Oregon State Fuel Taxes
Oregon fuel tax rates are as follows:
- Motor Vehicle Fuel $0.40 per gallon, effective January 1, 2024
- Aviation Gasoline $0.11 per gallon
- Jet Fuel $0.03 per gallon
- Use Fuel $0.40 per gallon, effective January 1, 2024
Use fuel includes premium diesel, biodiesel, renewable diesel, and any fuel other than gasoline used to propel a motor vehicle on public roads.
For liquefied petroleum gas (propane), natural gas, or hydrogen dispensed into motor vehicles, use the following information to determine the taxable use fuel gallons:
- Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Propane) - Divide taxable gallons by 1.353, beginning January 1, 2024.
- Natural Gas - Use your dispenser readings if your dispenser converts the natural gas to gasoline gallon equivalents (GGE) or diesel gallon equivalents (DGE). Otherwise, beginning on January 1, 2024, divide natural gas gallons by 1.71 for liquefied natural gas or 1.2357 for compressed natural gas.
- Hydrogen - Beginning on January 1, 2024, one kilogram (kg) of hydrogen is taxable as one gallon of use fuel.
If you are dispensing compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, or hydrogen into vehicles in one of the jurisdictions listed below, please contact the Oregon Fuels Tax Group at
ODOTFuelsTax@odot.oregon.gov or 888-753-2525.
The current Oregon tax rates for motor vehicle fuel and use fuel are effective January 1, 2024.
The current Oregon tax rates for aviation gasoline and jet fuel are effective as of January 1, 2016.
Find out more about how transportation is funded in Oregon.
Required Disclosures
ORS 646.932, passed by the 1999 Oregon Legislature, requires service stations (as defined in the bill) to visibly post information as follows:
- The amount of the price per gallon that is federal tax;
- The amount of the price per gallon that is state tax;
- The amount of the price per gallon that is local tax;
- The total amount of federal, state and local taxes per gallon
The Oregon Department of Transportation is required to furnish this information to each facility in the state by posting the following information on this website.
Current Tax Rates - Gasoline
The information that is required to be posted is as follows:
- The federal fuel tax on a gallon of gasoline is $0.184 per gallon. If the gasoline is blended with alcohol federal fuel tax rates may apply. See
IRS Publications (510) for more information.
- The Oregon motor vehicle fuel tax on gasoline is $0.40 per gallon, effective January 1, 2024.
- Local fuel taxes if applicable.
Fuel tax rates in jurisdictions not administered by ODOT may change without our knowledge. ODOT is not aware of any additional local fuel taxes, other than the cities listed above. If other local fuel taxes on gasoline apply they should also be posted along with the state and federal fuel tax
Current Tax Rates - Diesel
The following information below is provided as a courtesy and is not required:
- The federal fuel tax on a gallon of diesel is $0.244 per gallon.
- The Oregon use fuel tax on diesel is $0.40 per gallon, effective January 1, 2024.
- Additional local fuel taxes are listed below.
Fuel tax rates in jurisdictions not administered by ODOT may change without our knowledge. ODOT is not aware of any additional local fuel taxes, other than the cities listed above.
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