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Governor's Advisory Committee on Motorcycle Safety

Committee Membership Opportunity

Do you care about keeping Oregon’s roads and highways safe for drivers, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians? Now is your chance to help us make a difference! 

ODOT is looking for safety-minded people to join the Governor's Advisory Committee on Motorcycle Safety (GAC-MS).

A link to the Workday membership application for the GAC-MS can be found below:
Membership application for the Governor's Advisory Committee on Motorcycle Safety (GAC-MS)


The committee’s focus is rider education, impaired riding, road hazards unique to motorcyclists, motorist awareness of motorcycles, sharing the road and other safety issues. The committee advises the Governor and the Governor’s Highway Safety Representative regarding motorcycle safety issues and legislation that is in the best interest of the Oregon transportation public.

2018 - 2024 GAC - MS Strategic Plan

Thank you all for your patience throughout the staffing transitions for the Executive Support role at TSO. We have now created an email profile that is accessible by several team members, and we will be able to add new hires as they come on, so no individual will own these meetings. Invitations will now come from that profile, which will eliminate the need for cancelling and resending items when these transitions take place in the future. Please accept our apologies in advance for the final wave of cancellations and new invitations. 

The email address is TSO Executive Support:

2025 Approved Meeting Calendar


Unless otherwise notified, meetings begin at 4 pm. 


Unless specified otherwise, the GAC MS meetings will be held at:
The Keizer Civic Center
930 Chemawa Road NE
Keizer, OR 97303

Public Comment Registration

If you have information you would like to share with the committee, you are welcome to do so. Follow the link below and fill out the form to register to submit a public comment. Speakers will be limited to three-minutes. The registration deadline will be noon the day before each meeting. 

Meeting Dates and Documents



Chair -
Christopher Henry, Eugene

Don Hamon, Bend
Ethan Lodwig, Eugene
Graham Munsell, Gervais
CJ Strauss, Portland
Deborah Weber, Albany

Committee Staff

Jeff Greiner
Motorcycle Safety Program Analyst

Jenifer Sether
Committee Executive Support

Committee Liaisons

Johanna (Hanna) Braziel, DMV
Jason Lindland, OSP
Lynn Zanto, NHTSA
Christopher Cass, PPB
Aria Minu-Sepehr, Team Oregon
Pat Hahn, Team Oregon
Pedro Velasquez, Oregon Army National Guard