Learn How to Provide Feedback about Health Systems Division Rules
Is a proposed Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) change is likely to affect your community? If so, you may be able to attend a Rules Advisory Committee or community engagement meeting. To get community feedback, the Health Systems Division (HSD) may hold a Rules Advisory Committee, a community engagement meeting or both.
At the Rules Advisory Committee (RAC), committee members review and suggest edits to:
- The proposed rule text,
- Statement of Need,
- Fiscal Impact and
- Racial Equity Impact Statement.
HSD will use the suggestions to create the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. The division holds RAC meetings as required by Oregon's rulemaking laws and Oregon Department of Human Services/Oregon Health Authority RAC policy.
Medicaid (Chapter 410) RAC meetings
are public meetings according to state law (Oregon Revised Statute 414.227).
These meetings allow HSD to engage with community members:
- Where they are, and
- With the time and attention the community needs.
These meetings can be:
- Listening sessions, town halls, office hours or other formats.
- A single meeting or a series over several months.
HSD decides the meeting format. length and frequency based on the community's needs.
Event Calendar
The calendar includes the division's Rules Advisory Committee meetings for the following OARs. You will need a current internet browser to use this feature.
For dates and times of RAC meetings for the following OARs, as well as community engagement meetings about division rules, scroll down to the Meeting Materials section of this page.