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Programs of DAS

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Asset Management

The Enterprise Asset Management division is responsible for all phases of life-cycle management for a variety of state assets including facilities, real estate, vehicles, and property slated for disposal. Providing these value-added services frees our customers to focus on their primary mission.

Programs included within this division:

​Division: Enterprise Asset Management
The Maintenance section provides building maintenance and repair services including electrical, HVAC and building security services to state-owned and operated buildings in Salem, Portland, Eugene, Pendleton, Central Point and Burns.

​Division: Enterprise Asset Management
The Operations section provides custodial and landscape services in the Salem Capitol Mall area, the Portland State Office Building and the Eugene State Office Building.

Division: Enterprise Asset Management
We provide construction project management, for new construction and building remodels, to state agencies throughout Oregon. ​

Division: Enterprise Asset Management
​The Fleet and Parking Services program manages 4,100 DAS-owned vehicles, provides policy oversight to more than 3,000 vehicles owned by other agencies and manages 4,500 parking spaces in Salem, Portland and Eugene.

Fleet and Parking Services rents vehicles on a daily basis and long-term to more than 100 state and local agencies, and promotes alternative modes of transportation for state employees.​

​Division: Enterprise Asset Management
The Real Estate Services section provides professional services including real estate leasing, planning, and relocation assistance. We handle lease property transactions for state agencies by searching for space, and negotiating and preparing contracts.

Real Estate Services also provides services for real property sales and acquisitions including transaction review, appraisal and title due diligence.

Our team's services also include interior space planning and design.

Division: Enterprise Asset Management
The Surplus Property program sells unneeded equipment, vehicles and supplies for state agencies and intergovernmental partners, as well as helps facilitate the transfer of supplies to state agencies, local governments and qualified non-profit organizations. Some items are available to the general public, while others are available only to other government entities and select non-profit groups. ​

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Finance and Financial Systems

​Division: Chief Financial Office
The Budget and Management (BAM) section is Oregon's central budget office for the Executive Branch of state government. Analysts work with the Governor’s Office, legislative committees, Legislative Fiscal Office staff, and state agencies on fiscal policy, program review, organizational transitions, performance management, and the development and monitoring of agency budgets.

State agencies work with analysts throughout the budget development process. Together they apply statewide policy to build the Agency Request Budget. Analysts evaluate the Agency Request Budget and make recommendations to the Governor. The Governor develops the Governor’s Budget and analysts present the Governor's Budget to the Legislature and other groups.

Analysts also work with state agencies throughout the entire budget process by monitoring budget performance, approving or denying allotment of agency funds, analyzing agency program and staffing requests, and making recommendations on agency requests to the Legislative Emergency Board and Interim Joint Ways & Means.

​Division: Chief Financial Office
The Capital Finance and Facilities Planning section has direct responsibility for managing several independent financing programs, coordinating, statewide budgeting for bonds and capital construction, and coordinating statewide facilities​ planning. We’re responsible for approval of state Article XI-Q bonds and other financing agreements.

  • XI-Q bonds are the primary source for financing facilities and capital equipment (excluding article XI-G and XI-F bonds for Higher Education).

  • CFPS coordinates issuance of State Lottery Bonds and Tax Anticipation Notes (TANs).

  • CFPS also administers the Pension Obligation Bond Program.

In addition, the group develops, maintains and oversees implementation of Oregon state government’s long-range capital plan.

The Chief Financial Office is responsible for establishing statewide financial policies and developing the Governor's Recommended Budget. We assist executive branch agencies with budget development; oversee statewide accounting and financial reporting; provide business services internally to DAS; and manage capital financing and facilities planning.

​Division: Chief Financial Office
DAS Budget Services (DBS) provides a comprehensive group of essential services to support the business of DAS and other public agencies.​

Division: Chief Financial Office
The Financial Business Systems program comprises the following systems and services for the benefit of Oregon state government:

  • CPERS. The Centralized PERS Services team (CPERS) provides technical assistance and data to the PERS retirement systems necessary for calculation of employee retirement benefits, ensuring state employees’ retirement account and service time information are accurate and state employee data issues are resolved.

  • Datamart. The Datamart is an electronic repository of data used for timely agency ad hoc reporting and decision support needs. The financial Datamart contains data extracted from the following statewide information systems: financial (SFMA), payroll (Workday), and budget (ORBITS) systems.

  • OSPS. The Oregon Statewide Payroll Services (OSPS) group. 

  • SFMS. The Statewide Financial Management Services (SFMS) unit supports and ensures accuracy and accountability in the state government financial system. We provide services and controls in the management of the Statewide Financial Management Application (SFMA) also known as R*STARS. 

