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We're committed to sharing information with our OrCPP members. News and announcements are sent through our email distribution list.

Most Recent Emails:

​DAS SPS is sending this notification to inform Authorized Purchasers of the extension of Price Agreement 3396, the cancellation of RFP S-10700-00011564 for Armored Transport Services and, the upcoming posting of RFP S-10700-00013102 for Armored Transport Services.


 DAS SPS canceled RFP S-10700-00011564 for Armored Transport Services in the best interest of the state.


DAS SPS has extended Price Agreement 3396, per its terms, 6 months through November 21, 2025.


DAS SPS will be posting RFP S-10700-00013102 for Armored Transport Services in the OregonBuys eProcurement system in the coming weeks.


Attached to this correspondence for your contract file is Amendment 15 to Price Agreement 3396.


If you have any questions about this amendment, please contact the Contract Administrator listed below.


As a reminder, in the event of inclement weather or during emergency situations affecting Loomis routes, please refer to their emergency alert map, which highlights regions impacted by delays or interruptions in service.


For more information regarding this message, contact Dion Kerlee, CPPB, OPBC, State Procurement Analyst Business Services Team at 971-349-0518 or via email:  Dion.Kerlee@DAS.Oregon.

​A message from DAS State Procurement Services


Please note, the agreement with HD Supply is not yet finalized.



Green Janitorial Supplies, Industrial Paper & Equipment

Action Required?:

Yes. Wind down - Transition


Effective June 30, 2025


PA3401 Staples, PA3402 Waxie, HD Supply PO-10700-00005744 formerly, PA9275 and PA3403


As previously emailed, the Green Janitorial Supplies, Industrial Paper & Equipment Statewide Price Agreements term ends June 30, 2025, and, therefore, will be terminated as of that date. I have issued a formal notice of non-renewal to all Contractors.


Authorized Purchasers should begin a wind down process if you are still using these Price Agreements. Please review all outstanding ordering instruments issued under the above Price Agreements and terminate any blanket orders. Authorized Purchasers should not issue new ordering instruments after June 30, 2025, and ordering instruments may not carry over from these Agreements to any new Agreement, even if they are with the same Contractor.


The following Agreements are in place and should meet your needs.


Facilities MRO (Maintenance, Repair, Operations) and Industrial Supplies, Janitorial Supplies, and Sustainable Products

PO-10700-00040258 Lawson Products

PO-10700-00040235 MSC Industrial Supply Company

PO-10700-00041928 Grainger

PO-10700-00042682 Fastenal

PO-10700-00042005 Global Equipment

PO-10700-000XXXXX HD Supply (***not executed – still negotiating***)


For more information regarding these New MRO Agreements, contact Kaliska King at




For more information regarding this message, contact Kim O’Neill, State Procurement Analyst, at 971-349-0114 or via email


To register for BUYER LINK messages or edit current subscription, click this link:


Oregon Forward Showcase and Procurement Conference


City of Keizer Civic Center, 930 Chemawa Rd NE, Keizer, OR 97303

Action Required?:

Registration Deadline March 28, 2025


Seven Contact Hours Continuing Education points toward Procurement certification will be awarded for attending this full day event.

 Session topics:

  • Using DAS Price Agreements
  • State Procurement Certification
  • Market Research
  • PDX Airport - Terminal Expansion Project
  • Oregon Forward Program Process and Responsibilities
  • Oregon Forward Program Testimonials
  • The Benefits of using DAS Price Agreements through the OrCPP program
  • Emergency Management and Logistics as it relates to procurement.

 Oregon Forward Contractors will be on site to discuss the products and services they provide through the Oregon Forward Program. This is a great opportunity to meet these vendors and, in some cases, put a face with the name of the person you have been working with.


$50 fee includes all sessions and lunch. Make payment through Workday using a Microsoft Edge browser. Note: Chrome browser does not allow payments in Workday. Please register any dietary restrictions using the form found in Workday.


Click to Register Now

​Workday account is required for registration. If you don’t have a Workday account, click this link for account instructions and select the training name: Oregon Procurement Training.


Darvin Pierce

Rena Montes

Oregon Forward Coordinator

Price Agreement & Contract Administrator



​Now available


OCB/Statewide Price Agreements for Vending Machines and Related Options, Add-on's Products and Services are now available for use.


