Welcome to the Oregon Building Codes Division (BCD). We work to ensure the safety of buildings through the administration of the state of Oregon's current building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and energy codes and laws pertaining to the review and inspection of projects. Our goal is to provide excellent customer service and high-quality technical assistance.
How we got started.
Before 1973, a variety of local codes governed the construction of buildings in Oregon. At that time, 20 of Oregon’s 36 counties and approximately 100 of its 240 cities had no building code ordinances in effect. While in Multnomah, Washington, and Clackamas counties, local governments had adopted 53 different building codes. This lack of uniformity created uncertainty for contractors, real estate agents, architects, builders, and others involved in the construction process, but also posed a risk to health and safety for those who would inhabit any new construction.
Enter Senate Bill 73. Fifty years ago, Sen. Dick Groener and Reps. Robert “Bob” Elliot and Roger Martin sponsored Senate Bill 73, which Gov. Tom McCall signed to create Oregon’s unique, unified statewide building code system. The issues driving the 1973 bill included consistency of code requirements between municipalities, dispute resolution for decisions made by building inspectors, and establishment of stakeholder advisory boards to help adopt codes.