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Pedestrian and Bicycle Program

About the Program

The Oregon Pedestrian and Bicycle Program provides resources to help the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) achieve its mission to “provide a safe and reliable multimodal transportation system that connects people and helps Oregon's communities and economy thrive.” The goals of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Program are to reduce crashes involving people walking and biking, eliminate crashes that result in injuries and deaths, and promote walking and biking to improve health and safety. We work towards these goals by supporting implementation of the Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, developing walking and bicycling safety and education materials, funding projects that improve conditions for walking and biking, providing planning and design guidance for pedestrian and bicycle projects, and staffing the Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee.

Get Involved

Explore Our Resources

Access our safety publications, bicycle maps, project design and funding resources, and trip planning tools below.

ODOT Safety Education Brochures & Handouts

The ODOT Transportation Safety Division offers free booklets, brochures, posters, postcards, bookmarks, and other materials designed to promote safe driving, walking and rolling such as riding a bicycle, scooters, and skateboards. There are no costs for ordering these. Order limits are kept to 200 items. ​Please note that some of these materials are only available digitally. 

​Visit the Order Free Educational Material site​ to order materials.

ODOT’s Transportation Safety Division provides print and digital materials to educate Oregonians and visitors on how to walk, bicycle, and share the road safely. 

FREE ODOT Safety Education Brochures & Handouts
  • Visit our new online “store” to view, print, and/or order printed copies of our walking and bicycling safety materials at no cost: Online Store.​​
ODOT Educational Campaigns & Programs
  • Safety Campaigns for Kids – Visit ODOT’s Safe Routes to School program website for educational videos and media toolkit.
  • Oregon Friendly Driver - FREE 60-90 minute interactive class to educate all drivers on the best and safest ways to use the road with people walking or riding bikes.

Educational Videos

Oregon and National Safety Resources

Want to leave your car at home for your next commute? Planning a weekend trip or a bicycle tour across Oregon? Here are a few resources for planning your next car-free getaway in Oregon. Don’t forget to review our Driver’s Guide to Sharing the Road and Oregon Bicyclist Manual for safety tips before you go!

Get There Oregon is ODOT's easy-to-use carpool matching tool and trip planner that will get you where you need to go. The online tool will give you carpool, vanpool, walk, bike and transit options to your destination.

TripCheck provides weather information, road conditions, construction alerts, acident alerts and other information about traveling on Oregon's State Highways.

State Bicycle Maps: Download ODOT bicycle maps below. To request single paper copies of State Bicycle Maps please request to PedBikePublications​.​    


Oregon Scenic Bikeways are the best bike rides in Oregon and showcase beautiful scenery, state history and local communities. Ride one of 17 routes that run past state parks on paved paths and roads, cross mountain passes and high deserts.

  • McKenzie Pass Scenic Bikeway: The M​cKenzie Highway (OR 242) is currently closed for the season. It is planned for reopening on the third Monday in June 2022. People who choose to access the road when closed do so at their own risk.​

​Travel Oregon offers resources on road, mountain, gravel, and fat tire biking in Oregon. They also provide information on recreational cycling trips and 12 car-free trip ideas​ that connect some of the best destinations across the state. You can access more trip planning information for Oregon Scenic Bikeways as well as upcoming events.

ODOT Public Transit Division - Car-Free Trip Planning Resources.​​​

​White Cane Safety Day was designated by the United States Congress in a joint resolution in 1964 recognizing that white canes enable blind people to travel safely and independently. It is observed annually on October 15th to raise awareness to 1) encourage the use of them to help blind pedestrians to be independent while traveling and for 2) people driving to identify a blind or low vision person and to yield to them. Please review Oregon Laws and Rules for White Cane Safety.

