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Over-Dimension Operations

Visit our Over-Dimension Permit System Replacement Project web page for project information and meeting schedule.

Do I Need an Over-Dimension Permit?

See Oregon’s Process for Managing Oversize and Overweight Trucks.

Width of Vehicle / Load
  • 8 Feet 6 inches.
Height of Vehicle / Load
  • 14 Feet 0 inches.
Other Resources

Legal Operating Weight
The legal operating weight of a truck is determined by the:
  • Tire size.
  • Number of axles.
  • Wheelbase of the vehicle or combination of vehicles.
Legal Gross Weight
In Oregon, the maximum legal gross weight is 80,000 pounds.

Single Axle
The gross weight a single axle cannot exceed is limited to the lowest of:
  • 600 pounds per inch of tire width on the tires.
  • The tire manufacturer’s sidewall rating.
  • 20,000 pounds.
Tandem Axle
The gross weight of a tandem axle is limited to the lowest of:
  • 600 pounds per inch of total tire width on the tires.
  • The tire manufacturer’s sidewall rating.
  • 34,000 pounds.
Vehicle or Combination of Vehicles
Gross weight of a vehicle or combination of vehicles is limited to the lowest of:
  • 600 pounds per inch of total tire width on the tires.
  • The tire manufacturer’s sidewall rating.
  • 20,000 pounds on a single axle.
  • 34,000 pounds on a tandem axle.
  • The group axle weights shown on Weight Table 1 (form 8110).
  • 80,000 pounds gross weight.
Exceptions to the Above Weights
Exception 1
Two consecutive sets of tandem axles spaced 30 feet or more apart may have a gross weight of 34,000 pounds each and operate without a permit on all non- Interstate highways.

A permit is required for operations on Interstate highways, unless the spacing is 36 feet or greater.

Exception 2
Four axles consisting of a set of tandem axles and two axles spaced nine feet or more apart may have a gross weight of 70,000 pounds IF the distance between the first and fourth axle is 35 feet or more.
A permit is required for operations on Interstate highways.

Exception 3
An additional 550 pounds is allowed for fully functional idle reduction systems (aka: Alternate Power Unit or APU).

Exception 4
An additional 2000 pounds is allowed for a vehicle that uses natural gas (CNG) or electric battery as its fuel source.

Note to Exceptions 3 and 4 – A Vehicle:
  • Fueled with CNG or Electric battery AND equipped with an APU is allowed an additional 2,550 pounds.
  • May not exceed manufacturer tire sidewall rating.
  • Requires an extended weight permit if the gross weight exceeds 80,000 pounds.
  • May not exceed a maximum of 105,500 pounds with an extended weight permit including exceptions 3, 4, or the combination of both.
  • Must include the additional weight in registration and tax declarations.​

See our FAQ web page for the length limitations for car haulers in Oregon.

Note: Group Map 1 (form 8100) and Route Map 7 (form 8104) maps are available at any CCD permit office. See Route Maps explanations under Permit Attachments.

Vehicle / Combination Length
Single (Solo) Truck Unit Length
  • ​40 feet.

Length of Truck Combinations Including Load
  • 60 Feet.
  • See exceptions below.
Truck Tractor and Stinger Steered Pole Trailer
  • 65 Feet.