​Division: Enterprise Goods and Services
Shared Financial Services (SFS) provides state agencies with a full suite of accounting, budgeting and payroll services.* We focus on ensuring accounting activity is performed in accordance with all applicable statutes, rules, policies and generally accepted accounting principles, which allows our customers to focus on their core mission and business responsibilities. ​​

* Shared Payroll Services (SPS) provides full service payroll and benefit services for 36 client agencies, boards, and commissions including DAS and the Governor’s Office.

Division: Chief Financial Office
The Statewide Accounting and Reporting Services (SARS) unit provides leadership in accounting and in the reporting of the financial results for the state of Oregon. The unit:

  • Sets accounting policy through the Oregon Accounting Manual and provides training.

  • Manages federal reporting, reporting data, and security.

  • Provides consultation to agency staff on accounting and financial reporting.

  • Compiles and publishes the state's audited Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.

  • Provides state administration for security of the financial systems, travel card program, and travel policy.​

​Division: Chief Financial Office
The Statewide Audit and Budget Reporting Section (SABRS) is a small unit that supports the DAS Chief Financial Office and state agencies in the preparation and execution of agency budgets.

We work with the Oregon Budget Information Tracking System (ORBITS) and the Position Information Control System (PICS) to provide technical assistance, audit budget figures, manage position actions, and control allotments.

Division: Office of the Chief Operating Officer
Workday Oregon comprises one team to manage all technical and business functions to deliver Oregon state government's Workday solution ​for enterprise-wide learning, payroll and human resources management. ​

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Goods and Services

​The Enterprise Goods and Services division provides a wide range of services to state and local government, and some services also reach the business community and individual citizens.

Division: Enterprise Goods and Services
Through its in-plant facility and satellite centers, Publishing & Distribution offers copying, digital and traditional printing and related services to state agencies and local governments. In an effort to provide the best value for customers, we also contract out printing to pre-qualified private vendors using a low bid approach. In addition, we offer a full suite of mail processing services and provide interagency and on-call delivery service.​​​

​Division: Enterprise Goods and Services
Risk Management insures and protects the people, property and activities of state government. We insure what others won't: The unique, diverse and often hazardous business of state government. Our experts recommend mitigation strategies to minimize or prevent the cost of loss, both minor and catastrophic. When loss does occur, we manage the claim process that lets state agencies fiscally recover and carry on with their mission.​​​

Division: Enterprise Goods and Services
The State Procurement Services program partners with state and local agencies to create a thriving marketplace that is fair, open and flexible. We manage the OregonBuys eProcurement System, Oregon's primary resource for connecting suppliers of goods and services with state and local contracting opportunities. In addition, we work to ensure that those connections are made according to state laws and rules – leveling the playing field for potential vendors.​​

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HR, Employee Services 

​The Chief Human Resources Office is responsible for establishing statewide human resource policy and enterprise-wide policy leadership necessary to maintain a reliable and qualified workforce for the state of Oregon. The Office's centralized policy functions enable executive branch agencies to share resources and expertise with which to manage their human resource capital in a cost-effective way.

​Division: Chief Human Resources Office
The Classification and Compensation unit is responsible for maintaining the state's compensation plan for approximately 40,000 employees in classified, unclassified, and management service positions.  The unit is also responsible for development and maintenance of the classification system.

​​Division: Chief Human Resources Office
The Chief Human Resources Office (CHRO) provides a comprehensive group of essential services to DAS and other public agencies to provide consultations, recruitment and position management, training and professional development and HR operations and systems.

​​Division: Chief Human Resources Office
The executive branch of Oregon state government works collaboratively with 10 labor organizations to administer and negotiate 32 collective bargaining agreements for 33 bargaining units in 62 different agencies, boards, commissions.  The Labor Relations unit also administers and negotiates four non-state employee bargaining units, which covers approximately 23,300 non-state employees. As a result of these agreements, the unit manages the contract-related grievances and demands to bargain. This unit also represents the state in hearings before the Employment Relations Board.

​​Division: Chief Human Resources Office
This unit is responsible for executive recruitments, recruitments and identifying best practices in recruitment.

Division: Office of the Chief Operating Officer
Workday Oregon comprises one team to manage all technical and business functions to deliver Oregon state government's Workday solution ​for enterprise-wide learning, payroll and human resources management. ​

​​Division: Chief Human Resources Office
This team focuses on state government's values of accountability, equality, excellence and integrity by partnering with state leadership, managers and employees as internal consultants that provide best-practice workforce strategies, solutions and resources to meet current and future workforce needs. Service areas include management education, leadership development, organizational development consulting, employee engagement and executive/management coaching.

