The DAS Surplus Property program receives an assessment from other state agencies that helps cover the cost of Surplus operations. As a result of having this source of funding, the program has implemented the following:
1. State agencies that pay a Surplus assessment have access to free office furniture.
2. Agencies must remove the furniture the same day in order for it to be free (i.e. it cannot be put on hold and picked up later; it cannot be 'invoiced out' at $0.00 and picked up later)
3. Furniture that is available for free is defined below:
- All furniture in the General Store or Receiving Area that typically includes such items as desks, chairs, book cases, tables, file cabinets, sofas, etc.
- Does not include items that have been filmed for auction (in the B thru F Racks) whether it is currently on auction or not.
4. If it is currently lotted, it must stay lotted. In other words, if you only want one thing off the pallet, you have to take the whole pallet.
5. Does not include Federal Excess furniture that is located on the federal end of the building and/or marked with a highlighter.
6. Only authorized signers can sign a “zero dollar" invoice.
7. If an agency has only the credit (SPOTS) card holder as an authorized signer, they must show their SPOTS card and we have to put their name in the “Ship To" field just as if they used their SPOTS card to pay for it.
If you would like more information on how to obtain free office furniture items for your state agency, please call the Surplus Primary Contact Darren Kennedy at 503-378-6022. Please do not call and inquire about item specific details; come visit Surplus Property to see what's available.