The finance coordinator will need to be contacted to locate a SPOTS card holder with the approved single transaction limits as well as an account balance that can handle the transaction:
Hello, this is
(buyer's name). I need a SPOTS card payment in the amount of
(dollar amount of purchase). Who can I contact?
The finance coordinator will provide the contact information for the appropriate person to the buyer. The buyer will contact the SPOTS card holder for payment:
Hello, my name is
(buyer's name). I am purchasing supplies for the disaster in
(location of event). I was given your name by
(finance coordinator) as a SPOTS card holder that can assist a purchase. I need a payment for supplies.
You will need to call
(contact name of supplier) of
(business name) at
(phone number of supplier). They are expecting credit card payment in the amount of
(dollar amount) for
(supplies being purchased). The reference number is
(OEM incident number).
Please confirm payment to me at
(buyer's phone number or email address).
Thank you.