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Accounting and Reporting Training
Accounts Receivable Training and Workshops
Associations and Boards
Finance related associations and boards that can be helpful resources for individuals working in or interested in finance.
Controller's Office Quick Vid Training Series
Please provide future Quick Vid topics at the link below:
Future Quick Vids Poll
Intro to Controllers's Office Quick Vid Training Series
Amortize Lease
Capital Asset Acquisition
Capital Asset Depreciation
Disposal of Fully Depreciated Capital Asset
Disposal of Partially Depreciated Capital Asset
Lease Commencement
Lease Early Termination
Lease Modification and Remeasurement
Lease Payment
Reduce Lease Liability
SBITA Commencement
Federal Grant Resources
Council on Financial Assistance Reform (COFAR) - COFAR is comprised of an interagency group of federal executive branch officials to coordinate financial assistance. Activites include providing recommendations to the Office of Management and Budget on policies and actions necessary to effectively deliver, oversee and report on grants and cooperative agreements.
Systems Security Training
Training Resources
GASB 87 Resources:
GASB Statement No. 87, Leases
GASB Implementation Guide 2019-3, Leases
GASB Implementation Guide 2020-1, Update 2020 (questions 4.6 - 4.17)
GASB Implementation Guide 2021-1, Update 2021 (questions 4.4 - 4.22)
Lease Journal Entries
Accounting Profiles - proposed
Decision Tree - Lessee
Decision Tree - Lessor
Implementation Timeline
Lease Data Matrix
Oregon Bond Index - as of July 1, 2021
Oregon Bond Index - as of July 1, 2022.pdf
Oregon Bond Index - 8.25.2022-3.16.2023.pdf
Oregon Bond Index - current
Scope Guide
Survey Results Reporting Template
Training Slides
Training Video (includes audio)
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