Who can file a complaint?
A consumer can file a complaint alleging a contractor or individual trade worker (electrician, plumber, boilermaker, etc.) violated building code statutes, laws, or specialty codes, in relation to:
- Performing work without the required licenses.
- Allowing unlicensed individuals to perform work.
- Performing work that results in unsafe building conditions.
- Knowingly using materials or equipment that is deficient.
Consumers should report businesses or trade workers that fail to obtain the necessary permits to their local building department, unless there are more alleged violations; in that case, file a complaint with the Building Codes Division.
Complaints regarding licensure, breach of contract, negligence, or nonpayment of wages or materials, by residential and commercial contractors should go to the Oregon Construction Contractors Board (CCB). The division works closely with CCB when investigating alleged violations. If you are unsure where to report a complaint, call the division at 503-378-3278.
File complaints with the Building Codes Division as soon as possible.