Truck Tractor and Semitrailer Length – Group 1 Highways Only
  • ​60 Feet overall with a maximum 53 foot semitrailer.
Truck Tractor and Semitrailer Length – Designated Routes Only
  • See Route Map 7.
  • Unlimited overall length with a maximum 53 foot semitrailer.
Truck and Trailer Length – Group 1 Highways Only
  • 75 Feet overall with a maximum 53 foot trailer.
  • 75 Feet overall with a maximum 40 foot truck.
  • 80 Feet overall with a maximum 40 foot trailer IF the trailer’s front axle is steerable by a turntable or converter dolly.
Length of Truck Tractor with Semitrailer and Trailer (Set of Doubles) – Group 1 Highways Only
  • ​75 Feet overall with one trailer being a maximum 40 feet in length.
  • Unlimited overall length with the two trailers measuring a maximum 60 feet from front to rear (including space between the trailers).
Length of Truck Tractor with Semitrailer and Trailer (Set of Doubles) – Designated Routes Only
  • See R​​oute Map 7 (form 8104).
  • Unlimited overall length with the two trailers measuring a maximum 68 feet from front to rear (including space between the trailers).
Load Overhang
Front Overhang
  • 4 Feet 0 inches.
  • Measure from the front bumper of the power unit to the front of the load.
Rear Overhang — Solo Vehicle
  • 3/4 Wheelbase.
  • Measure from the center of the last axle of the vehicle to the end of the load.
Rear Overhang — Combination of Vehicles
  • 1/3 Wheelbase.
  • Measured from the center of the last axle to the end of the load, as long as:
    • The load length does not exceed 40 feet.
    • The trailer length does not exceed 40 feet.
    • The overall length (including rear overhang) does not exceed 60 feet.
  • Otherwise, 5 feet is allowed off the back of the trailer, as long as any overall length limits for a given combination and highway are not exceeded.​
Load Length
  • 40 Feet.
  • Load length over 40 feet is permitted if the load does not extend beyond the rear of the semitrailer by more than five feet.
  • Loads over 40 feet cannot extend forward of the rear of the truck cab.
Combination of Vehicles — Overall Length not to exceed the lengths shown on Group Map 1 (form 8100) and Route Map 7 (form 8104).​
  • ​In most cases, up to 5 feet measured from the end of the trailer to the end of the load.​​​

​​Oregon uses weight tables to determine legal and permittable weights. Motor carriers can also use our Online Weight Calculator.
Weight Table 1 — Legal Weight, No Permit Required
Use for trucks with legal axle weights hauling divisible loads.
​Maximum Weight Allowed​Common Vehicle Types​
​- 600 pounds per inch of tire width.
- 20,000 pounds single axle.
- 34,000 pounds tandem.
- 80,000 pounds gross weight.
​- Solo truck.
- Truck-tractor and semitrailer.
- Truck and trailer.
- Log truck and pole trailer.
Weight Table 2 — Extended Weight, Permit Required
Use for trucks with legal axle weights hauling divisible loads.
Maximum Weight Allowed​Common Vehicle Types​
​- Between 80,000 pounds and 105,500 pounds.​- Truck-tractor-semitrailer-trailer (aka doubles).
- Triple-trailer combinations.
- Truck-tractor.
- Tri-axle semitrailers.
Weight Table 3 — Heavy Haul Weight, Permit Required
Use for trucks with heavy haul / non-legal axle weights hauling a non-divisible load.
Maximum Weight Allowed​Common Vehicle Types​
​- Single Trip Permit is based on the number of axles and wheelbase.
- Annual Continuous Operation Permits allows up to 98,000 pounds for non-divisible loads.
- 600 pounds per inch of tire width.
- 21,500 pounds per single axle.
- 43,000 pounds per tandem axle, the weight shown on the over-dimension permit and the sum of the permittable axle, tandem axle, or group axle weight, whichever is less.
​- Truck-tractor-lowbed semitrailer.
- Truck-tractor-semitrailer and booster.
Weight Table 4 — Heavy Haul Weight, Permit Required
Use for trucks with heavy haul/non-legal axle weights hauling a non-divisible load. Table 4 allows for more weight using a shorter wheelbase than that authorized by Table 3.
Maximum Weight Allowed​Common Vehicle Types​
​- Based on the number of axles and wheelbase.
- 600 pounds per inch of tire width.
- 21,500 pounds per single axle.
- 43,000 pounds per tandem axle, the weight shown on the over-dimension permit and the sum of the permittable axle, tandem axle, or group axle weight, whichever is less.
​- Self-propelled crane.
- Truck-tractor-lowbed semitrailer.
- Truck-tractor with jeep and semitrailer.
- Truck-tractor with semitrailer and booster.
Weight Table 5 — Heavy Haul Weight, Permit Required
Use for specific vehicle configurations only. Weight Table 5 and its formulas for increased weights is more complex than the other tables and requires special analysis by the Over-Dimension Permit Unit.
Maximum Weight Allowed​Common Vehicle Types​
​- Up to 48,000 pounds per tandem axle may be allowed if the combination of vehicles has at least 9 axle with a steer axle followed by four consecutive tandem axles which are 8 foot wide (standard).
- Up to 52,800 pounds may be allowed when the combination has 10 foot wide axles with 4 tires per axle.
- Up to 60,000 pounds may be allowed when the combination has 10 foot wide axles with 8 tires per axle.
​- Truck-tractor with jeep, semitrailer and booster.
Specific Analysis and Routing
In special circumstances, ODOT's Bridge Unit may authorize additional weight for moving a large non-reducible load. A single trip permit may be issued for combinations of vehicles having minimum equipment consisting of a steering axle followed by four or more consecutive tandem axles, provided the weight does not exceed:
  • 600 pounds per inch of tire width.
  • 24,000 pounds per single axle.
  • 48,000 pounds per tandem axle.
  • The weight shown on the permit.
  • The sum of the permittable axle, tandem axle, or group axle weight, whichever is less.