Please review ORS 346.510-346.570 or contact Oregon Commission for the Blind before placing a Purchase Order. OCB may have preference to place.


Price Agreements available are:


MBPO 10700-00041733     Smitty's Vending

MBPO 10700-00041734     Batson


Please review Buyers Guide found on Oregon Buys.


For more information regarding this message, contact Nancy A. Doll, State Procurement Analyst, at 971-349-2086 or via email at

 *to assure receipt of response, please save the email address as a trusted email and copy to DAS SPS customer care at

​You may have received a late message about training which took place during the first week of March.  My apologies. This was sent via an email error. 


Some of you contacted DAS RM expressing interest in this training. Currently, this training is dedicated to state agencies. Perhaps the future we may provide it outside of state agencies. If that does occur, we will be sure to send it before and not after the training dates.


I am sorry for the misunderstanding/miscommunication. Have a great Tuesday!


Kind Regards,

Marie Hansen-Wargnier

Risk Consultant

DAS Risk Management 


Dear Procurementarians,


Well, we’ve really gone and done it this time. SOMEBODY here has ordered tons and tons of stuff, and now we’re bursting at the seams. And just how much stuff is “tons and tons” you ask? That would be fourteen 53’ semi-trucks worth…..yikes. Why, that’s enough to fill a hundred Olympic size…..hold on, let me math….one 53’ semi-trailer = 3400 cu. ft., x 14 = 47,600 cu. ft. man I hate math….one Olympic size swimming pool = 88,034 cu. ft. Okay, a little over half of an Olympic size pool, but still, that’s a lot! Jen and Joe have been working overtime unloading trucks and trying to find storage locations for all of this, and we’re finally to the point where we can open the flood gates and start turning loose of it all. It’s all new/unused and waiting for a good home.


Given all of this, I present you with a mountain of property. You will see a cursory description, and each one is a link to our database Reuse, where you can see photo’s, current up-to-the-moment quantities, and detailed descriptions. If the links don’t work, you can copy the six digit Inventory Number and go directly to Reuse on our website located here, then paste the number into the box and see it all; pictures, descriptions, quantities, the whole shebang. If you would like to purchase, just see the “Fine Print” at the bottom of this message for all the contact information. There are a few items at the bottom of the list that are NOT links to Reuse, so if you’re interested in any of that, just let us know and we can get you pictures. Better yet, get yourself a big ‘old honkin’ truck and just show up to Surplus! We’re here 8:00-5:00 Monday-Friday for your shopping convenience!


Have fun hunting, and please keep your voices down, or you could bring this all down on top of us!


Inventory Number/Description


273276    Blanket, Emergency


273277    Blanket, Wool Blend


273278    Spray Bottle, 1 Qt.


273279    Bucket, 3 Gal W/Handle


273280    Light Bulb, 60W


273281    Bungee Cords


273282    Zip Ties


273283    Ice Chest, 48 QT.


273284    Container, Action Packer


273285    Cutlery, Combo Pack


273286    Diapers, Size 3


273287    Diapers, Size 4


273288    Diapers, Size 2


273289    Diapers, Size 6


273290    Trash Can Dolly


273291    Flashlight


273292    Safety Glasses, Clear


273422    Headset, Magnifying Glass and Light


273423    Headlamp, LED, Pivoting Head


273424    Humidifier


273425    Collapsible Jug, 5 Gallon


273429    Hot Pack, Accu-Therm


273430    Sterile Gauze Pads


273431    Paper Plates


273432    Power Cord, Electric 100’


273433    Power Cord, 50’


273434    Disposable Razor


273435    Nylon Rope


273436    Scissor, Lister


273437    Shampoo, Personal


273438    Sharps Container, Large


273440    Step Stool, Metal


273441    Stethoscope


273442    Folding Table


273443    Coban Wrap, 1”


273444    Coban Wrap, 4”


273445    Duct Tape


273446    Electrical Tape


273447    Masking Tape                             


273448    Tarps, Various Sizes


273451    Tourniquets


273452    Motorola Walkie-Talkie Set (Pair)


274255    Step Stool, Plastic


274486    Diaper Packs, Misc Sizes


274487    Collapsible Water Container


274648    Trash Can Dolly


273273    Body Bags, Adult Medline Post Mortem Adult Vinyl Body Bag, 36" x 90". White. 10 each per case. Current count: 556


