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Agricultural Employer Overtime Tax Credit

2024 Application period 

The 2024 application period closed on January 31, 2025. Qualified applicants will be notified of their approved credit amount by June 1, 2025. 

How to apply

Log in to your Revenue Online account to apply.

Applications can only be filed electronically, and no paper applications will be accepted. See our video for a demonstration of how to file an application through Revenue Online.

Don't see your Personal Income, Corporation, Partnership, or Fiduciary account to apply for the credit? See our FAQ.

Before you apply

Please gather your records for January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024. Even if you are a fiscal filer, you will report on information for the last calendar year. You will need the following documents and information on hand to complete the application.

  • Your Revenue Online username and password.
  • Federal employer identification number (FEIN) if the business is a C Corporation, S Corporation, or Partnership.
  • Social Security number (SSN) or individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) if the business is a Sole Proprietor or disregarded entity.
  • Your North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code(s) and percentage of employees hours worked for each business activity.
  • Farm labor contractor (FLC) contracts and FLC license number, if applicable.
  • Dates you performed activities as an FLC, if applicable.
  • Marijuana or hemp producers, growers, or handlers Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC) license or registration number, if applicable.
  • Total number of employees who received Form W-2 from you, including all in-state and out-of-state employees.
  • Total regular hours (up to and including 55 hours per week) worked by all employees.
  • Total overtime hours (over 55 hours per week) worked by all employees.
  • Payroll records for the year:
    • Total wages paid for all hours including overtime.
    • Total Oregon overtime portion of wages paid for hours worked over 55 hours.
    • Overtime wages paid to exempt employees and out of state employees. (see What employees are exempt from the agricultural employee overtime pay).

Annual application timeline

  • Application period – January 1 - 31
  • Department of Revenue (DOR) reviews applications for eligibility criteria – January to February
  • Appeal requests in response to denied or adjusted applications – due from applicant within 30 days of notice
  • DOR notifies qualified applicants of their approved credit – by June 1
  • Taxpayers file returns claiming the credit by extension deadline – October 15  

About the tax credit

Oregon law requires agricultural employers to pay certain workers for overtime hours worked (ORS 653.272) and provides for a refundable personal or corporate income tax credit for employers for a percentage of wages paid as overtime pay (ORS 315.133). The wage requirement and credit began in the 2023 tax year.  


The tax credit application is available online only through Revenue Online. Taxpayers who apply for the tax credit by January 31 are granted an automatic filing extension. They may start filing their returns after they receive an acknowledgment notice of their eligible credit amount. Taxpayers will claim the refundable credit on their income tax return. The law specifies the hour threshold at which an employer must pay overtime for different years, industries, and number of employees. See the Agricultural Employer Overtime Tax Credit Tables below.

Nondairy - Agricultural Employer Overtime Tax Credit 

Dairy - Agricultural Employer Overtime Tax Credit 

The tax credit is for a percentage of the difference between the overtime pay and the base wage. The annual limit for credits to all eligible employers is $55 million. If the total amount of approved applications is greater than the annual credit limit, all approved credit amounts are proportionally reduced to meet the limit. The law also includes a provision allowing a three-year net operating loss carryback (ORS 317.346). 


For tax credit adjustments or denials, 30-day appeals must be submitted by email to or through your Revenue Online account. Do not mail to post office box.

Write “Request an Appeal" as the subject and include:

  • The date of your application.
  • Your daytime phone number.
  • Why you are appealing.
  • Documents that support your explanation.
For information on other tax programs appeals visit our Appeals webpage.

Frequently asked questions

​Log in to your Revenue Online account to apply.

Applications can only be filed electronically, and no paper applications will be accepted. For a demonstration of how to file an application through Revenue Online, see our video


​If you don't see your account or you don't currently have access to the account type. You will need to add the business entity to your Revenue Online account.

  • From the Revenue Online account Home screen, select the More Options tab.
  • Locate the Access Management section, and
  • Select Add access to an account.
  • Complete the required validation information for the account you would like to access.

