2025 License Renewal Now Open.
Steps to Renew:
Go to the Renewal Portal:
Visit and log in using the email on file and your password.
Trouble logging in? email
Click on 'License Renewal':
This is a DVM continuing education reporting year. All DVM licensees must enter at least 30 hours of CE. CVTs still need to renew.
A minimum of one hour each in the following topics is required:
- Judicious antibiotic use
- Appropriate analgesic and anesthetic methods
Complete Facility Renewal (if applicable):
If you are the managing veterinarian, please be sure to complete the facility renewal as part of the process.
Pay the Renewal Fee:
Complete the renewal process and pay via credit or debit card.
If you prefer to pay by check, select the “Pay with Check” option. Please send your payment (check or money order) along with your license number and a note indicating it's for your 2025 renewal. Note: Your application will not be approved until we receive and process your payment.
Please remember that licenses are printable online through the portal, and will not be mailed. Make sure to download and print your license after completing the renewal process.
CVT Workgroup Meeting 03/05/2025
Upcoming Board Meeting:
April 10-11, 2025 - Regular Board Meeting In-Person
Public Session | 8:30 AM | Zoom Conference: | Meeting ID: | Passcode: | Public Packet: found here when available
April 10-11, 2025 - Board Meeting In-Person
Executive Session | 8:30 AM Executive sessions are closed to the public.
Join the Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board and Make a Difference for Animals!
Are you passionate about the welfare and protection of pets and animals in our state? The Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board (OVMEB), a small but dedicated state agency focused on ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of animals, is seeking a Public Board Member to join our team.
This is an opportunity to lend your voice and perspective as a representative of the public, helping to shape policies and regulations that promote responsible animal care, ethical veterinary practices, and community education. No specific industry experience is required—just a commitment to animal welfare and a willingness to engage in meaningful discussions that impact pets, their owners, and veterinary professionals across the state.
Key Responsibilities:
- Participate in board meetings and policy discussions
- Provide a public perspective on animal welfare issues
- Help ensure transparency and accountability in agency decisions
If you care about animals and want to contribute to their protection in a meaningful way, we encourage you to apply!
For more information or to express interest, please contact agency Director Pete Burns at 971-673-0223 |
Rule Changes
Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board voted to approve the proposed rule changes to OAR 875-040-0010 Certification of Technicians. These rule amendments were unanimously approved during the public Board meeting conducted on April 18-19, 2024.
OAR 875-040-0010 was amended to clarify the specific training requirements for individuals applying to become Certified Euthanasia Technicians (CETs).
Copies of the permanent rule filings can be found here: OAR 875-040-0010 Certification of Euthanasia Technicians – Permanent Rule Change May 2024.pdf
RULE SUMMARY: Certification of Euthanasia Technicians
(1) Applicants must first apply as a Certified Euthanasia Technician (CET) Intern in order to obtain the training required
for a permanent CET certificate. CET Interns may not act independently but only under the immediate supervision of an
Oregon CET or Oregon licensed veterinarian. The intern certificate will expire within one year of issue date and does
not renew.
(a) The Board may conduct background checks on applicants and certificate holders. Applicants and certificate holders
shall be required to provide any police and court records for any arrests and convictions.
(b) The applicant must be an employee or a volunteer at a humane society or animal control agency.
(c) CET interns must pay an initial certification fee of $25.00.
(2) Upon completion of the requirements below to become a permanent CET, the intern may apply for a permanent
(3) In order for a person to become a permanent CET, an application must include the following:
(a) Documented evidence of completion of either requirement in (4) or evidence that applicant is exempt from those
requirements as described in (5), and;
(b) Submission of an evaluation verification form completed within the previous 12 months attesting that the applicant
exhibits proficiency to perform euthanasia of domestic pets and other animals when observed by an Oregon licensed
veterinarian within their organization while holding a valid CET intern certificate. The evaluation must be performed
after completion of the requirements (4) or (5) of this rule.
(c) The required documentation may be submitted by the intern, the supervising veterinarian, or the agency the CET
intern certificate holder is an employee of, or volunteers with.
(d) Applicants to become a permanent CET must pay a certification fee of $25.00.
(4) Unless exempt under (5), applicants to be a permanent CET must complete one of the following requirements to
satisfy the requirement in (3)(a):
(a) 15 hours of documented instruction, observation, and hands-on euthanasia training done with an Oregon licensed
DVM or Oregon CET within the past 12 months; or
(b) Completion of an OVMEB approved euthanasia course containing the following within the past 5 years.
(A) 1 hour of Evidence-based euthanasia practices including the euthanasia process, patient selection, confirming
correct patient for euthanasia, and record keeping practices.
