation and Economic Development an overview of the 2017-2019 Budget Phase II with key performance measures and outcomes of the Modernization initiative.

Modernization Initiative LFO Analysis and Recommendations - April 13, 2017- Joint Committee On Information Management and Technology

Summary: Modernization’s principal legislative fiscal analyst submitted a memo requesting a revised 2017-19 fund expenditure limitation of $4.7 million to be supplemented by $700,000 from the agency’s base budget. These resources are primarily used for contracted professional services and staffing for the Modernization initiative.

Modernization Initiative Update - April 13, 2017 - Joint Committee On Information Management and Technology

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department presented an overview of the Modernization initiative to the Joint Legislative Committee on Information Management Technology.

IT Update - March 23, 2017 - Joint Committee On Information Management and Technology

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department presented the agency’s IT update to the Joint Legislative Committee on Information Management Technology.

2017-2019 Budget Overview - Feb. 27 & 28, 2017​ - Joint Committee On Ways and Means Subcommittee On Transportation and Economic Development

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department presented its 2017-2019 Budget Overview to the Joint Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Transportation and Economic Development.


2016 Modernization of Business Services and IT Update - Feb. 4, 2016 - Joint Committee on Ways & Means Subcommittee on Transportation and Economic Development

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department presented a progress update on the Modernization of Business Services and Technology Infrastructure to the Joint Committee on Ways & Means Subcommittee on Transportation and Economic Development.

2016 Modernization Status Update - Jan. 22, 2016 - Joint Committee On Ways and Means

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department submitted a Modernization progress report to the Joint Committee on Ways and Means. 

2015-2017 Budget Overview - March 11 & 12, 2015 - Joint Committee On Ways and Means Subcommittee On Transportation and Economic Development

Summary: The Oregon Employment Department submitted its 2015-2017 budget overview along with the agency’s strategic goals to the Joint Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Transportation and Economic Development.

​​Modernization Program Plans

The following plans are the program documentation required in order to move forward with a program of this size and complexity and ensure we've planned thoroughly enough that we are sufficiently prepared for success.

Interested in what the program plans look like? Click below to view the pdf of each document.

UI ​Modernization Project Plans

Project Business Case
UI Modernization Engagement Board Charter
​​Project Charter
​​Project Organizational Change Management Plan​
Project Management Plan​
​​Project Engagement Plan​​

​Modernization Program Milestones​​

Modernization Program – Definition Phase

​Enterprise Alignment Program completed

​November 2018​

​Feasibility study completed

​January 2018

​Stage Gate 1 Endorsement received

​January 2018

​​Position authority and spending iimitation approved (2017-19)

​​July 2017

​Initial program team hired

​April 2017

​Modernization Initiative begins

​January 2016​

​Position authority and spending limitation approved (2015-17)

​July 2015​

Modernization Program – Preparation Phase

​​​​Current state mid-level process maps completed​​

​November 2018

​Enterprise Architecture Assessment completed

​November 2018

​Current state assessments and maps completed

​November 2018

​​Data Assessment Workgroup completed

​​October 2018

​Stakeholder analysis completed

​September 2018

​High-level scope defined

​September 2018

​Modernization Program chartered

​September 2018

​Interface and Access Workgroup completed

​June 2018

​Data and Systems Workgroup completed

​April 2018

​Functional maps completed

​April 2018​

UI Modernization Project Milestones

UI Modernization Project – Execution Phase

Rollout 2b: Frances system live, supporting UI Benefits program, Frances Online Claimant Portal live, supporting UI Benefits

​March 2024

​Rollout 2b: OCM Readiness Assessment completed

​February 2024

​Rollout 2a: Frances system live, supporting Paid Leave Oregon program, Frances Online Claimant Portal live, supporting Paid Leave Oregon Benefits

​August 2023

​Rollout 2a: OCM Readiness Assessment completed

​July 2023

​Rollout 1: Frances system live, supporting UI and Paid Leave Oregon Contributions, Frances Online Employer Portal live, supporting UI and Paid Leave Oregon Contributions

