The Oregon Public Defense Caseload forecast provides projections of adult and juveniles eligible for public defense counsel, delineated by circuit and appellate court. The forecast is further broken out by thirteen case types across criminal and civil courts. The forecast is made on a monthly basis and extends out to the 2029-31 biennium. Finally, the forecast is generated by county for all case categories and additionally by detailed felony category (e.g., Jessica’s Law, Murder, etc.) The report is scheduled to be issued twice a year, on April 15 and October 15.
Archived Forecast
While there is not a formal advisory committee yet, an informal advisory group comprised of staff from Office of Public Defense Services, the Judicial Department, the DAS Chief Financial Office, the Legislative Fiscal Office and other knowledgeable parties meets prior to the release of the forecast. This is a public meeting. The next meeting will occur sometime in March 2025.
September Advisory Meeting Materials
Meeting presentation