Get an Over-Dimension Permit

Permits to exceed the legal dimensions above must be acquired before movement of the oversize load in Oregon. The single-trip and annual permits can include authorization of county roads and/or city of Portland streets. Tax and registration requirements must be met unless exempt by statute or rule.

Common Uses for Single-Trip Permits
  • Movement of an excavator on a truck-tractor/semitrailer combination, with booster axle behind the semitrailer, to distribute the weight. The gross weight is 140,000 pounds.
  • Movement of trusses. The trusses are 90 feet in length.
  • Movement of a piece of logging equipment. The height on the trailer is 16 feet 00 inches.
Single Trip Over-Dimension Permits can be ordered over the phone. Please have the information listed in the permit application guide available before calling 503-373-0000.

Common Uses for Annual Permits
  • Extended Weight, allowing up to 105,500 pounds gross weight, when hauling a divisible load.
  • Overwidth, when hauling a single, non-divisible load.
  • Excessive rear overhang, when hauling a single, non-divisible load on a truck-tractor / semitrailer combination.
COVP Application — for Common Annual Permits (form 1860)
COVP Road Authority Map 4 (form 8120)​

Available ONLY from Oregon Trucking Online or Salem Commerce and Compliance Division Headquarters
   C04 — Leaky Load
   C50 — Grass Seed Straw Overheight
COVP Annual Permits
You can add counties and/or city of Portland authorization.

Annual Extended Weight Permit
   13 — Extended Weight
Truck Tractor / Semitrailer Annual Permits
   01 — Overwidth and Legal Weight
   03 — Heavy Haul Overwidth and Over Weight 98,000 pounds
   30 — Truck Tractor / Semitrailer Rear Overhang
Heavy Haul Combination Annual Permits
   39 — Unladen Heavy Haul Truck Tractor / Semitrailer with Jeep and/or Booster
   12 — Overseas Marine Container on Heavy Haul Combination
Truck and Trailer Annual Permits
   32 — Truck and Trailer Overwidth and Legal Weight 80,000 pounds
   34 — Truck and Trailer Overwidth and Heavy Haul Weight 80,000 pounds
   36 — Truck and Trailer Overwidth and Heavy Haul Weight 98,000 pounds
Other Combinations
   06 — Long Logs, Poles, Piling and Structural Members
   09 — Mobile Home / Modular Unit
   43 — Solo Vehicle
Other Annual Permits — State Highways Only
Overwidth Permits
   C45 — Pickup & Trailer Overwidth
   C29 — Implement of Husbandry
   C55 — Lumber / Plywood / Veneer in multiple
   C05 — Hay Bales in Multiples
   C11 — Grass Seed / Mint Leaf Bags in multiple
Overlength Permits
   C14 — Triples Combinations Permit
   C07 — Utility Truck and Pole Trailer
Overheight Permits
   C23 — Overheight - Non-Divisible
   C24 — Overheight - Mobile / Modular
   C50 — Grass Seed Straw
Tow Truck Over-Dimension Permits
   C18 — Tow Truck Permit
   C19 — Towing Log Truck and Trailer
   C31 — Truck Towing Solo Vehicle
Self-Propelled Vehicle Permits
   C37 — Self-Propelled Vehicle - Weight Table 3
   C38 — Self-Propelled Vehicle - Weight Table 4
   C35 — Self-Propelled Vehicle with Booster / Dollies - Weight Table 3
Other Annual Permits
   C04 — Leaky Load
   C16 — Self-Loading Log Truck

