What is a Status Check?
To ensure that employees are set up correctly in Workday and the Payroll system, all agencies are required to request a “status check" with PERS prior to entering the PERS Class Plan coding in Workday. PERS is the only entity that has access to an employee's entire work history to determine their PERS Plan and contribution start date (CSD).
A status check provides the following details needed to determine appropriate Workday and Payroll coding:
o PERS Plan (Tier 1, Tier 2 or OPSRP)
o “Eligible upon hire with CSD" or “needs to serve a new wait time"
o Retired and if retirement was “Normal" or “Early" (This impacts the retiree hour limit)
o If the employee is already enrolled in Voluntary Contributions with another PERS employer.
Status Check Process:
- Agency HR or Payroll partners must be authorized by DAS CPERS to obtain a status check. Contact CPERS for authorization.
- CPERS maintains the list of authorized contacts and regularly updates PERS of any changes.
- Authorized personnel may request a status check using the following three methods:
1. Phone: Contact PERS Employer Center at 1-888-320-7377 M-F between the hours of 8:30-12:00.
2. Email: Fill out the Status Check Form and email it to PERS at das.status.checks@pers.oregon.gov
SSN's cannot be sent via email for security reasons. If the full SSN is required for PERS to complete the status check, the phone option will need to be used.
- Once the status check has been completed use the PERS Class Plan Worksheet to determine appropriate coding for Workday and Payroll.
- CPERS works as Liaisons between the agency and PERS on any account issues that arise. CPERS may ask the agency for a copy of the status check form if needed.
How this Process has Financial Impact:
- The coding entered in Workday is sent to PERS via a monthly file from CPERS. This sets up the employee's PERS account and sets the rate PERS will expect to receive each month. If the information sent to PERS is incorrect, inconsistent data will reside in the different systems.
- The information in Workday interfaces to Payroll and updates the PERS Class Plan coding.
- The PERS Class Plan coding drives the payroll PERS deduction from the employees pay, and the PERS employer rate.
- If this process is not completed correctly and timely agencies will be invoiced at the end of the year for additional contributions owed to PERS.
- Voluntary Contributions are a monthly deduction the employee has enrolled in through PERS. Setting the deduction up timely prevents multiple months from being deducted from the employees pay at one time.