Treatment Court Grant Program
The purpose of the Treatment Court Grant Program (TCGP) is to provide supplemental funding to support the operations of Oregon’s treatment courts and their adherence to the Oregon Specialty Court Standards. Treatment courts operate under a model that provides an alternative to incarceration through court-directed supervision and mandated treatment for individuals with substance use or mental health issues underlying their involvement in the criminal legal system.
Grant awards are determined and monitored by the Criminal Justice Commission. Meeting minutes and recordings are available by date on the
CJC Calendar.
Details about eligibility, application requirements, and availability of funding are outlined in the grant solicitation below.
Adaline Padlina, Grant Coordinator
971-301-1042 |
Current Grant Cycle Information
2025–2027 TCGP Grant Solicitation
2025-2027 TCGP Budget Projection Sheet
CJC Grant Administration Guide
Oregon Specialty Court Standards
10 Key Components of a Drug Court
TCGP 2025–2027 Outcome Evaluation Data Elements