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Plans and Assessments

The Oregon Department of Emergency Management (OEM) assesses and plans for threats and hazards that the state faces. The primary document for the state’s emergency management program is the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. In addition, other documents cover specific topics, such as the Oregon Resilience Plan and volcano coordination plans.
In Oregon, all jurisdictions receiving preparedness funds or receiving direct benefit from these funds must be National Incident Management System (NIMS) compliant. OEM requires counties and tribes to be in compliance with NIMS and to complete the State Capability Assessment to be eligible to apply for certain grant funds, as directed by the Federal government. These standards and assessments allow OEM to have a complete picture of the capabilities and resources at all levels in the state.
An important aspect of emergency management is the ability to continue government operations when impacted by an emergency or disaster. To help agencies develop continuity of operations (COOP) plans, Oregon has a contract to provide (at no cost to eligible organizations) a consistent software toolkit for COOP planning.