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About ODOT

The Oregon Department of Transportation is organized into four functional areas. The divisions and sections within these areas work across divisional boundaries to accomplish our goals and objectives.



The Delivery and Operations Division is ODOT's most visible arm, spread across Oregon with engineers, road crews and a wide array of other disciplines involved in the maintenance of the state's highways, bridges and other parts of the transportation system.

Phone: 503-986-4000


Divided into five geographic regions, some services originate from ODOT’s central Salem offices, while others, including maintenance, project development and delivery, and traffic management, are provided by regional offices.

Transportation project list

Office of Maintenance and Operations

Statewide Project Delivery

Providing support for project delivery and construction.

Phone: 503-986-3424

Technical Services

Providing technical and engineering support.

Phone: 503-986-6625

Our sections include:

Urban Mobility

Focuses on large scale projects to improve urban transportation systems.

Phone: 503-986-6531

The Policy, Data and Analysis Division provides support and services ranging from shared technical assistance to cities, counties and metropolitan planning organizations, to financial support of planning and infrastructure projects to local governments, universities and federal and state agencies. The four main program areas are

  • statewide and regional planning
  • data, analysis, and research;
  • Statewide Transportation Improvement Program development and program oversight; and
  • transportation system projects.

Phone: 971-701-0721

Statewide Transportation Improvement Program

The STIP is Oregon’s four-year transportation capital improvement program. It is the document that identifies the funding for, and scheduling of, transportation projects and programs.

The Division supports Oregon’s public transportation systems. The Public Transit Section supports mobility options for Oregonians through advocacy, collaborative partnerships, and grant programs. The Rail Section represents and advocates for customers of railroads, both passenger and freight, to ensure a safe, efficient and reliable rail transportation system.
Phone: 503-986-3300

 Revenue, Finance and Compliance

The Commerce and Compliance Division promotes a safe, efficient, and responsible commercial transportation industry by simplifying compliance, reducing regulatory requirements wherever appropriate, preserving the infrastructure, enhancing the private/public partnership, fostering effective two-way communication, and delivering superior customer service while recognizing the vital economic interests of the commercial trucking industry. 

Phone: 503-378-5849

DMV promotes driver safety, protects financial and ownership interests in vehicles, and collects revenue to finance Oregon's intermodal transportation system. We also license and regulate certain businesses.
Phone: 503-945-5000

The Safety Division promotes safety statewide through education, enforcement, engineering and emergency response. We provide statewide planning, programs and grant funding to communities.

Phone: 503-986-3883

Finance and Budget Division provides a complete range of integrated financial and accounting processes for the agency.  These include financial statement preparation, accounts payable, accounts receivable, asset accounting, payroll, cash forecasting and management, funds administration, innovative finance/debt issuance and management, financial analysis and reporting, policy, financial forecasting, cost allocation, fuels tax administration, audit and collection.



Government and External Relations


The Communications Section is responsible for coordinating ODOT's internal and external communications activities including media relations, public information and outreach.

Phone: 503-986-3436


​The Government Relations team guides ODOT's participation in state and federal legislative efforts and intergovernmental relationships with tribal governments to positively advance ODOT's mission and values for the benefit of all Oregonians.

Phone: 503-986-2840

Social Equity

​The Civil Rights team works to promote innovative programs that provide equitable access and opportunities in Oregon transportation. Programs include -

  • Small and disadvantaged business contracting and resources
  • Workforce development
  • Non-discrimination
  • and more

Phone: 503-986-4350


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Oregon Transportation Commission


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Customer Service Policy