The Oregon Department of Transportation produces a variety of standardized maps and GIS products to meet the needs of statewide transportation planning, infrastructure and engineering as well as federal funding eligibility and reporting.
Official State Map of Oregon
Official Oregon State Map - Front (38"x23")
Official Oregon State Map - Back (38"x23")
The free Official State Map of Oregon may also be requested by mail, phone or email.
Mail: ODOT Transportation Development Division
Geographic Information Services Unit
555 13th Street NE, Suite 2
Salem, OR 97301-4178 -
Email:Email ODOT Maps
Chambers of Commerce and Visitor Centers may also order the map through
Travel Oregon.
Right of Way Maps
Our Maps and Plans page has information on right of way mapping.
Geoportal page contains metadata that supports our GIS layers.
All ODOT Maps
The ODOT County Map series shows Federal Functional Classification of roads. Federal Functional Classification is the system by which roads are grouped into functional systems according to the type of service and amount of traffic the facility carries. Functional Classification is used to determine design standards of roads and determines Federal Aid funding eligibility. Federal Functional Classification is assigned to all public roads using federal guidelines and is approved by FHWA.
The ODOT City Map series shows Federal Functional Classification of roads. Federal Functional Classification is the system by which roads are grouped into functional systems according to the type of service and amount of traffic the facility carries. Functional Classification is used to determine design standards of roads and determines Federal Aid funding eligibility. Federal Functional Classification is assigned to all public roads using federal guidelines and is approved by FHWA.
The Oregon Department of Transportation, Geographic Information Services Unit provides several transportation related web applications to meet a variety of business needs. You can view the application of your choice by using the links below. If you have any questions, please contact us at
Email ODOT Maps or call
ODOT TransGIS: TransGIS is ODOT's web based mapping application. It is flexible and adaptable to specific agency needs for identifying locations and performing fundamental spatial analysis. TransGIS presents geographic data as layers within in an interactive map. It is used to support analysis, planning, research and many other business needs. The application provides ready access to a large spatial library that includes:
- Transportation Management Systems
- Asset Management Inventory
- Statewide Transportation Improvement Program projects
- Safety, Freight, Intermodal, Environmental, and other agency enterprise data
Oregon ArcGIS Online: Oregon ArcGIS has created applications highlighting programs and data maintained by agencies statewide.
Transportation Project Tracker
Transportation Planning Online Database
Scenic Byways Story Map