Self-Issue Permit Program
Self-issuance of single-trip permits:
  • Aids the motor carrier industry by saving time and money.
  • Protects the traveling public.
  • Protects the highway system and structures from potential damage.
The program is now open to all interested carriers who meet the requirements. See our SIPP web page for additional information.
To find out if you qualify, see our Self Issue Permit Program web page.

​Self Issue Permits are available through Oregon Trucking Online only. Oregon Administrative Rules for this program are covered in Chapter 734, Division 72.

A superload is a load or combination of load and hauling equipment that exceeds one or more of the following dimensions:
  • Over 16 feet wide on the Interstate.
  • Over 14 feet wide on any state two-lane highway. This does not include mobile/modular units with a 14 foot box or less and up to a 12 inch eave.
  • Over 17 feet high on any highway.
  • Mobile/modular units with a box width over 14 feet wide and/or overall width greater than 15 feet.
  • Overall length greater than 150 feet.
Superload Permits
The Attachment SL (form 2364) outlines the size definition of a superload, driver requirements and other travel requirements specific to superloads. See our Oregon Superloads web page for additional information.

​A route request is NOT a permit. A separate permit application must be submitted to move an oversize load in Oregon. Requests for changes to the size or weight of your oversize load require a new route request.

Route Requests:
If a Route Request is approved, please provide the Route Request Log Number with your permit application.
Note: Due to road construction or other restrictions, the route, time frame or permit conditions may be changed by the Department or Road Authority.

Apply for Both Annual and Single Trip Permits at Oregon Trucking Online or at our Salem Headquarters​

 Commerce and Compliance Division - Salem Headquarters
 Oregon Department of Transportation
 455 Airport Road SE, Building A
 Salem, OR 97301
 Phone: 503-373-0000

The Following Locations Only Issue Annual Permits

 CCD Portland Metro Office
 18277 SW Boones Ferry Road
 Portland OR 97224
 Phone: 971-673-5900
 Fax: 971-673-5893

 Oregon Trucking Associations
 4005 SE Naef Rd.
 Portland OR 97267
 Christine Logue
 Toll Free: 888-293-0005
 Portland Metro: 503-513-0005
 Fax: 503-513-9541
 A WorkSAFE Service
 1696 Capitol St. NE
 Salem OR 97301
 Kevin Wilson​, Kendra Springer​​
 Permitting: 971-428-1030
 Phone: 503-391-9363
 Fax: 503-316-9110​
 Lane County Transportation Permits
 3050 N. Delta Highway
 Eugene OR 97408
 Laurie Parker
 Phone: 541-682-6902
 Fax: 541-682-8505 
 Marion County Public Works Department
 5155 Silverton Rd. NE
 Salem OR 97305 
 Tina Powell
 Phone: 503-584-7710
 Fax: 503-588-5102 
 Clackamas County Motor Carrier Division 
 150 Beavercreek Rd.
 Oregon City OR 97045
 Debi Normand
 Truck Permits: 888-387-8259 / 503-742-4770
 Phone: 503-742-4771
 Fax: 503-742-4774

Permit Attachments

Attachments provide the motor carrier with information and provisions of the permit.

The Oregon state route maps listed below are for reference only. Motor carriers must contact the Commerce and Compliance Division in Salem for safe routing instructions to move over-dimension loads.

