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Wildfire hazard mitigation

Senate Bill 762 (2021), updated by Senate Bill 80 (2023), created a statewide approach to a wide range of wildfire mitigation measures. The legislature directed the Building Codes Division to adopt fire hardening building code standards, based on existing wildfire mitigation provisions, that could be applied to new dwellings and the accessory structures of dwellings in areas of the state mapped as high hazard zones and that are in the wildland urban interface.

About the changes

Fire hardening building code standards

  • Fire hardening refers to using building materials and practices that can reduce the hazard of ignition of a home by embers from wildfires.
  • The fire hazard mitigation (fire hardening) standards that the division is in the process of adopting will be based on the wildfire mitigation provisions in Section R327 of the 2021 Oregon Residential Specialty Code (ORSC).
  • The high hazard zones of the state in the wildland urban interface will be mapped out on the Oregon Wildfire Hazard Map. See more information about the map below.

What homeowners need to know

  • If you are in the high hazard zone and in the wildland urban interface:
    • No action is required at this time.
    • Building code standards do not apply retroactively. They only apply to an existing home if you are replacing a covered item.
    • The effective date of the new code requirements will be based on when the wildfire hazard map is available. If you are replacing your roof or siding, doing an addition to your home, or constructing a new home, you would need to use fire hardening materials for any permit application submitted after the effective date of the new code requirements.
    • You are not required to change materials for partial repairs of your roof or siding.
  • If you are not in the high hazard zone or are outside of the wildland urban interface:
    • Nothing is required related to home hardening, even after the effective date of the new code amendments.
    • If you want to make your home more fire resilient, view this How Fire Hardening Works guide to learn more about the things you can do to improve your homes resistance to wildfire.

Estimated cost of home hardening

A wide array of variables impact the cost of hardening a home and estimating a cost increase from standard prescriptive construction, including but not limited to; initial materials selected, size and shape of dwelling, size and number of projections and decks, eave heights, number and type of vents, number and type of windows, and similar customer design considerations.

View this Estimated cost of hardening your home guide to learn more about estimated costs.

Wildfire Hazard Mitigation training video

This training video covers construction standards and material compliance requirements from the 2023 ORSC for wildfire hazard mitigation or home-hardening. This training is intended to identify the appropriate con struction standards required in areas of our state where the wildfire hazard mitigation provisions of the 2023 ORSC are applicable.

View the new wildfire hazard mitigation training video.

Wildfire hazard mitigation standards

To implement Senate Bill (SB) 762 (2021) and SB 80 (2023), the division is developing rules that will amend the ORSC Section R327 to apply to all new dwellings and the accessory structures of dwellings in high wildfire hazard zones in the wildland-urban interface and to extend the standards to apply to existing dwellings that are replacing exterior elements of the structure.

Timeline for adopting amendments

Wildfire hazard map questions?

The wildfire map created in 2022 was withdrawn. The Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) will be creating a new wildfire hazard map consistent with SB 80 (2023). For more information about the map or the hazard classification of a property visit the ODF website.

ODF logo

Oregon Department of Forestry
Oregon Wildfire Hazard Map

The wildfire hazard map is being developed by Oregon State University (OSU) using multiple data sets based on the best available wildfire science. For more information about wildfire science and how the map is developed visit the OSU website.

OSU logo

Oregon State University
Wildfire hazard map development

Defensible space code questions?

If you have questions about the rules for trees, bushes, and other vegetation around your building, also known as “defensible space" you can visit the Oregon State Fire Marshal's website.

OSFM logo

Oregon State Fire Marshal
Oregon Defensible Space Code

Land use questions?

If you have questions about the implementation of SB 762 as it pertains to land use laws and rules visit the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development website.

DLCD logo

Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development
Land-use updates

Wildfire hazard mitigation mapping tool

As the Oregon Department of Forestry is overseeing the development and maintenance of a comprehensive statewide map of wildfire hazard that will display the three wildfire hazard zones: high, moderate, and low hazard; the division is working on an interactive tool to work in conjunction with the Oregon Wildfire Risk Explorer, that will display wildfire hazard mitigation standards covered in Section R327 of the ORSC. This tool will also support the future listing of snow, seismic, and wind design criteria at the property level.

Developments in the process will be posted here as they become available.