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Permit-Ready Plans Program

About the program

The Permit-Ready Plans Program creates an efficient pathway for the division to develop and make publicly accessible building plans that meet the requirements of the state building code, and are exempt from the laws governing the practice of architecture and engineering in Oregon. The expectation for permit applications using permit-ready plans is that they require less time to review and are less expensive to process by building departments. See OAR 918-001-0500.

Use of permit-ready plans

Permit-ready plans that have been published to the division’s website are available for use by the public. A permit-ready plan is exempt from local plan review for code compliance on all elements addressed by, and included as part of, the permit-ready plan. Plan review fees may still be assessed for the authentication, compliance with specific options selected, and compliance with specific local requirements such as soils, slopes, location on property, land-use setbacks, fire separation distances, flood hazard areas, and site-specific geographic and climatic design criteria.

See OAR 918-001-0520.

Modification of permit-ready plans

Permit-ready plans may not be modified, changed, or adjusted in any way without additional local review and local building official approval. The division will not field or respond to any project-specific inquiries regarding modifications, or changes to any permit ready plan; all related inquiries must be directed to the local building department, and are subject to local plan revision submittal and local plan review approval processes.

See OAR 918-001-0530.

Available permit-ready plans


Single-level exterior wood-framed decks attached to an exterior wall of a building regulated by the Oregon Residential Specialty Code.

View the plans

Future plans ~ Coming soon

The division is also working on the following permit-ready plans:

  • Post-frame buildings (Pole buildings)
  • Detached garages
  • Patio cover
  • Carport