YouTube icon Group Map 1  (Revised October 2023)
  • Identifies highway group 1, 2 and 3.
  • Indicates legal length limits for various legal size vehicles and combinations hauling legal size Loads.
  • No permit required.
  • Used to determine pilots for overwidth movement on highway groups 2 and 3 per charts on attachments 70A, 75A or 82A (by permit).
YouTube icon Route Map 2 (Revised September 2023)
  • Use for determining pilot vehicles required for Over Width loads.
  • Refer to pilot vehicle chart shown on attachments 70A, 75A, or 82A.
  • Displays Certified Flagger/Rolling Stop structures.
  • Overwidth operations by permit only.
  • Use to denote annual routes for unladen heavy haul combinations (with jeeps and/or booster).
YouTube icon Route Map 3 (Revised January 2024)
  • Authorized routes for loads non-divisible in height over 14 feet 00 inches up to a maximum of 14 feet 06 inches in height.
YouTube icon COVP Road Authority Map 4 (Revised February 2020)
  • Use for Continuous Operation Variance Permits and County Road Authorities.
YouTube icon Route Map 5 (Revised November 2023)
  • Displays annual triples routes and authorized days of operation.
  • Operations by permit only.
  • Special qualifications apply to obtain this permit.
YouTube icon Route Map 6 (Revised December 2023)
  • Displays authorized annual routes (up to 14 feet wide) for mobile/modular Units.
  • Operations by permit only.
YouTube icon Route Map 7 (Revised August 2023​)
  • Displays length requirements for truck-tractor/semitrailers and doubles.
  • No permit required unless exceeding displayed limitations.
  • Truck-tractor semitrailers and doubles combinations do not need an overlength variance permit for travel on the black, purple and blue routes in Oregon.
  • Length limitations are still in effect, but a permit is not required if length is the only variance.
YouTube icon Route Map 8 (Revised April 2021)

  • Graphic display of weight restricted bridges on state highways and their weight restrictions by structure.
  • Weight limitations shown may not be exceeded.
  • This route map will be phased out and replaced with Route Map 8 List (see next entry).

       Route Map 8 List​ (Revised July 2024​)

  • ​Table format list of weight restricted bridges on state highways and their weight restrictions by structure.
  • Weight limitations shown may not be exceeded.
  • Current permits with either the Route Map 8 List or the older graphic Route Map 8 version are valid until further notice.
  • This route map list is intended to replace the graphic Route Map 8 after current over-dimension permits expire.​
YouTube icon Route Map 9 (Revised December 2023​)
  • Displays authorized annual routes for overwidth (up to 14 feet wide) and/or heavy haul loads (not exceeding 98,000 pounds gross and weight table 3 maximums).
  • Operations by permit only.

Attachment 13 — Provisional Extended Weight Permit
Revised January 2023.

Attachment 17 — Overlength Logs, Poles, Piling, and Structural Members
Revised January 2023.
Provides limitations and requirements when operating under an annual Long Logs, Poles, Piling and Structural Members Permit.

Attachment 19 — Weight Table for Self-Loading Log Trucks
Revised January 2023.

Attachment 20 — Equipment List for Single Trip Permits
Revised March 2024.
Provides a vehicle equipment list.

Attachment 24 — Splash and Spray Suppressant Device Requirements
Revised January 2023.

Attachment 36 — County and City of Portland/Salem Offices
Revised January 2023.
Each county and city has jurisdiction over its roads and streets.

Attachment 70A — Continuous Operation Variance Permit
Revised January 2023.
Provides limitations and requirements when operating under one or more annual COVP permits (possibly multi-jurisdictional). Applies to annual permits only.

Attachment 74A — Divisible Loads / Triples Combinations
Revised January 2023.
Provides limitations and requirements when operating under an annual triples permit.

Attachment 75A — Mobile Home / Modular Unit Provisions
Revised January 2023.
Provides limitations and requirements when operating under a single trip permit or 30 day permit for hauling mobile/modular units.

Attachment 76A — Tow Vehicle / Annual State Routes and Provisions
Revised January 2024.

Attachment 77A — Leaky Load Provisions for State Routes
Revised January 2023​.

