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Charity Drives for State Employees

Annual Organized Charity Campaigns

​​Charitable Fund Drive website 

In the fall of each year, state employees may participate in a charitable giving campaign. The professionally-run fund drive allows employees to tailor their giving to the causes and organizations they wish to support. Employees who take part can select from hundreds of nonprofits from around Oregon. The drive provides an efficient and easy way for state employees to donate.

An employee can give by participating in fundraising within their agency and by making a one-time gift or monthly payroll deduction. A year-round website highlights many activities of the participating nonprofits, giving employees an opportunity to see their money helping the needy, improving the environment, and making Oregon a better place.​

​​​​Governor's State Employees Food Drive website 

Every February, state employees go all out to collect food and funds for the Oregon Food Bank Network, which provides emergency food to people in need throughout Oregon. Agencies, boards and commissions join in the food drive and often enlist the support of community partners in fundraising activities. 

The ease of monthly payroll deduction allows state employees to extend their generosity all year. Employees may also make one-time gifts using a credit card or bank account.​


Mid-November through mid-December is the time of year when state employees join together to bring much-needed holiday cheer to some of our smallest Oregonians. 

It's the annual State Employee Toy Drive, with all donations going to the Marine Corps Toys for Tots program, for delivery across Oregon. 

​​​An administrative rule guides the state on what's appropriate regarding soliciting state employees for charitable causes. The following excerpt from OAR 125-030-0006 (formerly 121-030-0000) clarifies that state government restricts charity drives: 

"No organized charitable solicitations of state employees in state offices, facilities or other places of employment shall be permitted without prior approval of the Director of the Department of Administrative Services. 
"All solicitations by charitable organizations that are approved in accordance with this rule shall be made in one combined annual fund drive for cash contributions or payroll deductions that shall be conducted on dates established by order of the Director of the Department of Administrative Services. 
"OAR chapter 125, division 30, does not apply to the Governor’s Annual Food Drive, the annual Christmas Toys for Joy Program or the Campaign for Equal Justice."

Administrative Rule 125-030-0006​