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The program uses many avenues to reach non-English-speaking Oregon residents and workers, including community events hosted by local organizations, partnerships with consular offices, radio, television, newspaper advertisements and articles, and news releases. The program provides information about rights, responsibilities, and department services, verbally and through brochures, flyers, and other publications. The same information is shared with English-speaking Oregon residents through other events and community engagement. Some publications are also available in other languages, such as Russian and Vietnamese.
We believe that by educating vulnerable residents about their rights and responsibilities as workers, consumers, and Oregon residents, we help improve health and safety for workers and protect consumers from fraud. This, in turn, helps improve the economic climate for all Oregon residents and businesses.
Ruth Kemmy Phone: 503-947-7513
Para información en español Comunicaciones Multiculturales Teléfono: 503-947-7513 o 1-800-843-8086
You can learn more about our agency and its culture through our videos in Spanish.
Spanish video playlist
Узнайте больше о DCBS, нашей программе мультикультурных коммуникаций, а также о таких темах, как компенсация работникам, страхование, финансовые услуги, безопасность и сохранность здоровья на рабочих местах.
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