273274    Body Bag, Child Medline Post Mortem Child Vinyl Body Bag, 28" x 48". White. 30 each per case. Current count: 887


237427    Light, Goose Neck, Brandt, complete exam lamp, # 41413. Unused. Current count: 146


273428    Cold Pack, Instant, Cardinal Health Kwik-Kold Instant Cold Pack, Kit Size. 1 per box, 50 per case. New.


273439    Sharps Container, Small, Medline sharps container, 2 gallon/8 liter with snap lock lids and attachable rolling top center. New


273449    Thermometer With Probe


273450    Thermometer Probe Cover


 The fine print


The items contained in this message are available to current eligible Donee’s with the State of Oregon Department of Administrative Services Enterprise Asset Management State and Federal Surplus Property Program, and must be an authorized signer on your account to remove items from the warehouse (or have written permission from an authorized signer). To inquire about items advertised here (or any other items for that matter) contact our Federal Property Specialists Jennifer Beyer 503-378-6046 or Joe Vaillancourt 503-378-6056 If you have questions regarding your eligibility, contact Carla Jeannette 503-378-2753 All items mentioned in this advertisement are on a first come/first serve basis, with no “Holds” allowed. If you need to contact someone in particular at Surplus Property, or you have general questions regarding the program, please contact Darren Kennedy 503-378-6022; please don’t try to reply to this listserv, as it doesn’t accept incoming messages.


Agencies shall pick up invoiced State Property within 14 days of date of invoicing. If not picked up within that timeframe the property and any monies paid will be forfeited.​


Agencies shall pick up invoiced Federal Property within 30 days of date of invoicing. If not picked up within that timeframe invoice will be reversed and property returned to stock and resold.

Dear Procurementarians,


We have a *Special Buy Opportunity Alert* available at Surplus!


Just a quick note to highlight some cases of eating utensils (plates, plasticware, napkins, cups, etc.) that have come available. They are all listed below, and they are links to Reuse, so if you’re interested in something, just click on the link below and you can see all current inventories, pictures, all of that. And they’re all UNUSED! So far as I can tell anyway.


8 ounce paper cups (These are known as “Squat” cups in Reuse. I’d like to think it’s because they’re short in size, but I don’t know for certain.)

8 ounce coated paper cups (Not for certain what these are “coated” with.


Plastic flatware set (Not hardware, not software. Flatware.)


2 ply napkins (Nothing but the best for our Donee’s! You won’t catch us selling 1-ply!)


3 cell paper plates (For those that don’t like food items touching. It’s okay, you know who you are. We don’t judge much.)


If you’re interested in any of these items, see the “Fine Print” below and we can get you fixed up. Have a great week everybody!


The Fine Print


The items contained in this message are available to current eligible Donee’s with the StateofOregonDepartmentofAdministrativeServicesEnterpriseAssetManagementStateandFederalSurplusPropertyProgram, and must be an authorized signer on your account to remove items from the warehouse (or have written permission from an authorized signer). To inquire about items advertised here (or any other items for that matter) contact our Federal Property Specialists Jennifer Beyer 503-378-6046 or Joe Vaillancourt 503-378-6056 If you have questions regarding your eligibility, contact Carla Jeannette 503-378-2753 All items mentioned in this advertisement are on a first come/first serve basis, with no “Holds” allowed. If you need to contact someone in particular at Surplus Property, or you have general questions regarding the program, please contact Darren Kennedy 503-378-6022; please don’t try to reply to this listserv, as it doesn’t accept incoming messages.


  • Agencies shall pick up invoiced State Property within 14 days of date of invoicing. If not picked up within that timeframe the property and any monies paid will be forfeited.​


  • Agencies shall pick up invoiced Federal Property within 30 days of date of invoicing. If not picked up within that timeframe invoice will be reversed and property returned to stock and resold.