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Information Technology

Division: Enterprise Information Services

Cyber Security Services brings together all enterprise security – governance, policy, procedure and operations - under a single accountable enterprise organization. This allows for end-to-end direction setting and execution for enterprise security. The team is comprised of a policy and controls section for setting enterprise security policy and the associated controls to ensure compliance, a solutions section driving enterprise security architecture, a services section to deliver on day-to-day enterprise security operations in the Data Center, and a security operations center - providing dedicated, real-time security monitoring and response across enterprise operations. ​Cyber Security Services personnel work collaboratively with Data Center domain teams to deliver secure solutions to customers.​

​Division: Office of the Chief Operating Officer
DAS IT is the service delivery organization charged with providing application and desktop support to all DAS divisions and many client agencies of DAS including the Governor’s Office. DAS IT is responsible for providing appropriate technology service delivery to support DAS in the accomplishment of its mission.

​Division: Enterprise Information Services
Data Center Services is organized around technical domains that align with its computing and network infrastructure services. Services are determined by customer demand, funding and computing environment needs, and are defined in the Data Center Service Catalog. All platforms are built using best practices and state security standards and are maintained and monitored to ensure a reliable computing experience. Staff ensures that systems are delivered and meet defined customer requirements.​

​Division: Enterprise Information Services
Data Governance and Transparency is tasked with the establishment of Open Data standards, providing technical guidance on the proactive release of publishable data, development of an enterprise data and information strategy, maintaining the web portal for the release of publishable data, and managing the Oregon Transparency and Geospatial programs.​

​Division: Enterprise Information Services
Administrative Services is responsible for day-to-day management of the EIS Budgets, executive support services, project management and governance services. ​

The Project Management Office has been established to create a culture of consistent project delivery across EIS. Project management is viewed as a core competency and EIS is committed to effective use of project management principles and methodologies to execute projects on schedule, within budget, and in accordance with industry-leading standards for quality.​

Enterprise Information Services (EIS) seeks to mature enterprise technology governance, optimize investments, ensure transparency, provide oversight, and deliver secure and innovative solutions. EIS is comprised of seven programs staffed by nearly 300 employees who are committed to delivering accessible, reliable, and secure solutions. EIS programs include Administrative Services, Cyber Security Services, Data Center Services, Data Governance and Transparency, Project Portfolio Performance, Shared Services and Strategy and Design.

Division: Enterprise Information Services
The Project Portfolio Performance team is key in implementing and using IT Governance Framework which includes oversight and portfolio management of all major IT investments. Using a standard framework and statewide policies, staff work with all state agencies to identify and resolve IT project issues, striking a balance between central delivery and agency flexibility. The staff serves as advisors, making recommendations for agency alignment with enterprise objectives, project management and IT governance maturity, and industry best practices. They look for solutions and cost-sharing opportunities across multiple agencies and offer alternate solutions to business problems. This program helps facilitate efficient decision making, policy and statutory adherence, and provides tools and software training to assist agencies in achieving project success.​

Division: Enterprise Information Services
Shared Services works to increase alignment of existing enterprise services including E-Government, Quality Assurance and Statewide Interoperability. The program also focuses on the development of shared service models.

​Division: Enterprise Information Services 
Strategy and Design works to instantiate strategic technology initiatives, enterprise technology standards and processes, and policy which align technology vision with business strategy.

Division: Office of the Chief Operating Officer
Workday Oregon comprises one team to manage all technical and business functions to deliver Oregon state government's Workday solution ​for enterprise-wide learning, payroll and human resources management. ​

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Leadership and Administration

​Division: Office of the Chief Operating Officer
The DAS internal audit function is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve the operations of the agency. The internal audit function focuses on fiscal accountability and performance, and provides management with appraisals, analyses, and recommendations concerning the activities reviewed. DAS coordinates internal audit activities within state government to promote effectiveness.

Division: Office of the Chief Operating Officer
The Communications and Legislative Coordination team support DAS programs and leadership with a suite of strategic, creative and web-based services.

Enterprise Information Services (EIS) seeks to mature enterprise technology governance, optimize investments, ensure transparency, provide oversight, and deliver secure and innovative solutions. EIS is comprised of seven programs staffed by nearly 300 employees who are committed to delivering accessible, reliable, and secure solutions. EIS programs include Administrative Services, Cyber Security Services, Data Center Services, Data Governance and Transparency, Project Portfolio Performance, Shared Services and Strategy and Design.

Division: Office of the Chief Operating Officer
The Office of Economic Analysis provides accurate and objective forecasts of Oregon's economy, revenue, population, corrections population, and Oregon Youth Authority population.

The Office of the Chief Operating Officer (also known as the DAS Director's Office) manages all executive branch agencies; provides governmental and external communications; conducts economic analysis and internal auditing​; coordinates legislative activities, and leads strategic initiatives and enterprise accountability​.

​Division: Enterprise Goods and Services
Risk Management insures and protects the people, property and activities of state government. We insure what others won't: The unique, diverse and often hazardous business of state government. Our experts recommend mitigation strategies to minimize or prevent the cost of loss, both minor and catastrophic. When loss does occur, we manage the claim process that lets state agencies fiscally recover and carry on with their mission.​​​

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