If you need Revenue Online assistance, please feel free to contact our Tax Services unit at 503-378-4988. Phone lines are open Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Lines are closed on Thursdays, 9 a.m.-11 a.m. One of our representatives will be happy to assist.​​

​Please gather your records for January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024. Even if you are a fiscal filer, you will report on information for the last calendar year. You will need the following documents and information on hand to complete the application:

  • Your Revenue Online username and password.
  • Federal employer identification number (FEIN) if the business is a C Corporation, S Corporation, or Partnership.
  • Social Security number (SSN) or individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) if the business is a Sole Proprietor or disregarded entity.
  • Your North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code(s) and percentage of employees hours worked for each business activity.
  • Farm labor contractor (FLC) contracts and FLC license number, if applicable.
  • Dates you performed activities as an FLC, if applicable.
  • Marijuana or hemp producers, growers, or handlers Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC) license or registration number, if applicable.
  • Total number of employees who received Form W-2 from you, including all in-state and out-of-state employees.
  • Total regular hours (up to and including 55 hours per week) worked by all employees.
  • Total overtime hours (over 55 hours per week) worked by all employees.
  • Payroll records for the year:
    • Total wages paid for all hours including overtime.
    • Total Oregon overtime portion of wages paid for hours worked over 55 hours.
    • Overtime wages paid to exempt employees and out of state employees. (see What employees are exempt from the agricultural employee overtime pay).

The Oregon Legislature approved House Bill (HB) 4002 in February 2022, creating ORS 315.133, overtime compensation paid to agricultural workers, which requires agricultural employers to pay certain workers for overtime hours worked. The law specifies the threshold at which overtime is paid for different years, industries, and number of employees. ​

The law specifies the tax credit as equal to a percentage of the actual incremental overtime paid to agricultural workers during the calendar year. It also specifies varied credit percentages depending on year, number of full-time equivalent employees employed by the business and if the employer is engaged in the dairy business.​​​

The total amount of tax credits allowed is $55 million per year for all eligible applicants combined. If total tax credit applications exceed $55 million per year, the department must proportionately reduce the amount of credits among all approved applicants.​

The law allows a tax credit available for overtime paid in tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2023. Employers applied for the tax credit starting in January 2024.​

The tax credit is available for six years and it will phase out by 2028; see the Agricultural Employer Overtime Tax Credit tables.​

A refundable tax credit is treated as a prepayment of tax. If the total credit is more than the tax liability, then the excess amount is refunded.​

The refundable tax credit will be claimed on a taxpayer's personal income tax or corporation return when filed. If the total tax credit is more than the tax liability, then the excess amount is refunded to the taxpayer when the department processes the tax return.​

The law defines an agricultural worker as an individual who performs services in agriculture for remuneration or rate of pay.​

The law defines agriculture as:​
  • Farming in all its branches, including the cultivation and tillage of the soil;  
  • Dairying; the production, cultivation, growing and harvesting of any agricultural or horticultural commodities;  
  • The raising of livestock, bees, fur-bearing animals or poultry; and  
  • Any other practices performed by a farmer or on a farm as an incident to or in conjunction with farming operations, including preparation for market, delivery to storage or to market, or delivery to carriers for transportation to market. ​


Employers using NAICS codes 111 for crop production or 112 for animal production and aquaculture that paid overtime wages to agricultural employees working in Oregon. ​​​​​

E​mployers using multiple NAICS codes will need to allocate the employee hours attributed to each activity. The tax credit percentage will be based on the overtime wages allocated to each NAICS code.​​

This answer was removed due to the complexity of the issue. Please contact BOLI for questions regarding overtime hours. ​​​

This answer was removed due to the complexity of the issue. Please contact BOLI for questions regarding exempt overtime employees. ​​

P​lease see BOLI's website for details for a Farm/Forest Labor Contractor​ and requirements to be licensed .

No, the law excludes FLC's from the tax credit.