Federal Donation Property Return Policy:

0-30 days – Full refund, 30-60 days – 50% refund, 60+ days – No refunds


To subscribe or unsubscribe to a listserv, please send a request to the listserv administrator. In your email, please specify which listserv you would like to be added or removed from.


Darren Kennedy, OPBC, Program Analyst

DAS Enterprise Asset Management


​DAS RM will be presenting information about risk management and insurance in contracts over two days in March. This training will cover topics related to risk management in contracting including how to use the DAS RM risk assessment tool, what risk transfer is and why you want it in your agreement, what kinds and amounts of insurance to require for your agreement based on the risks, how to read a Certificate of Insurance (COI), Handling Contractor Pushback and Risk Management for Grants.

Risk Transfer, Risk Assessment and Insurance Exhibit Basics will be presented on Monday. Certificates of Insurance (COI), Intergovernmental Agreement’s(IGA) including Tribes and Handling Pushback will be covered on Wednesday.

Book the time on your calendar, use the link below to sign up and look for sign in information by February 27 . 


For more information regarding this message, contact Marie Hansen-Wargnier, Risk Management Consultant, at 971-719-1860 or via email

​All State agencies Take Note! Naloxone purchases either generic or brand name need to be made via an MMCAP Infuse member account.


As of March 1, 2025 Price Agreement 10700-00041601, MMCAP Infuse MMS2401062 - Cardinal Health 110 & 112 was made available as a mandatory use Statewide Price Agreement.

Naloxone purchases alone have surpassed the $150K Statewide threshold for direct purchase.


Moving forward please make all naloxone purchases through the above mention Pharmaceutical Wholesaler Agreement as well as the rest of your Pharmaceutical needs.


ORCPP members should strongly consider using this agreement for the most cost effective way to purchase Naloxone.


Please review the new agreement on the MMCAP Infuse member portal for changes before purchasing.


To view pricing; go to MMCAP Infuse “Member Portal”


If you do not have a member account or do not know the account details, reach out to our


MMCAP Infuse Northwest Regional Senior Healthcare Advisor

Kim Hankins



Note: Do not order from PA 9427- Cardinal Health 110 & 112 as it only remains open in OregonBuys to allow for payment, but is no longer available for purchases.


Contact Cardinal Health: Jason Gawlik  614-757-7468  or


For questions contact Nancy A. Doll at  or 971-349-2086

​Event Date:         4/2/2025

Event Time:        8:00 – 4:30

Location: City of Keizer Civic Center

                   930 Chemawa Rd NE

                   Keizer, Oregon 97303

Cost:   $50.00 Payment can be made through Workday, but the payer will not be able to pay for the training by using the Chrome application. It is recommended that payments be made by using Microsoft Edge. The cost of lunch is included. Please register any dietary restrictions using the form found in Workday.


Registration:      Register by following this link:

2025 Oregon Forward Program Showcase

Registrants will be required to have logon rights to Workday.


Those without a log on should follow this link to create a Workday account:


Event Details:    Seven Contact Hours Continuing Education points toward Procurement certification will be awarded.


The Oregon Forward Contractors will have a business showcase at the site and will be available to discuss the products and services they provide through the Oregon Forward Program. This will be a great opportunity to meet with these vendors and in some cases put a face with the name of the person you have been working with.


 The sessions offered include:

Using DAS Price Agreements

State Procurement Certification

Market Research

PDX Airport - Terminal Expansion Project

Oregon Forward Program Process and Responsibilities

Oregon Forward Program Testimonials

The Benefits of using DAS Price Agreements through the OrCPP program

Emergency Management and Logistics as it relates to procurement.


Darvin Pierce                                              Rena Montes      

971-718-6212                                              503-507-1246

Discover the Benefits of Partnering with

Oregon Corrections Enterprises


Oregon Corrections Enterprises (OCE) is proud to offer call center services to state, county, and local agencies. Our programs employ adults in custody (AICs) to perform tasks such as customer service, telemarketing, and data entry, providing tangible benefits to your agency and the broader community.

We’ve successfully partnered with the Oregon Employment Department and the Oregon Forestry Department, and we’re ready to bring the same quality and dedication to your organization.


