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Emergency Preparedness

Walk Through Scripts

Ordering Procurement Staff

To DAS HRO Requesting Staff

Hello, this is (requesting manager's name) from the (requesting agency).  We are conducting procurements for the disaster in (location of the event).  I will need additional staff to assist.

I am in need of (quantity of staff) for (duration required).  Experience in procurement is preferred, but not necessary.  They will be working from their own locations and the expenditures they make will be paid by their agency.  They will receive instructions via email and fax.

They will need to start (start date).

Procuring the Resource

Hello, my name is (name of buyer).  I am (from or representing) the Oregon Procurement Services office. The governor has declared a disaster in (location of event). I am looking for (item required and the quantity needed).  Would you be able to supply that?

If Yes, Then You Will Need To Ask The Following Questions:

  • What is the cost?
  • Will you deliver?  What is the delivery charge? How soon can you deliver?
  • If this is a will call, when will it be ready for pick up?  At what address?
  • How would you like payment (direct bill, purchase order, credit card)?
    • Bill us:  The invoice can be mailed to (buyer's email address) or faxed to (buyer's fax number).  Your reference number is (OEM incident number).
    • Purchase Order:  Please use PO number (PO number generated by buyer) and email invoice to (buyer's email address) or fax to (buyer's fax number).  Your reference number is (OEM incident number).
    • Credit card: You will be contacted within the next hour by a SPOTS card holder who will give you the credit card information. The reference is (OEM incident number).  Please email invoice to (buyer's email address) or fax to (buyer's fax number).

Thank you for your assistance with these supplies.

If No:
Ask them if they know of other options to meet the same need or any other suppliers in the area that may be able to assist, then move on to the next supplier.

The finance coordinator will need to be contacted to locate a SPOTS card holder with the approved single transaction limits as well as an account balance that can handle the transaction:

Hello, this is (buyer's name).  I need a SPOTS card payment in the amount of (dollar amount of purchase).  Who can I contact?

The finance coordinator will provide the contact information for the appropriate person to the buyer.  The buyer will contact the SPOTS card holder for payment:

Hello, my name is (buyer's name).  I am purchasing supplies for the disaster in (location of event).  I was given your name by (finance coordinator) as a SPOTS card holder that can assist a purchase.  I need a payment for supplies.

You will need to call (contact name of supplier) of (business name) at (phone number of supplier).  They are expecting credit card payment in the amount of (dollar amount) for (supplies being purchased).  The reference number is (OEM incident number).

Please confirm payment to me at (buyer's phone number or email address).

Thank you.


This is (buyer's name) of (assisting agency).  The supplies requested under OEM action number (OEM action number) and incident number (incident number) have been ordered and will be delivered on (delivery date).
This is (buyer's name) of (assisting agency).  The supplies requested under OEM action number (OEM action number) and incident number (incident number) have been ordered and can be picked up on (delivery date) from (supplier name and location).

This is (coordinating supervisor's name) of (agency).  The supplies requested under OEM action number (OEM action number) and incident number (incident number) have been ordered and will be delivered on (delivery date).
This is (coordinating supervisor's name) of (agency).  The supplies requested under OEM action number (OEM action number) and incident number (incident number) have been ordered and can be picked up on (delivery date) from (supplier name and location).

​Hello, this is (buyer's name).  I have an update on a purchase.  It is OEM action number (OEM action number) and incident number  (incident number).  The (supplies ordered) were purchased from (supplier business name) and delivered to (name of the person or location receiving the supplies).  The cost of the order was (cost).  It was charged to a SPOTS card holder (card holder name).

Hello, my name is (buyer's name).  I am calling to confirm the delivery of (supplies ordered).  Can you give me a date and time of delivery?
Thank you.
The buyer will notify the coordinating supervisor of the delivery status:
Hello, this is (buyer's name) of (assisting agency).  The supplies requested under OEM action number (OEM action number) and incident number (incident number) have been ordered and were delivered on (delivery date).
Hello, this is (buyer's name) of (assisting agency). The supplies requested under OEM action number (OEM action number) and incident number (incident number) have been ordered and were picked up on (delivery date) from (supplier name and location).

Hello, this is (coordinating supervisor's name) of (agency).  The supplies requested under OEM action number (OEM action number) and incident number (incident number) were delivered on (delivery date).
Hello, this is (coordinating supervisor's name) of (agency). The supplies requested under OEM action number (OEM action number) and incident number (incident number) were picked up on (delivery date) from (supplier name and location).