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Governor's Advisory Committee on DUII

Committee Membership Opportunity

Do you care about keeping Oregon’s roads and highways safe for drivers, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians? Now is your chance to help us make a difference! 

ODOT is looking for safety-minded people to join the Governor's Advisory Committee on Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants (GAC-DUII).

A link to the Workday membership application for the GAC-DUII can be found below:
Membership application for the Governor's Advisory Committee on Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants (GAC-DUII)


The Governor's Advisory Committee on DUII shall broadly represent the Legislative Assembly, public and private organizations involved in DUII countermeasures, victims of impaired drivers, and the general public. "...Heighten public awareness of the seriousness of the impaired driving problem. Persuade communities to attack the impaired driving problem in a more organized and systematic manner, including plans to eliminate bottlenecks in the arrest, trial and sentencing process that impair the effectiveness of many impaired driving laws. Generate public support for increased enforcement of state and local impaired-driving laws. Educate the public as to the dangers of driving while under the influence and its effects on life and property."

2025 Approved Meeting Calendar

The 2025 meeting dates of the Governor's Advisory Committee on Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants (GAC on DUII) will be held the first Friday of every month.

Thank you all for your patience throughout the staffing transitions for the Executive Support role at TSO. We have now created an email profile that is accessible by several team members, and we will be able to add new hires as they come on, so no individual will own these meetings. Invitations will now come from that profile, which will eliminate the need for cancelling and resending items when these transitions take place in the future. Please accept our apologies in advance for the final wave of cancellations and new invitations. 

The email address is TSO Executive Support:

Meetings are scheduled 9:00am - 12:00pm 


*Note meeting address change
Unless specified otherwise, all meetings will now be held in-person or online at the
City of Keizer Civic Center
930 Chemawa Road NE
Keizer, OR 97303

Meeting Dates and Documents




Chair Chuck Hayes
Vice-Chair Cate Duke
Judge Ray Crutchley
Sarah Gold
Lois Harvick
Lynn Howard
Justin Nielsen
Deborah Ruiz
Sergeant Joshua Wilson

Committee Staff

Ryan Stone
Impaired Driving Program Analyst

Jenifer Sether
Committee Executive Support