The Value of OCE Call Centers


Our programs employ adults in custody (AICs) to perform essential tasks like customer service, telemarketing, and data entry. These services provide tangible benefits to your agency while supporting rehabilitation and skill development for AICs.


    For Adults in Custody:


    • Skill Development: Gain communication, technical, and customer service skills to boost employability.
    • Work Experience: Real-world job experience builds resumes and confidence for reentry.
    • Rehabilitation: Fosters responsibility, routine, and personal growth for successful reintegration.


    For Society:


    • Lower Recidivism Rates: Work programs reduce re-offense rates, easing the burden on the justice system.
    • Economic Contribution: Inmates contribute during incarceration and
    • beyond.
    • Restitution Payments: Earnings support obligations like victim restitution and child support.



    For the Prison System:


    • Reduced Idleness: Keeps AICs engaged in productive, structured work.
    • Cost Offset: Generates revenue to support correctional operations and programs.
    • Program Support: Funds additional rehabilitation and education initiatives.



    For Businesses:


    • Cost-Effective Labor: Competitive and reliable call center services at reduced costs.
    • Social Responsibility: Showcase your commitment to second chances and rehabilitation.



When you partner with OCE, you’re helping make Oregon better—creating opportunities for AICs, supporting the justice system, and benefiting your organization and community.


Interested in a potential partnership? Contact Bill Doman at (541) 881-4861 or to learn more about how OCE can meet your needs.

Together, we can create positive change.​

​Good morning,

Below are the MRO contacts in place. Fastenal was added we are working on reestablishing them in OregonBuys. I will also post the Buyers Guide soon.


New MRO Agreements effective January 1, 2025



Agreement #




Lawson Products

Agreement in place



MSC Industrial Supply Company

Agreement in place



Agreement in place


Fastenal effective 1/16/25

Agreement in Place


Global Equipment

Agreement in place


HD Supply

Negotiations in process


Thank you,

Kaliska King, CPPB, OPBC

State Procurement Analyst

Phone: 503-798-1907


Data Classification Level 2 – Limited


For more information regarding this message, contact Kaliska King for MRO and Kim O’Neil for Green Janitorial , Procurement Analyst, at 503-798-1907 or via email or

​Oregon Housing and Community Services  would like to share a new job opportunity, Grants & Contracts Officer (PCS3), with the OHCS Procurement Department.  The work for this position will be a remote work environment, posting closes on, 01/30/25, and attached is the PD and job posting for review.  If you have interest in this position, please apply via your Workday account with a current resume and cover letter specific to this position. 


Follow the directions for applying as an external candidate  Oregon Job Opportunities : Welcome Page : State of Oregon


Thank you,

Bill Swigart 

​The following Price Agreements have been extended until January 12, 2027:


DASPS-3561-20 - Alvarez & Marsal Public Sector Services, LLC

DASPS-3563-20 - Gartner, Inc

DASPS-3567-20 - Illuminative Strategies, Inc.

DASPS-3565-20 - PEAL Fleet, LLC

PO-10700-0005497 - Point B, Inc.

DASPS-3568-20 - Propeller, Inc.

DASPS-3569-20 - Quartech USA, Ltd

DASPS-3570-20 - Slalom, LLC


OregonBuys has been updated as well as the Buyer's Guide.  The Buyer's Guide is also attached to this email. 


The remaining Price Agreements will be amended prior to their expiration date May 20, 2025.


For more information regarding this message, contact Jennifer Jolley, State Procurement Analyst, at 971-900-7695 or via

​Added Additional Approved Dealer, Troy Group


For more information regarding this message, contact Marc Monetti, SPS Analyst at ​

​Our warehouse property specialist Joe asked me to send out a message regarding items that are going to public auction very soon, so that means this is your last chance to get these items! Prices have been marked down, so just click on the links/descriptions below that will take you to that item in Reuse where you can see all the particulars.


 Come on down to Surly Sven’s Surplus Superstore where we are currently overstocked, and our smiling staff has been severing prices to the bone! We have everything you need and probably a lot that you didn’t know you needed and we’re passing the savings on to you.


Need a generator to power a city block, a boat to beat the next flood, a shovel to dig yourself out of the mud, how about a boom truck to lift your spirits and a cornet to carry your tune? If you said yes to any of those then come on down to Surly Sven’s Surplus Superstore because we’ve got all that stuff and more, and with our new super low prices you can’t afford to miss out! Hurry before there’s nothing left!!


