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GovDelivery — Commerce and Compliance Division


Granicus, formerly GovDelivery, is an online communication tool for reaching stakeholders by email, text message, Really Simple Syndication and social media.
The Oregon Department of Transportation offers subscribers more than 50 specialized alerts including:
  • Contractor bid notices.
  • Information for freight haulers.
  • News about local area commissions on transportation.

Sign Up for Email Updates

For updates or to access your subscriber preferences, follow the instructions below.
  1. Visit the sign up page.
  2. Enter your email address.
  3. Choose the type of alert you want to receive.
  4. Select ODOT and Commerce and Compliance Division topics you would like.
  5. Periodically revisit Granicus to see if new topics have been added that are of interest to you.

Sign Up for Emergency Text Alerts

ODOT offers SMS/Text Message emergency alert notifications for Motor Carriers. These alerts will only be sent for declared state emergencies such as fires, severe weather and other types of emergencies that can affect motor carriers.
Note: This alert service will not be used for planned road closures, detours, maintenance or construction activities, or other unplanned events.

To enroll in the emergency updates, follow these steps:
  1. Visit the sign up page.
  2. Select “SMS Text Message” from the drop-down box.
  3. Enter your mobile phone number and click “Submit”.
  4. Confirm your number and click “Submit”.
  5. Select the “plus” box next to the Commerce and Compliance Division (CCD) subscription topic.
  6. Select the “CCD Emergency Notifications” box and click “Submit”.

CCD Alert Categories

Green Light Weigh-In-Motion System Status — Technical difficulties and repair times at any of the 21 sites.

Public meeting notices, agendas and meeting minutes for the Motor Carrier Transportation Advisory Committee (MCTAC).

Oregon Motor Carrier News — A new issue of the quarterly newsletter is available online as well as statewide trucking news releases.

Motor Carrier-Related Rulemakings — Notice when the Commerce and Compliance Division has opened a rulemaking to change an existing administrative rule or add a new one.

Motor Carrier Advisories — New road or bridge restriction that may impact freight mobility and/or affect trucks operating under Annual Over-Dimension Continuous Operation Permits. Also find:
  • Over-Dimension Permit Maps and Attachments Updates.
  • Self-Issue Permits Program (SIPP) Information.
  • Emergency Notifications.
  • Household Goods Carrier.
Statewide Traffic Mobility — Mobility meeting notices, agendas, minutes, and ORS 366.215 project information.

Password Protection

Subscribers should accept the invitation to add password protection for their subscription. Otherwise it is possible for anyone who knows your email address to sign on and change your selection of email alert topics.