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Residential Plumbing Inspector (CAP) course

Note: These policies are updated periodically and subject to change. Please read carefully prior to registering for any training.

Course description

The Residential Plumbing Inspector course explains the codes and processes for performing residential plumbing inspections covered by the Oregon Low-Rise Residential Dwelling Code. The course addresses the various components of plumbing installations that are verified during the inspection process. The course is taught through interactive training between the instructor and students, specific questions and assigned research, and progress exams. Students who successfully complete the course and pass the state residential plumbing inspector certification exam will be issued an Oregon Residential Plumbing Inspector (CAP) certification.

Course requirement: Individuals who have registered and been approved to take the plumbing course who do not hold a current Oregon Inspector Certification (OIC) will be required to enroll for the next available OIC class. Training staff will contact you with available dates.

Please note: Those interested should register immediately once registration is open so your application can be reviewed for consideration. Although we are aware many are waiting to take this course, seating will be limited. Those who work for, or on behalf of, an Oregon building department (county, city or state) will be considered for seating first as we have a responsibility to meet the needs of current inspection services in the state. All other registration requests will be considered in the order received.

Course information

Course length

24-26 weeks. Currently, this course is offered online only, however, live attendance maybe become available and/or required as the course progresses. Progress exams will be proctored online via webcam and microphone by the training staff. Students who successfully complete the course requirements will choose a proctored location to take the state exam. Class days that fall on a State closure will extend the course by one day for each occurrence.

Required course work

  • Course progress exams will be assigned throughout the course.
  • Reading assignments and other homework may be given after completion of a lesson
  • Quizzes may be given after each lesson.
  • State exam: students may use codebook and code reference material. Lessons, handwritten notes, and electronic devices will not be allowed during the examination. The exam will be given at a proctored location.

Required course materials

Optional course materials


  • $750 course fee
  • $80 state exam application and fee (due upon successful course completion)
inspector training logo 

Course instructor

Max Butler
Plumbing Code Specialist, Trainer

Course location

Currently offered only online

Building Codes Division
1535 Edgewater Street NW, CR C
Salem, OR 97304
(or attend online via Adobe Connect)