In Oregon, our electricity comes from a variety of resources, including hydroelectricity, natural gas, coal, wind, nuclear, and solar.
Click through the tabs above to view state- and utility-level resource mix information. Hover over the various chart bubbles and bars to show resource-level data, and use the map tools to zoom in and move around specific area. For further instructions and Electricity Resouce Mix highlights, please view the Tableau Data Dashboard: Oregon's Electricity Mix tutorial video.
Frequently-Asked Questions (update coming soon)
About the Electricity Resource Mix
Methodology Change
The methodology for how ODOE collects and presents electricity market purchases in Oregon’s Electricity Resource Mix changed starting with the 2022 data. ODOE now collects data on electricity produced for Oregon consumers from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, rather than directly from utilities. Since electricity generation is a primary input for DEQ's state Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program, this process ensures consistent use of energy data across state agencies, while using a more efficient data collection process for the utilities.
ODOE had previously produced utility-specific information using a contractor who analyzed detailed resources data from across the Pacific Northwest regional market. In the past, this assessment was sufficient to produce a reasonable assessment of a market purchases resource mix, but growth in participation in energy imbalance markets and increasing reliance on electric utility market purchases has made this process more challenging and will produce increasingly less certain results. As a result, at this time ODOE no longer calculates and provides utility-specific data but instead relies on a regional metric from DEQ. Visitors to this page will now see an "Unspecified" resource bubble; these are purchases made on the open market where we don't know exactly what resource supplied that power to sell to customers. ODOE will continue to track developments of electricity markets and resources to assess the make-up of unspecified power over time. More information is in the DATA INFO tabs in the dashboard above.
To provide an accurate year-over-year comparison for Oregonians, ODOE produced this Electricity Resource Mix going back to 2019 with the "Unspecified" mix. An archive of ODOE's past ERMs is available here.
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