Oregon Equal Pay Act provides pay protections to Oregonians and creates specific obligations for Oregon state government as an employer.
The act makes it unlawful for any employer to:
- Discriminate between employees, in wages and other compensation for “work of a comparable character,” on the basis of a protected class;
- Pay employees at different compensation levels when based on something other than the bona fide factors contained in the law;
- Seek or use the salary history of an applicant before an employment and salary offer has been made;
- Screen applicants on the basis of current or past compensation; or
- Determine compensation for a position based on current or past compensation of a prospective employee.
How Does the State Ensure Equal Pay for Government Employees?
A recurring Equal Pay Analysis and individual Equal Pay assessments evaluate employee compensation to ensure it meets Equal Pay Act standards.
What is the Equal Pay Analysis?
By law, the executive branch of state government conducts an Equal Pay Analysis at least every three years. This analysis checks and corrects wage differences among employees who perform work of comparable character.
The 2024 Equal Pay Analysis is closed.
Learn more about the current Equal Pay Analysis Project
What are Equal Pay Assessments?
Executive branch employees can ask for a review of their pay based on policy and collective bargaining agreements.
Learn more about Ongoing Equal Pay Assessments