The impacts of various health conditions as well as the normal aging process can negatively affect our driving skills and abilities. That does not automatically mean our driving days are over.
Driver Rehabilitation Specialists and Occupational Therapists provide Driver Evaluation and Rehabilitation that can enable you to improve your ability to drive safely, whether impacted by the aging process or an unrelated health condition.
Driver Rehabilitation Specialists
Driver rehabilitation specialists are professionals with backgrounds in healthcare and/or driver education who have completed additional training and education in the field of driver rehabilitation. Driver rehabilitation specialists work with people of all ages and abilities, exploring transportation solutions for drivers with special needs and the aging.
Driver Rehabilitation Specialists:
- Conduct a thorough evaluation of abilities and limitations,
- Provide driver remediation and training,
- Assist with navigating the state driver licensing process, and
- Work closely with mobility equipment dealers to achieve optimum vehicle fit.
Occupational Therapists
Occupational therapy can assist seniors [and others] in maintaining the activities they enjoy the most. Aging or changes from medical conditions does not always mean turning in the keys.
Occupational therapy practitioners are experts at working with individuals on what is most important to them … including driving.
The American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) partners with other organizations and groups to assist drivers of any age with driver education and rehabilitation.
- Help you to regain the physical, social and thinking skills you need to do things that are important to you;
- Teach you to complete tasks in a new way and will suggest equipment to help you be as independent as possible;
- Assess your abilities;
- Develop a custom treatment program to help you do daily activities; and
- Work with you to set goals and make any needed adjustments along the way.
Ask your healthcare provider about finding an Occupational Therapist.