2025 Oregon Forward Showcase and Procurement Forum
April 2, 2025
Keizer Civic Center | 930 Chemawa Rd NE, Keizer, OR 97303
$50 fee includes all sessions and lunch. Make payment through Workday using a Microsoft Edge browser. Note: Chrome browser does not allow payments in Workday. Please also register any dietary restrictions using the form found in Workday.
Click here to register for the
2025 Oregon Forward Program Showcase & Procurement Conference. A Workday account is required. If you don't have a Workday account,
click this link to create one.
Event Details:
Seven contact hours continuing education points toward procurement certification will be awarded for attendance.
Oregon Forward Contractors will have a business showcase at the event and will be available to discuss the products and services they provide through the Oregon Forward Program. This will be a great opportunity to meet with these vendors and in some cases put a face with the name of the person you have been working with.
The sessions offered include:
- Using DAS Price Agreements.
- State procurement certification.
- Market research
- PDX airport - terminal expansion project.
- Oregon Forward Program process and responsibilities.
- Oregon Forward Program testimonials.
- The benefits of using DAS Price Agreements through the Oregon Cooperative Procurement Program (OrCPP).
- Emergency management and logistics as it relates to procurement.