The dashboard shows the cumulative count of people who are eligible or enrolled* for/in Medicaid on the 15th day of each month. That means if a person loses coverage on the 14th, or becomes enrolled on the 16th, they won’t be counted in that specific month.
Throughout most of the dashboard, counts are shown for those with OHP benefits for physical health care (or none at all, in the case of partially dual eligibles enrolled in Medicare Savings Programs). As a result, people enrolled in dental-only only programs are generally excluded. However, some dental-only program members are counted in the “CCO Plan Type" page if they receive dental care through a CCO (i.e., CCOF).
*What does “eligible or enrolled” mean?
People sign up for Medicaid using one of Oregon’s eligibility systems, such as ONE. These systems determine if a person is eligible for Medicaid. If they are, then the person’s information is transferred to MMIS, which is the system used to administer Oregon’s Medicaid program (and the data source for this dashboard). Once a person’s information is transferred to MMIS, the system will enroll them in the Medicaid program. It can take a few days or more for MMIS to complete a person’s initial enrollment. Since the data in this dashboard are from a snapshot in time, some people may be found eligible for Medicaid, but still be in the process of becoming enrolled. Therefore, the data include people who are “eligible or enrolled” in Oregon’s Medicaid program.