Attachment 82A — Non-Divisible Loads / Division 82 Rules
Revised January 2023.
Provides limitations and requirements when operating under a single trip permit for any oversize load not covered by other divisions/attachments.

Attachment 100A — Permit Map and Attachment Updates
Revised August 1, 2024​​.
Provides updates to permit maps and attachments since they were last printed.

Certified Flagger Attachment
Revised January 2023.

Attachment H — Hauling Hours and Days for Overwidth Movement
Revised January 2023.
Provides hauling hours and days restrictions and exceptions such as city hours, nighttime movement, summer weekends and holiday travel.

Attachment SL — Driver and Other Requirements for Superloads
Revised March 2024.

Motor Carrier Maps and Attachments — Reference Guide
Revised January 2023.

Weight Table 1 - Legal Weight
Revised January 2023.
Legal axle weights, hauling divisible loads 80,000 pounds or less.
No permit required.

Weight Table 2 - Extended Weight
Revised January 2023.
Legal axle weights, hauling divisible loads over 80,000 lbs.

Weight Table 3 - Heavy Haul
Revised January 2023.
Heavy haul axle weights hauling a non-divisible load.

Weight Table 4 - Heavy Haul
Revised January 2023.
Heavy haul axle weights hauling a non-divisible load.

Weight Table 5 - Heavy Haul
Revised January 2023​.
Heavy Haul bonus axle weights hauling a non-divisible load.
For specific vehicle configurations only.

Coun​ty Attachments
County Attachment Revision Date
C01 — Baker June 2015​
​​C02 — Benton ​​November 2023
​​C03 — Clackamas ​April 2023
​​C04 — Clatsop ​March 2024
​​C05 — Columbia ​​July 2017
​​C06 — Coos ​​July 2022
​​C07 — Crook ​​February 2016
​​C08 — Curry ​October 2015
​​C09 — Deschutes ​​January 2015
​​C10 — Douglas ​​December 2020
​​C11 — Gilliam ​January 2002
​​C12 — Grant ​​January 2002
​​C13 — Harney ​​January 2002
​​C14 — Hood River December 2019
​​C15 — Jackson November 2022
​​C16 — Jefferson ​​March 2024​
​​C17 — Josephine ​March 2006
​​C18 — Klamath ​February 2024
​​C19 — Lake ​March 2007
​​C20 — Lane ​​August 2024
​​C21 — Lincoln ​May 2015
C22 — Linn​December 2020
Linn County Map (reference only)​July 2020
C23 — Malheur
​​January 2002
​​C24 — Marion
December 2023​
​Marion County Map​ (reference only)
​April 2022
​​C25 — Morrow ​August 2009
​​C26 — Multnomah February 2024
​​C27 — Polk ​July 2014
​​C28 — Sherman ​August 2007
​​C29 — Tillamook ​​June 2017
​​C30 — Umatilla ​August 2022
​​C31 — Union ​December 2014
​​C32 — Wallowa ​​January 2002
​​C33 — Wasco July 2024
​​C34 — Washington ​​May 2018
Washington County Map (reference only) ​​March 2015
​​C35 — Wheeler ​​January 2002
​​C36 — Yamhill ​​March 2023
​​C51A — City of Portland Map August 2022

Reference Material

Traffic Mobility
Visit our Statewide Traffic Mobility web page for more information about the standards and processes that help ODOT:
  • Comply with mobility provisions of the Federal Highway Administration rules.
  • Uphold its commitments with the freight industry.
  • Meet the Agency’s goals for traffic mobility and safety.
State and District Guidelines
These Guidelines were created by CCD and ODOT staff and approved at the Motor Carrier Transportation Advisory Committee allows Over-Dimension Permit staff to issue superload permits by blanket authorization.
State and District Guidelines — Pilot Cars and other Special Requirements
County Guidelines
The single-trip permit can include authorization of county roads that may delay issuance.
Forest Service Roads
Commercial use of Forest Service roads in the Pacific Northwest Region is prohibited without authorization. Contact the Oregon Forest Service for more information about overload and commercial use permits.
Forest Service Road​ Permits

​Many factors can affect movement of oversize loads in Oregon including holiday travel, weather, bridge weight limits, and restrictions due to highway construction or maintenance projects. Please see the Oregon Travel Restrictions and Guidelines for additional information and highway restrictions.