Joe Vaillancourt


22-230 01 Hot Food Cup


22-328 13 DeWalt reciprocating saw


22-328 02 Skil hand drill


23-048 04 Concrete vibrator


23-076 01A Coveralls


23-113 01 Cornet


23-164 01 Tent light set


23-209 01 Combination fire shovel/pick


23-311 01 Folding shovel


24-008 01 175KV Kohler generator


24-051 01A 3KW generator


24-069 01 Electric heat gun


24-139 01A Magnum electric floodlight kit


24-147 01A Refrigeration equipment tool set


24-167 01 Institutional dishwasher


24-174 01 Wireless lavalier system


24-174 03 75” TV


24-227 04 IV stand


24-256 01 Winch parts kit


24-265 01 Sandbags


24-319 01 Floor tile, assorted


24-324 01 67/100KW generator


24-324 02 Hyster standup forklift


24-333 03 Ford F750 vac truck


24-340 03 Men's boots, Belleville


24-359 02 Refrigerator-freezer


24-368 02 Polaris Ranger 4x4


24-381 01B Conex shipping & storage container


24-394 02 Electric Tiger truck


24-412 01 1991 Boom utility truck


25-002 01 DeWalt chop saw


25-010 02 Hazmat suits XL


25-021 01 Sea Ark work horse boat


25-032 03 2007 Club Car golf cart


25-046 01 Stihl backpack blower

​I love computers. In the previous email I sent, it contained links. You click on a link, it opens in Reuse, good times. Except Reuse is throwing a fit like an insolent child. Sometimes the links will take you to the item, sometimes not. If you get a “Server Error”, that means there’s a server error; cue Captain Obvious. If this happens, try it again. It may work, it may not (insert heavy sigh here). I have a message out to the database administrator, and they will probably reboot the server and it’ll be fine. I hope. It’s the Surplus version of a two-year-old throwing a fit in the middle of the supermarket. I would just walk away, but I feel responsible somehow.


Thank you for your patience…..


Darren Kennedy, OPBC, Program Analyst  |  DAS Enterprise Asset Management  |  503-378-6022  |

​Beginning January 1, 2025 the following administrative changes have occurred.


Vendo Chameleon machines have requested and received a 3% gross increase,

CPI requested and received a 5% increase on BevMAX Classic and a 3 % increase for AM Parts and Components.


 For more information regarding this message, contact Nancy Doll.

​Notice to authorized purchasers: This email is to inform authorized purchasers of additional discontinued mask and PPE (glove)price agreements. Price agreements 1706 with Excel Supply Company and 1708 with HKA Trading, have been added to the list of discontinued agreements.


Discontinued masks and PPE product (glove) agreements


Agreement #



Excel Supply Company


HKA Trading




HKA Trading




ICU Eyeworks


308 Systems




Conscendo Aviation






DW Friz


Core X








Mini Wing


If you have questions regarding these agreements or this email, contact

​DAS SPS is sending this notification to inform authorized purchasers of amendment No. 4 to price agreement (PA) 8913 for tasers and related software with Axon Enterprise, Inc.


This amendment


Extends the term to 12/31/2026, and

Revises exhibit A – products 2025 price list, effective 1/1/2025

See the attached executed amendment, which can also be found under the price agreement in OregonBuys.


For more information regarding this message, contact Kim O’Neill, State Procurement Analyst, at 971-349-0114 or via email at

​DAS SPS is sending this notification to inform Authorized purchasers of the amendment to PA 5603 with CDWG for Software.


With Amendment No. 9 PA 5603 is amended as follows:

Extend the price agreement term end date for two (2) years.

New expiration date is 12/30/26


See the attached executed amendment, which can also be found under the PA in OregonBuys.


Please watch for an additional amendment soon with further updates.


For more information regarding this message, contact Ashley Wenger, State Procurement Analyst, at 971-719-0322 or via email at

​Our cousins at the Department of State Lands (DSL to you and me) have a free opportunity for a deserving agency.


