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Oregon Health Authority

Health Licensing Office

The State of Oregon's Health Licensing Office (HLO), part of the Oregon Health Authority's Public Health Division, is a central licensing and regulatory office that oversees multiple health and related professions. HLO protects the health, safety and rights of Oregon consumers by ensuring only qualified applicants are authorized to practice. HLO reviews and approves applicant qualifications, conducts examinations, inspects thousands of licensed facilities and independent contractors, responds to and investigates consumer complaints, and disciplines licensees who are found in violation of state requirements.

To that end, HLO works with 19 boards, councils and programs in the State of Oregon.

Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Testing Hours: Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 

Examination testing cutoff time is 1 p.m. Monday through Friday for all in-office examinations. You will need to return another day to sit for your examination(s) if you arrive to our office and check in after 1 p.m.

Information Line: (503) 378-8667

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Get directions to our office

Health Licensing Office
The Health Licensing Office is located at:
1430 Tandem Ave. NE, Suite 180, Salem, OR 97301
Information Line (503) 378-8667

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Certified Advanced Estheticians Collaborative Agreement Requirement

​All certificate holders in advanced esthetics are required to enter into a collaborative agreement with a licensed health care professional. The purpose of the agreement, per ORS 676.655(3), is to provide a certified advanced esthetician with a licensed health care professional to whom he or she may refer a client. This information is provided to the Health Licensing Office on the advanced esthetics application form.

Collaborative Agreement FAQ.​

Required Bloodborne Pathogens Training for Oregon Cosmetologists

​The Health Licensing Office (HLO) reminds all Oregon Cosmetology certification holders renewing a field of practice (hair design, barbering, esthetics, nail technology, or natural hair care) on or after July 1, 2025, that they must complete and maintain current bloodborne pathogens (BBP) training. This requirement is established by Senate Bill 217 (2023) and outlined in Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 817-008-0000.

FAQ document is available to assist with common questions.​

Seeking Members to Serve on the Direct Entry Midwifery Legend Drugs and Devices Rules Advisory Committee

​​In 2021, the Oregon Board of Direct Entry Midwifery (Board) tasked the Health Licensing Office (HLO) with assembling a Qualification Committee to review the Legend Drugs and Devices Program. The Qualification Committee met six times during 2023 and determined that the Legend Drugs and Devices Program should consist of a set of standardized competencies and a written and skills assessment examination.​ ​

Board of Sign Language Interpreters - Rules Advisory Committee

The Board of Sign Language Interpreters, Rules Advisory Committee has a meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 10, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. Information on how the public may attend the meeting is listed in the notice (when posted). The notice and the agenda can be found at: The agenda is subject to change.​

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Violations of Oregon Public Meetings Law

There are mandatory prerequisites for submitting Public Meetings Law complaints to the Oregon Government Ethics Commission (OGEC). These prerequisites also apply to executive session complaints. If you fail to satisfy the mandatory prerequisites before filing your complaint with OGEC, the OGEC has stated that it will dismiss your complaint. 

If you are comfortable addressing your public meetings law concern directly with the Health Licensing Office (HLO) instead of filing a formal complaint, then the HLO invites you to do so. However, if this is not possible or if your concerns remain unresolved, the OGEC has the authority to enforce public meetings laws.

The OGEC offers a complaint process to submit alleged violations of Oregon public meetings law. Information about the process and frequently asked questions can be found at: 

In accordance with the mandatory prerequisite of filing a written grievance with the public body before filing your complaint with OGEC, you can submit the “Oregon Public Meetings Law – Complaint Form" to Josh Page through one of the following methods: 

  1. By email to
  2. In person, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on any open business day, Monday through Friday, at the following location:
    Health Licensing Office
    1430 Tandem Ave. NE, Suite 180
    Salem, OR 97301-2192
  3. Via mail, addressed to the attention of Josh Page at the above HLO address.