White Cane Safety Day

White Cane Safety Digital Instagram Graphics


"Bike Bill" and Use of Highway Funds: The Oregon Legislature passed ORS 366.514, aka the Bike Bill, in 1971.The bill requires facilities for people walking and biking wherever a road, street or highway is built or rebuilt. It applies to ODOT, cities and counties and requires spending reasonable amounts of their share of the state highway fund on facilities for pedestrians and bicyclists. These facilities must be located within the right-of-way of public roads, streets or highways open to motor vehicle traffic. The funds cannot be spent on trails in parks or other areas outside of a road, street or highway right-of-way. ODOT created additional guidance on ORS 366.514 Interpretation and screening flowchart​.

E-Bike & Scooter Pocket Guide: Read the summary of Oregon laws and regulations related to electric assist bicycles, e-scooters, mopeds, segways, and more. Includes answers to frequently asked questions like: “Is a helmet required?” and “Is it legal to ride on bike paths?”

Oregon Pedestrian, Bicyclist and Driver Selected Statutes Booklet

Summary of Oregon Revised Statutes Related to Walking & Bicycling: Read the summary of the Oregon Revised Statutes, or ORS, and Oregon Administrative Rules that relate to people walking and biking. You can navigate the ORS Summary by using the list of more commonly used terms with links to the appropriate ORS.

Safe Passage Law: ODOT would like to remind drivers to give bicyclists extra room when passing, per ORS 811.065​. At speeds greater than 35 mph, you may only pass a bicycle traveling in your lane if you have enough distance to prevent contact with the bicyclist if they were to fall. The same rules for passing other vehicles apply to bicycles. You may cross the center line if it is safe and legal to do so. Return to your lane as soon as it is safe to do so. If you cannot pass safely, you must slow down and remain behind the bicycle until it is safe to pass.

Oregon Stop as Yield Law (AKA “Idaho Stop”):Senate Bill 998, passed in June 2019, allows people riding bicycles in Oregon to treat stop signs and flashing red signals as yield signs beginning January 1, 2020 (ORS 811.260 and ORS 811.265 ORS 814.414, ORS 814.416). ODOT has developed educational materials for this legal change. Please access digital materials below. To order free printed brochures and rack cards to help educate the public on the Stop as Yield Law, please visit the educational publications page​.

ODOT provides support to local governments, non-governmental organizations, and the general public in planning, designing, and constructing pedestrian and bicycle facilities.

​ODOT Modal and Topic Plans:

ODOT produces planning documents that provide policy framework and guidance for making it safer and easier to walk and bike in Oregon.

ODOT Design Guides & Manuals:

National Design Resources:

​Looking for data to inform and support your pedestrian and bicycle projects? Here are a few resources and reports that ODOT provides.

​ODOT manages multiple Local Government Funding Programs that invest in transportation projects on state and local roadways. The list below summarizes the primary sources of funding for pedestrian and bicycle transportation improvements in Oregon.

Safe Routes to School: ODOT funding for efforts that improve infrastructure, education, or encouragement to help children safely walk or bike to school. Infrastructure, non-infrastructure, and planning grants are available through competitive application processes. Construction programs focus on making sure safe walking and biking routes exist through investments in crossings, sidewalks and bike lanes, flashing beacons, and the like. Education programs focus on education and outreach to assure awareness and safe use of walking and biking routes.

Innovative Mobility Program (IMP):​ The IMP is a pioneering funding initiative designed to improve access to public and active transportation for historically underserved communities. By reducing car trips and greenhouse gas emissions, the program aims to promote social equity and address climate change. The program’s objectives include enhancing transportation options for underserved communities, decreasing the number of drive-alone trips, and lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

Sidewalk Improvement Program (SWIP) and Quick Fix: To help ODOT meet ORS 366.514 requirements, State Highway Fund dollars are allocated to each ODOT region for bicycle and pedestrian improvements on or along state highways. Project funding requests are submitted by the ODOT Region Active Transportation Liaison on a rolling basis. Projects may be delivered by a local agency via an Intergovernmental Agreement. The ODOT State Pedestrian & Bicycle Funding Programs Manual provides information on funding levels, eligibility criteria, application, and management process for these funds.

