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Data Analytics & Reporting


The Oregon Department of Corrections’ (DOC) Research and Evaluation division provides mission-critical information on offender populations, program performance, and policy impact. Click the links below for a list of reports submitted to the Legislative Assembly.
HB 2535 Report

Statistical Reports

Includes: number of DOC employees, cost per AIC per day, AIC population, average intakes per month, average AICs released per month, AICs with mental health needs, individuals with substance abuse problems, average age of AICs, median length of stay, AIcs at work, offender demographics, prison population forecast, recidivism rates, and population and capacity at each prison.


​Oregon voters approved Ballot Measure 11 in November 1994 to apply mandatory minimum prison sentences to certain crimes against persons committed on or after April 1, 1995, with no possibility for any reduction in sentence, such as for good behavior. It has been modified by legislation several times.


​In 1994, Oregon voters enacted a constitutional amendment that requires correctional institutions to actively engage adults in custody in full-time work or on-the-job training. This amendment, known as Ballot Measure 17, took effect April 1, 1995. In order to hold institutions accountable and ensure that they comply with the intent of the measure, the Oregon Department of Corrections maintains data on daily work and program assignments for each indivudual. 


This population profile is a snapshot (or moment in time) of the Oregon prison population on the date at the top of the report. This snapshot displays the count of adults in custody for each category in the report for each Oregon Department of Corrections facility.


This population profile is a snapshot (or moment in time) of the Oregon community supervision population on the date at the top of the report. This snapshot displays the count of supervised persons for each category in the report for each Oregon county.


​These reports contain demographic information for offenders on all types of supervision - probation, prison, post-prison, and local control, across several demographic categories.


​This report includes data and a graph of prison population trends over the last 24 months for both males and females.


The Recidivism Dashboard is provided by the Criminal Justice Commission (CJC) and includes information on recidivism rates, time until recidivate, and risk scores to recidivate. The dashboard includes the ability to view data in many ways, including by gender, age, race, region, county, crime category, and years.


The Suicide Prevention report is a compilation of 3 studies. The information gleaned from these studies was used as the main foundation in developing the Automated Suicide Awareness Tool (ASAT). This automated assessment is available on the DOC400 data system to help DOC employees assess an AIC’s risk of suicide. 

The following report includes research behind the equations used to develop the ASAT, the Case Review—used for assessment purposes: what questions to ask, what behaviors to watch for, what AIC requests to pay attention to, and what information to know. The third study includes interviews with AICs who have attempted suicide. This report shows all three studies were congruent, and explains the differences found between studies. The report also explains how staff may use an automated risk tool in unison to what they already know.   


Submitting Research Proposals
Research proposals may be submitted to the Department by completing and submitting an External Research Application (pdf) consistent with the rules and policies below:

Once you have completed the application form and the required attachments listed in the form, please submit them to the email address listed in the application.


Reports & Statistics - Public Records Request(503) 945-0935 Request Reports & Statistics
Research Proposals See External Research Application (pdf)​

Research Committee Submission and Review Dates 



Attention Research Applicants:

The position of Research Committee Chair is currently vacant. As a result, all proposals will continue to be under review and will not receive a committee decision until the next scheduled Research Committee meeting date on July 27, 2023.

We appreciate your consideration and understanding while a new committee chair is appointed. 

For any additional inquiries or updates regarding your proposal, please contact