​September 2022

​Rollout 1: OCM Readiness Assessment completed

​September 2021

​Project kicked-off with FAST Enterprises

​July 2021

​Stage Gate 3 Endorsement received. Contract signed and executed with FAST Enterprises

​May 2021

UI Modernization Project – Initiation Phase​​

​​​Stage Gate 2 Endorsement received

​February 2019

​Business Case and alternatives analysis completed

​February 2019

​UI Modernization Project chartered (Project Start Date)

​December 2018​

UI Modernization Project – Planning Phase​​

​​Kicked off contract negotiations with FAST Enterprises​

​​January 2021

​​Notice of the Intent to Award issued to UI solution vendor (FAST Enterprises)

​​December 2020

​Begin with Organizational Change Management Vendor (Deloitte)

​September 2020

​Modernization Benchmark Assessment – Legacy Focused. Roadmap and Strategic Initiatives completed (Gartner)

​June 2020

​Schedule advisor begins (Bluecrane, Inc.)

​​October 2019

​UI Solution vendor procurement released

​August 2019

​Posit​ion authority and spending limitation approved (2019-21)

​July 2019

​Project facilities completed – Phase 1-2

​June 2019

​Requirements developed (Procurement Phase)

​May 2019 ​

​Our Modernization project board include both customers and service delivery partners - by working together we can first imagine and then deliver improved services to our shared customers and to one another.​

Workforce Modernization Engagement Board

The members representing these partners are:

  • ANGEL HALE | Director of Rehabilitation Services, Oregon Commission for the Blind
  • BOB UHLENKOTT | Workforce and Economic Research Division Director, Oregon Employment Department
  • BRIDGET DAZEY | Executive Director, Clackamas Workforce Partnership
  • CANDI QUINTALL | Employment and Training Program Manager, Oregon Department of Human Services
  • DONNA LEWELLING | Director, Office of Community College and Workforce Development, Higher Education Coordinating Commission
  • ERIN CARPENTER | Executive Director, Eastern Oregon Workforce Board
  • HEATHER STAFFORD | Executive Director, Rogue Workforce Partnership
  • JORDANA BARCLAY | Innovation Strategist, Business Oregon
  • JULIA STEINBERGER | Director, Office of Workforce Investments, Higher Education Coordinating Commission
  • KEITH OZOLS | Rehabilitative Counseling Administrator, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
  • KURT TACKMAN | Deputy Director, Office of Workforce Investments, Higher Education Coordinating Commission
  • MICHELLE SIMPSON | HR Generalist, Josephine County
  • SAM THOMAS | Workforce Program Analyst, Higher Education Coordinating Commission
  • JIM PFARRER | Workforce Operations Division Director, Oregon Employment Department
  • RENEE ROYSTON | Modernization Director, Oregon Employment Department​

​​The Oversight Forum brings together trusted expertise on Oregon Information Technology (IT) projects, legislative processes, and IT technical experiences. The M​​odernization Oversight Forum is a convening for experts and stakeholders to partner with Employment Department leadership to review complex topics, ask tough questions, and provide thoughtful counsel and strategic advice to the Employment Department’s Modernization Program and all chartered projects including the UI Modernization Project.  ​​

Oversight Forum Members​

  • ​​SENATOR TIM KNOPP | Oregon State Senator, Senate District 27
  • REPRESENTATIVE NANCY NATHANSON | Oregon State Representative, District 13​​
  • REPRESENTATIVE PAUL HOLVEY | Oregon State Representative​, District 8
  • TERRENCE WOODS | State Chief Information Officer
  • SEAN MCSPADEN | ​Principal Legislative (IT) Analyst, Legislative Fiscal Office (LFO)​


  • REBECCA JENSEN CRAVEN | Modernization Director, Oregon Employment Department​​
  • DAVID GERSTENFELD | Director, Oregon Employment Department​​​        

Oversight Forum Members

Meeting Information and Materials

May 23, 2024
Jan. 25, 2024 - Canceled
Meeting Materials Archive

Jan. 27, 2023
​​​​July 21, 2022
​April 21, 2022
Oct. 26, 2021
​​​​​​July 28​, 2021
​​​​​​April 26, 20​21