(B) 1 hour of Selection of and handling of syringes, needles and other medical equipment, and anatomical landmarks for
injection by SQ and IM routes
(C) 2 hours of Humane animal handling and restraint.
(D) 1 hour of Humane euthanasia space and equipment
(E) 2 hours of Pre-euthanasia drugs, including levels of consciousness, recordkeeping, oversight of drug, dosing, decision
making, and routes of administration.
(F) 1 hour of Sodium Pentobarbital including formulations, controlled drug status, pharmacology, dosing and labeled
(G) 1 hour Appropriate routes of Sodium Pentobarbital including IV, IP, and IC. With emphasis on dosing, levels of
consciousness in the patient, and appropriate level of consciousness for IC administration.
(H) 1 hour of Verifying death and body disposal practices.
(I) 1 hour of Human Safety including OSHA regulations, injury prevention, medical waste disposal, sanitation, and PPE.
(J) 2 hours of Controlled Drug Logs and Federal LAWs, State Laws, Medical record keeping, Drug logs, drug log
reconciliation, DEA, and veterinary oversight.
(K) 1 hour of Compassion Fatigue and Stress
(L) 1 hour of Owner-Intended Euthanasia practices and other species euthanasia.
(5) An applicant to be a permanent CET is exempt from the training requirements in (4) if:
(a) The applicant is: (i) a previously certified Oregon CET outside the 12-month window of reinstatement, (ii) a CET
licensed in another state or territory of the United States, or (iii) an Oregon licensed CVT; and
(b) Successfully passes a 30-question test provided by the OVMEB on the first attempt.
(c) The applicant must still obtain an intern CET certificate and satisfy the requirements of (3)(b).
(6) Upon separation from an organization, a CET will not euthanize animals until the person is employed by or is a
volunteer at another approved agency, completed specific training in association with that agency, and the CET has
notified the Board and is issued a new certificate.
(a) Certificates are valid only for the agency at which the person is currently working.
(b) The CET will notify the Board within 10 days of their separation from their organization.
(7) If a CET is reemployed or volunteers within 12 months of holding a CET license, the CET may apply to the Board for
reactivation of their certification. After a 12-month lapse, the person must become recertified as both an intern CET
and a permanent CET as described above.
(8) CET certificate holders will need to be recertified every 5 years in the form of a proficiency assessment done by an
Oregon licensed veterinarian and submitted to the Board within 90 days of the CET certificate renewal. A failure to
provide the proficiency assessment by the 90th day after renewal may result in revocation of the CET certificate.
(9) All CET certificates expire on October 31st of each year and are in effect for one calendar year.
(10) Certificate renewal fee is $15.
(11) Annual verification of employment or volunteer status must come directly from the organization the CET is
employed or volunteers with.
(12) Failure to renew or provide verification of employment or volunteer status will result in a lapse and euthanasia
duties may not be conducted until the certificate is reinstated.
(13) The Board may suspend, revoke, or otherwise discipline a CET Intern or permanent CET certificate holder for
unprofessional conduct or non-compliance with applicable Board statutes and rules.
Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board voted to approve the proposed temporary rule changes to 875-040-0010 Certification of Technicians. These rule amendments were unanimously approved during the public Board meeting conducted on December 1, 2023.
(6) CET certificate holders will need to be recertified every 5 years in the form of a proficiency assessment done by an Oregon licensed veterinarian and submitted to the Board within 120 days of the CET certificate renewal. A failure to provide the proficiency assessment by the 120th day after renewal may result in revocation of the CET certificate.
(7) All CET certificates expire on October 31st of each year and are in effect for one calendar year.
(8) Certificate renewal fee is $15.
(9) Annual verification of employment or volunteer status must come directly from the organization the CET is employed or volunteers with.
(10) Failure to renew or provide verification of employment or volunteer status will result in a lapse and euthanasia duties may not be conducted until the certificate is reinstated.
Copies of the temporaryrule filings which became
permanent effective 12/13/23 can be found here: Temporary Filing for 875-040-0010
Policy Changes
Staff will no longer be proving letters of good standing. Our online system provides the official Oregon verification for licenses regulated by our office and is updated in real time. The verification system is available to the public, at no charge, and can be accessed by visiting . The system allows for individual verification searches, as well as the ability to download lists of professionals. The printable verification will provide information about the license including the date the verification was generated, the initial date of licensure, the expiration date, and any discipline information. The online system is the only primary source license verification system available. Oregon will not complete state-specific forms or complete verifications manually.
Additionally, online verifications from other states are acceptable as the primary source of verification.