​Please visit our Laws and Rules web page for regulations related to size and weight limits. Find out how to make a civil complaint about a commercial vehicle on this page.

Motor Carrier Requirements
There are many locations and situations where motor carriers are requirement by permit to use certified flaggers to stop traffic so a truck with an overwidth and/or overheight load can safely pass.

Whenever certified flaggers are a requirement of a permit, the Certified Flagger Attachment must accompany the permit.

Certified Flagger Requirements
To work as a flagger on Oregon State highways you must have training and possess one of the following:
  • A valid Oregon Certified Flagger card.
  • A valid Certified Flagger card from the state transportation departments of Montana, Washington or Idaho.
    o This is available through an interstate reciprocity agreement.
    o The card is valid for three years from the date issued.
Flagger Certification Training
ODOT has authorized the Chemeketa Community College Center for Business and Industry as the exclusive administrator of flagger curriculum, materials and flagger trainer and flagger certification cards.

Chemeketa Community College:
  • Provides a four-hour flagger training class.
  • Maintains a list of certified private flagging trainers.
Contact information
Call Dawn Pahl at 503-399-5181.
Visit the CCC Center for Business and Industry website.

For each highway in the state, pilot vehicle(s) may be required based on the vehicle's or load's width, height, overall length and overhang. See our State and District Guidelines — Pilot Cars and other Special Requirements for additional information.

  • Route Map 2 shows these requirements for travel on multi-lane highways as well as two-lane highways shown as Green, Purple and Red routes.
  • To perform a rolling stop, pilot vehicles must be certified in the rolling stop method.
  • The rolling stop method uses three pilot vehicles to allow the motor carrier to straddle the centerline.

State Administrative Fees
The state administrative fee for a single-trip oversize/overweight permit is $8.00 per truck/trip. These fees are due at the time of application, even if the permit is not used. Some carriers are billed for these fees.
The state administrative fee for most annual oversize/overweight permit is $8.00 per truck. These fees are due at the time of application even if the permit is not used. Depending on the type, the fees for some annual permits must be paid for at the time of issuance, while the fees for other types can be billed to the carrier's account.
Refer to CCD Administrative Fees for Over-Dimension Permits Chart (form 9973) for more information.
County Administrative Fees
The county administrative fee for a single-trip oversize/overweight permit is up to $8.00 per truck/trip, per county. These fees are due at the time of application, even if the permit is not used. Some carriers are billed for these fees.
The county administrative fee for an annual oversize/overweight permit is up to $8.00 per truck, per county. These fees are due at the time of application even if the permit is not used. Depending on the type, the fees for some annual permits must be paid for at the time of issuance, while the fees for other types of annual permits can be billed to the carrier's account. Not all counties allow all types of annual permits on their roads.
Refer to CCD Administrative Fees for Over-Dimension Permits Chart (form 9973) for more information.
Road Use Assessment Fees (RUAF)
A single trip permit must be purchased and RUAF paid for any single, non-divisible load in a heavy haul operation with gross weight in excess of 98,000 pounds and permit weight table 3 (or higher) when traveling in Oregon. This fee takes the place of the weight-mile tax for the loaded portion of the haul. RUAF fee rate tables are available on our Report Your Taxes web page.
If you have been issued a permit from another road authority (for example, a county or city public works department) to operate on their roads with a single non-divisible load and gross weight in excess of 98,000 pounds, road use assessment fees must be paid.
  • Fill out and submit a County/City RUAF Mileage Report (form 3253). The miles declared on this form are not to be reported again on your Oregon Highway Use Tax Report.
If your permit was issued by CCD and includes county roads or city streets, include all miles traveled on that permitting report.  It is not necessary to fill out form 3253.
Oregon Weight-Mile Tax
Use Table A for registered weights of 26,001 to 80,000 pounds. Use Table B for vehicles with special permits at gross weights of 80,001. Weight-Mile Tax rate tables are available on our Report Your Taxes web page.
Refund of Fees
State and County administrative fees are not refundable, even if the permit was not used. Use the Road Use Assessment Fee (RUAF) Refund (form 9977) to request a refund of this fee if:
  • A single-trip permit was issued for the movement of a single non-divisible load.
  • The gross permitted weight was in excess of 98,000 pounds.
  • The permit was paid for with a credit card (or ACH transaction) prior to issuance.
  • The move was not made.

