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Electrical Inspector (EI) Practicum

Note: These policies are updated periodically and subject to change. Please read carefully prior to registering for any training.

EI practicum description

The Electrical Inspector practicum is designed to provide electrical journey workers who have less than the necessary number of hours of work experience to qualify to sit for the Electrical Inspector (EI) certification examination under OAR 918-281-0020 with an alternate pathway to qualify for the examination. Please see the foregoing rule for qualification requirements. The practicum process will prepare applicants for performing commercial electrical inspections covered by the Oregon Electrical Specialty Code. Upon approval for the practicum, applicants will be required to complete the following:

  1. Apply and successfully pass the division’s Residential Electrical Inspector (CAE) examination. A score of 75% or higher is required to successfully pass the examination. Applicants with a passing score will be issued a CAE certification and can seek employment with an Oregon Municipality, while completing the following requirements.
  2. Applicants who pass the residential CAE exam will be approved to take the division’s Specialized Electrical Inspector (SEI) twelve-week course.
  3. Individuals who successfully complete the SEI course and pass the state SEI examination will have a SEI certification issued. Applicant will automatically be approved to apply to sit for the division’s Commercial Electrical Specialty Code Inspector (EI) certification examination. A score of 75% or higher is required to successfully pass the certification examination. 
Individuals who fail any of the above state inspector examinations must reapply for entry into the practicum pathway. Individuals who successfully pass the practical examination process will receive approval to take the state electrical inspector certification exam. Exams with a passing score of 75 percent or higher will be issued an Oregon Electrical Inspector (EI) certification.


$80 CAE certification application and exam fee.
$200 SEI registration fee after successful completion of the CAE examination.
$80 SEI examination fee after successful completion of the SEI class.
$80 EI examination fee after successful completion of the SEI examination.

SEI Information

For detailed information about the SEI practicum class see BCD | Inspector training - SEI practicum

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