Getting Started
Before filing, check the following.
Old forms
We no longer accept the old authorization form (Form 140-800-005 Tax Information Authorization and Power of Attorney for Representation). Please check that you are using one of our two new forms.
Sign the form
For the OR-AUTH-REP form, the taxpayer and the representative must sign and date the form, or the form will be rejected. For the OR-AUTH-INFO form, the taxpayer must sign the form or it will be rejected.
Addresses must match
Complete the forms
Check that all fields are complete, including phone number and email, or we cannot accept the forms.
Representatives must list credentials
FortheOR-AUTH-REP form, the representative must include their qualifications to represent “CPA, State Bar Number, or Oregon License Number (LTP, LTC, Agent).” The form will be rejected without this information.
Helpful videos
Frequently asked questions
Use the OR-AUTH-INFO, Authorization to Receive Tax Information form, to designate any person, firm, organization, or agency to receive your confidential tax information.
Use form OR-AUTH-REP, Authorization to Represent form, to authorize an individual to represent you before DOR. Your representative will have full authority to act on your behalf and can do everything you can do before the department with the same legal effect. This includes accessing your confidential information, providing information, preparing, signing, executing, and filing your returns. An authorized representative must meet certain criteria to represent you.
The old form was discontinued on January 1, 2025. The department no longer accepts the old form.
Yes, any previous authorizations remain valid until the customer revokes in writing.