Pedestrian and Bicycle Strategic Suballocation​: The Oregon Transportation Commission approved $55 million for strategic pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure improvements on ODOT highways in the 2024-2027 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)​. This is part of a $255 million investment in the Public and Active Transportation Program."

Oregon Community Paths (OCP): OCP combines funds from the Multimodal Active Transportation Fund (formerly Connect Oregon Bike/Ped), Oregon Bicycle Excise Tax, and federal Transportation Alternatives Program to fund primarily off-street pedestrian and bicycle facilities.

All Roads Transportation Safety (ARTS): The ARTS Program is designed to address safety needs on all public roads in Oregon. The program prioritizes hot spot and systemic projects based on benefit cost ratios. In practice, this means the ARTS Program prioritizes project locations that will get the most crash reduction for the cost of the project. Local agencies and ODOT regions submit applications for bicycle and pedestrian projects to support this systemic approach.

Transportation Options: Application-based innovation grants and sponsorships support the implementation of the Oregon Transportation Options Plan. This program provides information and resources to help people learn about their travel options including walking and biking. It does not fund capital infrastructure or service investments like sidewalks, bike lanes or transit services.

Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ): CMAQ is a federally-funded program for surface transportation improvements designed to improve air quality and mitigate congestion. CMAQ funding may only go toward transportation projects in nonattainment or maintenance areas. These are areas where air quality does not meet or once did not meet National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone, carbon monoxide, or particulate matter.

Small City Allotment (SCA): The SCA program is an annual allocation of state funds for local transportation projects. Incorporated cities with populations of 5,000 or less are eligible to apply. SCA funds may only be used on streets inadequate for the capacity they serve or are in a condition detrimental to safety.

Transportation Growth Management (TGM): The TGM program is a joint program of the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) and ODOT. TGM planning grants are available through a competitive application process and can be used for local active transportation planning.

State Transit Improvement Fund (STIF) and Public Transportation Funds: Pedestrian and bicycle improvements that provide connections to transit facilities are eligible for most public transportation funding sources.

Other Funding Sources​: A summary of other potential funding sources for pedestrian and bicycle improvements compiled by ODOT and DLCD.​

Great Streets:​ Great Streets is a funding program that addresses safety improvements and increases access to walking, biking and transit. The program focuses on "main streets" in communities around the state.

Carbon Reduction: The Carbon Reduction Program is a federal program created by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that provides Oregon $82 million over five years to fund projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation. The program provides funding for three types of areas: Transportation Management Areas; ODOT statewide projects; and small urban and rural areas. Bike, pedestrian, and non-motorized facilities and micro-mobility projects are among the eligible projects.


For single paper copy of map, please email PedBikePublications.

Statewide Program Staff

Pedestrian & Bicycle Program Manager
Ian Davidson | 503-457-5920

Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Manager

Heidi Manlove

Regional Active Transportation Liaisons

Region 1 (Portland Metro)

Kerry FraneyTelephone503-731-3359Telephone

Region 2 (NW Oregon)

Jenna BermanTelephone971-719-6024Telephone

Region 3 (SW Oregon)

John LazurTelephone541-315-6819 Telephone

Region 4 (Central Oregon)

Chris ChengTelephone541-388-6429 Telephone

Region 5 (Eastern Oregon)

Teresa PenningerTelephone541-963-1344


Regional Transportation Safety Coordinators

Region 1 (Portland Metro) 

Tiana TozerTelephone503-731-3150

Region 2 (NW Oregon)

Nicole CharlsonTelephone503-986-2763

Region 3 (SW Oregon)

Rosalee SengerTelephone541-957-3657

Region 4 (Central Oregon)

Vanessa RobinsonTelephone541-508-9690

Region 5 (Eastern Oregon)

Billie-Jo DealTelephone541-963-1387