Are you sick and tired of having your stuff ripped off (I’m looking at you ODOT, ODFW, Forestry, or utility boards)? Jails or prisons, are you tired of prisoners trying to escape through holes in the fence? How awkward! DSL has some concertina/razor wire located at the Shutter Creek facility in North Bend. Instead of translating all of this, I will be lazy and copy/paste Sharon’s words here, and you can contact her with questions or dibs. I’m no expert, but I’m thinking you should probably wear leather gloves…..I know, thank you Captain Obvious.


“We are offering this for free to other agencies (state or local). Mostly just the razor wire but some sections can include the fence. We’d be open to discussing.


Here is some additional information:


The wire is still installed, location is Shutter Creek in North Bend.

Not sure how many feet but there is a lot.(Approx. 4600 linear feet).

The arrangement would be for the taker to uninstall and remove for their facilities. DSL will observe but will not help. The taker would assume responsibility.


DSL is happy to share and we’d love to have a taker for all of it. Partials might work if what’s left is still installed so it doesn’t become a hazard. 


Fencing, razor wire is expensive to buy new and this razor wire is in good shape.”


The contact person for this opportunity is:

Sharon Domaschofsky

Project Manager - Department of State Lands

Phone: 503-302-1507


This is available to local governments only (no private entities).


Please don’t reply to me with questions/dibs, as I will go all Sgt. Schultz on you.


Google it if you don’t know what the heck I’m talking about.


If you’re interested, give Sharon a buzz and hopefully you all can put something together.


Good luck and happy new year everybody!

Good Morning OrCPP members.  And Happy New Year.

​Our friends from the City of Eugene are looking for a Purchasing Analyst.  See attached position advertisement.

 Drew Pryor (He/Him)

City of Eugene l P2P Manager       

541.682.5050 |

500 E 4th Ave. Ste. 303 

Eugene, OR 97401

​Please see the attached Buyer’s Guide update for Konica Minolta Managed Print Services.  A copy has also been placed in Oregon Buys (Master Blanket Purchase Order) in OregonBuys. Please note the following changes and updates:


For more information regarding this message, contact Marc Monetti, via email

Maxim Health Staffing Services, Inc.  has changed their name to Amergis Healthcare Staffing Inc.

The new price agreement number is PO-10700-00041756 (former price agreement number was PO-10700-00015789).


This is the only change to the agreement.  No other changes were made to any of the other agreements.  OregonBuys has been updated with this information and a new buyer's guide has also been attached in OregonBuys and to this email.


 For more information regarding this message, contact Jennifer Jolley, State Procurement Analyst, at 971-900-7695 or via email

​Good afternoon,

Two more suppliers have been added to the New MRO Portfolio, please see below:


New MRO agreements effective January 1, 2025



Agreement #




Lawson Products

Agreement in place


MSC Industrial Supply Company

Agreement in place



Agreement in place



Negotiations in process


Global Equipment

Agreement in place


HD Supply

Negotiations in process

I will keep you updated once the other 2 are in place. Also, Grainger's Buyers Guide will be updated soon, currently it's not attached.

Thank you,

Kaliska King, CPPB, OPBC

State Procurement Analyst

Phone: 503-798-1907


​Notice to Authorized Purchasers: all price agreements for masks and PPE products (gloves) implemented during the COVID19 pandemic have been discontinued.


For your convenience I have compiled a list of agreements to consider for your glove needs. This list contains a variety of gloves for different uses and is not intended to be an all-inclusive list. It is the authorized purchasers responsibility to ensure the gloves they order are appropriate and used as intended.


The following agreements may provide gloves for purchase:


Oregon Forward Agreements such as Rockwest Training Company #3438 and Gartner Inc. #DASPS-3563-20.
For additional information on Oregon Forward Agreements contact Rena Montes at


MMCAP Infuse agreements – MMCAP members get substantial discounts on gloves through the MMCAP Infuse medical supplies, medical products, and pharmaceutical agreements.
For additional information on MMCAP Infuse agreements contact Nancy Doll at


Food service product agreements such as Merchants Paper Co. #0550 and US Foods #0557 (see category #9-disposable).
For additional information see attached Food service product buyers guide


Laboratory equipment and supplies such as Fisher Scientific, VWR International, Pacific Star Corporation, Midland Scientific, Nikon Instruments, see “supplies”.

