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Correctional Services


Larry Bennett, Assistant Director

Through the operation of 8 units, the Correctional Services Division provides sentence calculation, intake assessment, work-based education, release planning, and many other opportunities and services to enhance an AICs transition back into the community. The Correctional Services Division includes:

  • Correctional Case Management
  • Education 
  • Intake
  • Offender Information and Sentence Computation
  • Office of Population Management
  • Programs and Services
  • Reentry and Release
  • Religious Services

Updates and Upcoming Events:

Reentry and Release Community Outreach Session

The Reentry and Release Community Outreach Session, organized by the Oregon Department of Corrections Reentry and Release Unit, aims to support incarcerated individuals who are nearing release from custody. The session offers a valuable opportunity for friends and family of those preparing for release to understand the processes, timelines, and available services that their loved ones will navigate during this transition.

The session will cover:

  • Timelines and Processes: Explanation of the key steps in the release process, including when and how incarcerated individuals will engage with release counselors, transition coordinators, and the benefits team.
  • Support Services: An overview of the various services offered to assist in the successful reintegration of individuals back into the community.
  • Q&A: Reentry and Release staff will address general questions from attendees, but specific case-related questions will be directed to the incarcerated individual or their assigned release counselor, provided that a release of information form is signed by the individual.

This session is in partnership with Oregon Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE). By attending, family and friends will be better equipped to understand the release process and support their loved ones in the months leading to their release.

Although the focus will be on Reentry and Release, the 4-session series will also be an opportunity to hear from the Intake Team, Institution Counselors, Community Corrections, and others. They will be sharing information about the services they provide and how they assist with preparation throughout incarceration and once in the community.

  • The following teams will be joining the 2025 RRCOS as follows: 

    • 5/6/25: Intake Team
    • 8/5/25: Institution Counselors
    • 11/4/25: Community Corrections
  • Quarterly Meeting Details
  • Dates: February 4th, May 6th, August 5th, and November 4th from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
  • Meeting Link: Join the meeting now
  • Meeting ID: 236 196 526 738
  • Passcode: Hi3sg33T

    Dial-in Information:
  • Phone Number: +1 971-277-2160,,629436211# (United States, Portland)
  • Phone Conference ID: 629 436 211#

About the Units

​The Correctional Case Management (CCM) provides training to the Department of Corrections counselors. Institution counselors are trained using evidenced-based tools and interventions to help prepare adults in custody for reentry.  

CCM together with Security Threat Management provides coordinated and targeted services to AICs who have been identified as “high risk” due to their activities. CCM provides continuity of care when AICs are released from prison and placed on community supervision.

​Education plays an especially important role in a successful reentry back into society. Research shows that individuals who participate in correctional education programs have a substantially lower recidivism rate. Through interagency agreements and strong collaboration with various community colleges, we provide:

  • Adult Basic Skills Development program, which includes adult basic education
  • English as a second language
  • GED 
  • Special Education

The Education unit provides five different Work Based Education programs throughout the state. 

  • Welding 
  • Construction
  • Cosmetology 
  • Automotive 
  • Eye glass program

While we do not spend general fund dollars to get individuals advanced degrees, our community college partners do provide college classes through private grants, donations, and self-pay by AICs.

​Intake and assessment for the Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) takes place at the Coffee Creek Intake Center located at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility (CCCF) in Wilsonville, Oregon. 

All individuals sentenced to serve time with Oregon DOC enter through this facility except when determined to be inappropriate for safety and security reasons. The intake and assessment process requires roughly 30 days to complete. During this time, AICs take part in several assessments, detailed below.

At the end of the intake process, male AICs are scheduled for transfer to their assigned long-term facility and female AICs are removed from intake status but remain at CCCF.    

​The Offender Information and Sentence Computation (OISC) unit is responsible for the development and maintenance of offender records and the sentence calculation of AICs. 

OISC maintains offender files for all former offenders supervised by state and county community corrections offices. OISC coordinates with state and federal jurisdictions regarding offender custody and transfer issues, provides information to law enforcement agencies and to the public.​

​The Policy, Business Services, and Process-Improvement Unit coordinates administrative functions that impact Correctional Services unit and provide policy direction on statewide systems that deliver constitutionally-mandated services. ​

Reentry and Release provides transition classes, reentry preparation, and individualized release planning services to adults in custody in DOC institutions and Oregon Youth Authority facilities. These services extend to county reentry programs, Oregon AICs housed out-of-state, and Oregon AICs serving a concurrent sentence in another state.

Staff specializing in reentry and release develop a plan to help individuals return to the community. They assist with basic needs like housing, employment, and medical and mental health care. 

DOC partners with the releasing AICs, county community corrections agencies, Oregon Board of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision, DOC medical and mental health professionals, state and federal agencies, and private providers. 

Reentry and release also assist with other benefits individuals might be eligible for prior to release including:

  • Oregon Health Plan
  • Medicaid
  • Veterans benefits
  • Social Security 
  • State-issued identification through the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles

Religious Services provides faith-based services to meet constitutional and legal mandates as well as advises the institutions on issues related to compliance with the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA).

Through a combination of department chaplains and numerous volunteers, religious services provides:

  • Worship services
  • Study programs Music programs
  • Faith-based anger-management programs
  • Serious health or death notifications
  • Group and individual spiritual services
  • Faith-based rehabilitative programs and activities
  • Pastoral counseling opportunities, including those in special housing

To meet the mandates of the U.S. Constitution, Oregon Constitution, and judicial decisions; the religious services unit also participates in the Inside-Out Network that connects AICs to faith-based resources pre-and-post release.

​The Office of Population Management manages the movement of adults in custody. This unit considers treatment needs, mental health needs, work, education, vocational programs, developmental disability assistance, and special population management for AIcs placement. The unit also:  

  • Ensures efficient movement and housing of all AICs
  • Prepares ten-year population plans to ensure efficient capacity planning and management
  • Manages the AICs classification system
  • Coordinates the treatment assignment and screening (TASC) process
  • Manages high risk individuals
  • Oversees reentry/work release programs
  • Manages Oregon Youth Authority caseload for youths sentenced as adults
  • Oversees staff-AIC conflicts
  • Manages transgender and intersex AIC populations
  • Completes the Static 99R sex offender evaluations for AICs entering treatment programs and for on-site work assignments
  • Manages the Interstate Corrections Compact program