Note: Forms can be filled out online and printed or emailed using Internet Explorer or Adobe Acrobat Reader.

 Types of Over-Dimension Loads

Motor carriers moving loads that exceed 14 feet high are required to obtain an over-dimension permit and are subject to special requirements and responsibilities. Note: Overheight may not be caused by items loaded in multiples (stacked or overlapped).​

Overheight Movement Requirements
Motor carriers with a single trip over-dimension permit for a load over 14 feet 6 inches high must meet one of two requirements:
  1. Use a pilot car escort with an overheight pole in front of the high load throughout the trip.
  2. Have a signed declaration form on file with CCD acknowledging that the carrier is responsible for any injury to persons, damage to property or damage to any highway or highway structure resulting from an overheight movement under the permit.
    • The declaration option is only available to motor carriers that have established accounts with CCD.
    • The declaration form must be signed by the individual owner, a partner, a corporate officer, a partner in a LLP, a manager/member of the LLC or agent.
    • Declaration Form 735-9929 filed for Attachment 75A — Mobile Homes / Modular Units.
    • Declaration Form 735-9930 filed for Attachment 82A — Non-Divisible Loads.

 Motor Carrier and Driver Responsibilities

  • Responsible and liable for any and all injury to persons or damage to property and all damage to or destruction of any highway or any highway structure resulting from the oversize or overweight movement.
  • Responsible for determining adequate clearance, both vertical and horizontal, for movement under this permit.
  • Must notify the Over-Dimension Permit Unit within 24 hours of an accident involving striking a structure in the course of a movement.

Motor Carriers moving loads that exceed 8 feet 6 inches in width are required to obtain an over-dimension permit and are subject to special requirements and responsibilities.
Travel restrictions and exceptions are described on Permit Attachment H and apply to all overwidth moves authorized by either an annual or single trip permit that also requires Permit Attachments 70A, 75A or 82A.
Overwidth Permit Attachments

Attachment 70A — Continuous Operation Variance Permit, General Provisions.
Attachment 75A — Mobile Home/Modular Unit Provisions.
Attachment 82A — Non-Divisible Loads.
Special Transportation Permit Attachment H — Specific Hauling Hours and Days for Overwidth Movement.

Oregon Administrative Rules
OAR Division 70 — Vehicle Weight and Dimension Limits.
OAR Division 75 — Movement of Over-Dimension Mobile Homes and Modular Building.
OAR Division 82 — Variance Permits Issued for Non-Divisible Loads.

Weight can be a factor in the permitting process depending on the size of the load. Please see Weight Tables Explained to determine your legal and permittable weights.

Load Review
Loads that meet the minimum axle requirements for Permit Weight Table 5 and exceed the allowances on all the weight tables may request that the load be reviewed by a Bridge Engineer.
  • Requests sent to the bridge engineers may take up to 5 business days.
  • Not all of the requests are approved.
  • All requests are route, axle weight and axle spacing specific.
  • Any changes made to an approved engineer review will have to be re-submitted.

Contact Us

Oregon Department of Transportation
Commerce and Compliance Division
455 Airport Road SE, Building A
Salem, OR 97301
Hours of Operation (Pacific Time)
Monday through Friday
Office: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Phone Service: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Over-Dimension Permit Unit

Travel Restrictions

Roads and Weather

Call 800-977-6368 (in state).
Call 503-588-2941 (out of state).


County Public Works Information