For additional information see attached Laboratory equipment and supplies buyers guide


NEW MRO Agreements such as Lawson Products, MSC Industrial Supply, and Grainger. 4 additional agreements are currently being negotiated.
For additional information see attached MRO Buyers Guides for Lawson and MSC


Expiring: Green Janitorial agreements such as Staples #3401, Waxie #3402, HD Supply #PO-10700-00005744 (see category #5-General cleaning supplies and category #7-Disposable food service ware). These agreements are being transitioned into MRO Agreements.

For additional information see attached buyers guides for the new MRO agreements (Lawson and MSC) and the expiring Green Janitorial agreements


Discontinued Masks and PPE Product (glove) Agreements


Agreement #





HKA Trading




ICU Eyeworks


308 Systems




Conscendo Aviation






DW Friz


Core X








Mini Wing

For additional questions regarding this email feel free to contact

​The Office of Planning & Capital Construction at Portland Community College is recruiting for a Buyer/Contract Specialist.  The ideal candidate will have experience with procurement to support capital projects using a variety of contracting methods including Design/Bid/Build, CM/GC, and Design Build.  The position will also be responsible for ongoing contract administration through the life of each capital project.  


For more details or to apply please visit"


Happy Holidays,




John A MacLean C.M.A.

​The following supplier, in conjunction with NASPO, has signed a Participating Addendum (Price Agreement) with SPS for the purpose of supplying Blades and Cutting Edges used on Snowplow and Grader Equipment. This agreement is available for use by all state agencies and current members of OrCPP.

Further details may be found in OregonBuys using the number below.                                                                                      


Chemung Supply Corporation (Supplier of Evolution edges and Sabre plow blades)

OregonBuys Reference: PO-10700-00041640


Should you have any questions regarding the above, feel free to contact me.


John Starrs

State Procurement Analyst

971-349-2539 / John.Starrs@Das.Oregon.Gov

​The new MRO agreements will now include green janitorial products along with other products that comply with DAS’s Statewide Sustainable Procurement Policy 107-009-0040, DAS’s Statewide policy 107-009-0080-PO and green chemistry Procurement Guidelines, and executive orders 12-05, 127-20 and 20-04.


Expiring MRO Price Agreements – Expiring December 31, 2024





Agreement #


Agreement #




Network Services Company





Coper State Bolt and Nut Co.


Conserve-A-Watt lighting Inc.



Hilti, Inc.


Staples Contract & Commercial LLC



W.W. Grainger - Fastenal Company


Noble Supply & Logistics



North Coast Electric Company


Supply Chimp



MSC Industrial Supply Co.


Waxie Enterprise’s, Inc.



Green Janitorial Supplies, Industrial Paper & Equipment Agreements are expiring June 30, 2025, the products sold under these Agreements will now be sold under the Maintenance, Repair, and Operations (MRO) Agreements, see Oregon Participating Addendum, Exhibit 5 for more information. For Authorized Purchasers who order paper products from Waxie Enterprises, this process will likely include a transition in the product you are receiving. DAS SPS understands the significance in changes to product and we are working on a transition plan. Please stay tuned for additional information after the new year.


Expiring Green Janitorial Agreements – Expiring June 30, 2025


Agreement #



Waxie’s Enterprises, Inc.


Staples Contract & Commercial Inc. Coastwide Laboratories


West Coast Paper – Terminated January 2018


 The NEW MRO Agreements become effective January 1, 2025. See list of New MRO Agreements and their negotiation status below. I will send updates as the remaining agreements are in place.  


New MRO Agreements effective January 1, 2025



Agreement #




Lawson Products

Agreement in place



MSC Industrial Supply Company

Agreement in place



Negotiations in process



Negotiations in process


Global Equipment

Negotiations in process


HD Supply

Negotiations in process


If you have questions about the sustainable components in the new Agreements, please reach out to our Sustainable Procurement Program Manager, Adam Helvey 971-349-2329 or


For more information regarding this message, contact Kaliska King for MRO and Kim O’Neil for Green Janitorial , Procurement Analyst, at 503-798-1907 or via email or