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Accounts assigned to a private collection firm

What is a private collection firm (PCF)?

A PCF is a private business with which the department contracts to collect delinquent debt. This includes tax and other agency debt. The department partners with several PCFs. If your account has been sent to outside collections, contact the assigned PCF for payment arrangements.

Why has my account been assigned to a PCF?

Oregon law requires the department to assign delinquent debt to PCFs after a period of nonpayment (ORS 293.231).

What happens now that my account has been assigned to a PCF?

Now that your account has been assigned to a PCF, the PCF will be taking action to collect the balance due. This may include contact by mail or phone. Failure to respond to your assigned PCF may result in the PCF taking collection action on your account such as a wage or bank garnishment.

PCFs are authorized to charge a fee to collect. The fee is a percentage of the amount collected by the PCF. The fee is paid by the person owing the debt and is non-negotiable.

Your assigned PCF will serve as a primary contact for questions regarding the collection of your account. Contact your PCF for questions regarding, but not limited to the following:

  • Fees applied to your account
  • Payment plans
  • Garnishments

Frequently asked questions

​We partner with several PCFs. If you received a letter, matching one of the PCFs in the right-hand column above, you may use the contact information we provide on this page to verify that they have attempted to contact you.​

​No, the PCFs are not authorized to report assigned debt to the collection bureaus.​

​Yes. The PCF may request the department to issue a garnishment on their behalf if wages or banking information are found and there is not an approved payment arrangement in place.​

​You will need to contact the assigned PCF for payment arrangements. The department representative can accept payments, however, the fee will still apply. Any official payment arrangement will need to be made with the assigned collection firm.​

​The PCF will send you correspondence indicating that your account has been assigned to them and provide you contact information.​

​You should contact your assigned PCF for payments on your account. Payments sent to the department while your account is assigned to a PCF are still subject to the PCF's collection fee.​

​Notify us at​. A stay of collections may apply resulting in the department recalling the account from the PCF.

Contact us

Department of Revenue



Hours: Monday - Friday 7:15 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.

Transworld Technology



Professional Credit Service


866-927-3512 - Spanish

Integral Recoveries Inc.

800-351-2814 (option 8 for Spanish)


Coast Professional Inc.
