Publication Preview
Statewide Building Footprints for Oregon, release 1.1 (SBFO-1.1), by Matt C. Williams
This report describes the updated compilation of a statewide database of building footprints for Oregon. The many potential uses for this digital resource include hazard risk assessment, natural hazard preparedness, emergency planning and response, emergency evacuation, land use planning and development, asset management, real estate interests, and general cartography.
Report (21 p., 1.4 MB PDF)
Complete Publication bundle (255 MB .zip file: Esri® v10.7 format geodatabase with embedded metadata; one .xml metadata file; 21 p. report PDF)
Building footprint data, two-dimensional representations of building outlines as seen from above, can be used in many ways for geospatial and cartographic purposes. Natural hazard preparedness and risk assessment, emergency planning and response, land use planning and development, asset management, real estate interests, and general cartography are some of the activities that are supported by building footprint data. In 2018 Microsoft Corporation mapped building footprints for the entire United States and made them publicly available via the open-source website GitHub. Through funding from the Oregon Geospatial Enterprise Office (GEO), DOGAMI was able to use the Microsoft data and other pre-existing building footprint datasets in the state to review, edit, and compile a high-quality building footprints dataset for the entire state of Oregon.
The completed Statewide Building Footprints for Oregon (SBFO) is a compilation of contributed datasets from city, county, and state agencies, regional planning organizations, and open-source groups. The building footprint datasets were derived by using various digitization methods and various basemap data types. The Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) reviewed and edited the building footprints from the contributing sources to achieve consistency within the compiled statewide dataset. The total number of features in the first release of the SBFO dataset is 2,171,335.
This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of the information. This publication cannot substitute for site-specific investigations by qualified practitioners. Site-specific data may give results that differ from the results shown in the publication.
Geodatabase is Esri® version 10.7 format.
Metadata is embedded in the geodatabase and is also provided as separate .xml files.
SBFO_1_1.gdb: |
Feature class |
sbfo_1_1_metadata.xml (polygons)