An employer using the services of a licensed FLC may apply for the tax credit. See a list of active licensed labor contractors​​ on BOLI's webpage.​

For purposes of the tax credit, each agricultural employer’s share of the overtime paid for actual hours worked will be determined between the employer and the FLC. Employers will apply for the tax credit for overtime paid​​​​

​For purposes of the tax credit, each agricultural employer's share of the overtime paid for actual hours worked will be determined between the employer and the FLC. Employers applying for the tax credit will need information such as the number of employees, total hours worked, overtime hours worked, and amount of overtime wages paid. ​​

Please visit BOLI's webpage to determine if you are considered a FLC. Employers may still apply for the tax credit for the actual overtime wages paid to their employees when the employees worked directly for the employer. The employer will need to keep appropriate records to ensure accurate information is reported when applying for the tax credit.​

The law defines FTE as 2,080 hours of one or multiple employees worked in a calendar year.​​​

For example:  10,400 total hours worked in a calendar year ÷ 2080 hours = 5 FTE. ​​​

​Yes, all hours worked by all employees exempt or not exempt are included in the calculation of FTE. ​​

E​mployers need to include the out of state hours worked by all their employees when calculating the FTE. However, the law only allows a tax credit for the agricultural overtime wages for hours worked in Oregon.​​​

Employers will determine the business code that aligns with their business category using the 2017 NAICS list​. This will be reported on the tax credit application.

N​o, the law only allows the tax credit above the threshold for the year. See the Agricultural Employee Overtime Tax Credit Tables​ for the threshold that applies to you. ​

Y​es, eligible marijuana employers must have a production license (ORS 475C.065), be registered as a grower and handler (ORS 5​71.281), or be a registered marijuana grow site (ORS 475C.792).

If you are a pass-through entity and the credit will be passed to the owners or partners, their information can be entered in Section F of the application. You will need the following information:

  • Entity type (corporation, individual, pass-through entity, trust, or estate).
  • Identification (ID) type: federal employer identification number (FEIN), Social Security number (SSN), or individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN.)
  • ID number.
  • Percentage of credit.
  • Business name, if applicable.
  • First and last name, if applicable.
  • Address of owner or partner.

​No. Answer no to line 6 of Section F on the application. Then file Form OR-TFR, Transfer Notice for Certain Credits to the department within 10 days of filing your application.​

Even if you are a fiscal filer, you will report on information for the last calendar year.

Example: Alpha Corp, a C Corporation, will end its fiscal year 2023 August 31, 2024. Alpha Corp will use information from January 1 – December 31, 2023 to complete the application by January 31, 2024. (See What information will I need to complete the credit application?) The department will send a notice of acknowledgement letter by June 1, 2024 with the approved credit amount. The credit amount will be claimed on Alpha Corp's 2023 income tax return when filed after August 31, 2024.​​

​Even if you are a fiscal filer filing a short year return, you will report on information for the last calendar year.​

Example: Delta Corp, a C Corporation will end its fiscal year 2023 August 31, 2024. Delta Corp will use information from January 1 – December 31, 2023 to complete the application by January 31, 2024. (See What information will I need to complete the credit application?) Delta Corp merged with Echo Corp, a C Corporation, on January 1, 2024. Delta Corp is required to file a short return for tax year 2023. All applicants will receive an automatic six-month extension to file their Oregon return. The department will send a notice of the acknowledgement letter by June 1, 2024 with the approved credit amount. Delta Corp will wait for the letter to claim the amount on the Oregon short-year return.​​

​All applicants automatically receive an extension of time to file. For example, if your return is due April 15, you will receive an extension to file by October 15. After you receive the Notice of Acknowledgment letter, add the Agricultural Employer Overtime Tax Credit to the return and file by the extended due date. Please note: The extension is an extension of time to file your return and not an extension of time to pay your tax. All required payments must be made by the original due dates.

​No. You must wait for the Notice of Acknowledgement letter that is mailed by June 1 to claim the tax credit. You do have the option to file your return by the original due date without the tax credit and later file an amended return with the tax credit amount shown on the Notice of Acknowledgement letter.  ​

No. Returns that are filed prior to June 1 claiming the tax credit will stop for processing review until the Notice of Acknowledgment letters are issued. After June 1, returns will process as normal. The tax credit must match the eligible amount on the Notice of Acknowledgment letter, if less than the amount claimed on the return, we will make an adjustment and continue processing the return.

Note: The department will not process your return before June 1, unless you request us to remove the Agricultural Employer Overtime Tax Credit.​